
In the United States, director Smith saw that under his own operation, not only did he not suppress Liu Xun, but he successfully entered the world star rankings, which made him furious, the blue veins on his head were prominent, a burst of anger, in the There was a frenzy in his body.

"Fake, the yellow-skinned monkey surnamed Ye, I will definitely make your international movie box office bleak! I will make you lose blood!"

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Many people in the industry know that Smith is behind the scenes, but he failed to steal chickens, and he turned back rice. While he rectified Liu Xun, he also made many people recognize Liu Xun.

Even under his deliberate instigation, more people knew and knew Liu Xun, and finally Liu Xun was on the world star rankings in this extremely unexpected way, even if it was only a third-tier world star ranking. Location.

The third-tier ranking of world stars is an unstable list that changes frequently, especially at the end. Most people believe that the Chinese named Liu Xun will definitely stay on this list for a long time. squeezed out.

But this incident stopped disgusting, which also made Smith the object of jokes in the industry.


Huaguo looked happy. Anyway, no matter when Liu Xun fell off this list, he did climb the world star rankings and became a world-class star.

Especially after people in the know exposed the ins and outs of the incident on the Internet, the domestic people were even more hilarious.

"Hahaha, this Smith Ghost is really funny!"

"I give full marks to Ghost Smith for this assist!"

"I'm imagining what kind of expression Ghost Smith will have when he hears this news. He must be ashen with blue veins, and he can't wait to give himself two slaps!"

"Brothers, we don't want to scold Smith (ghost) anymore. He deliberately sacrificed himself to make our Liu Xun foolish. We didn't understand his good intentions before! Hahaha"

The party involved in this matter, Liu Xun, was dumbfounded when he saw the result. He found that this Smith was really a joke, and he would give himself a wave of 0 assists at this time.

Before, he was not worried about his works at all, but he was a little concerned about the promotion of overseas markets.

After all, his film is going on an international route. Naturally, he has to build momentum in foreign markets, but his reputation is not bad at home. Basically, he doesn't need to build momentum, and countless people will pay attention.

But in foreign countries, even if he is building momentum, it will not have much effect, because no one knows him.

But now it's alright, with Smith's divine assist, there's basically no need to build momentum now. Many people abroad already know him Liu Xun, and know that he will soon have an international horror blockbuster that will be released worldwide soon.

Especially in the United States, there are more people who know about him and his new movie. After all, many people directly took to the streets to demonstrate under the operation of Smith!

This is the best way to build momentum for a new movie!


On this day, the international horror blockbuster "Not Guilty Murder" directed by Smith was finally released in China.

Almost at the same time, Liu Xun's movie "Death Is Coming" was also released strongly in Xiaxia!

The media was dumbfounded, Liu Xun made it clear that he wanted to end the movie with Smith!

The industry is very excited. Many well-known domestic directors have stood up to support Liu Xun, praised Liu Xun, and called on everyone to watch Liu Xun's new movie.

The domestic people were even more excited. They found that Liu Xun was fooling around. This time, he really wanted to fight with the American director to the end!

The eyes of the whole country were all focused on these two films in an instant, which also made these two films still on the air, and they were extremely hot.

Released on the same day, it means that the two-step movie will be wildly fighting for the box office of the day, as well as the box office champion of this week.

This is something that has never happened before in China.

There is no Chinese director who dares to be so hard with the American director.

Now, let's see the results after the premiere day! .

Chapter [-] You must not do such a terrifying thing as walking! 【For subscription】

Chapter [-] You must not do such a terrifying thing as walking!

On the day of the premiere, the national attention was focused.

There are a total of four American blockbusters to be released today, and Smith's "Not Guilty Murder" is one of them.

Compared with the other three US blockbusters, "Not Guilty Murder" is the most popular in China, but has the lowest viewing index and the lowest number of films.

In desperation, Director Smith lowered the ticket price of the movie again and again. In the previous pre-sale, the ticket price was directly reduced to ten yuan, which has never been before, which made his movie viewing index slightly higher. A little bit.

The other three US blockbusters were also more or less affected by the previous video incident, and the viewing index was lower than their previous expectations. While scolding Smith for being an idiot, they also reluctantly reduced the ticket price to attract audiences.

Unlike the American blockbuster, Liu Xun's "Death Is Coming" has reached an unprecedented level in terms of popularity and movie viewing index, and the initial theater line volume is as high as 19%.

And even with such a high number of films, all the major theater chains said that the number of tickets is far from enough. As soon as the show was released, all the tickets were swarmed.

Seeing this scene, the three American directors once again warmly greeted the Smith family.

Of course, the most speechless is naturally Smith. He never thought that this would happen. He didn't expect that the Chinese people would be so sympathetic this time. They have never been hostile to their American movies, especially his movies.

However, he still did not give up, this is just the premiere, and after the film is over, he believes that countless Chinese audiences will definitely be extremely disappointed in the film made by the Chinese named Liu Xun.

Instead, they started chasing their American movies again, after all, American movies are the most well-made and best movies in the world.

The other three American directors also think the same way. They all firmly believe in American movies. They believe that as long as they have heard the first few days, their number of moviegoers will inevitably skyrocket. At that time, they will gradually increase the ticket price, and finally reach them. expected effect.

Moreover, there have been similar situations before, and they handled it like this, and they did get the desired effect and became the final winner!

But what they didn't expect was that their opponents were different. Their opponents were replaced by Liu Xun, who was countless times stronger than them!

Soon, the premiere began, and all the moviegoing customers poured into the major theaters.

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