Shanghai City.

"It's finally starting, I can't wait!"

"I've been looking forward to Liu Xun's movie for a long time, and now I can finally see it right away!"

"Support Liu Xun Da Huyou, the rise of domestic horror films!"

"I hope Liu Xun's work can be as good as his previous two movies, and it will be good to frustrate the spirit of those ghosts!"


Shengzhen City.

"Whose movie are you watching?"

"Of course it's Liu Xun's fooling around, or else you'd still look at the American ghosts?"

"Liu Xun Da Huyou's tickets sold out so fast, I almost didn't get it when I stayed there an hour in advance!"

"Hahaha, it's really appalling for you to watch American Ghostbusters movies. Not a single movie is full, especially for Ghostbusters Smith's movies. Look, there were only a dozen people watching the first movie!"

"I'm speechless. There are more than a dozen idiots who are still watching Ghost Smith's movies. Don't let me know who it is. I have to slap him twice! This brother, whose movie did you watch?"

"Ah? I... I must be watching Liu Xun Da Huyou's movie. That idiot will go to Ghost Smith's movie, no matter how cheap it is!" After he finished speaking, he squeezed the movie ticket into a ball. , for fear of others seeing!


Yanjing City.

The movie has finally started!

"Ahaha, this guy Liu Xun was kicked off the plane by someone else's airline, so he made a fuss...Fuck, the plane really exploded???"

"Your sister, shaving a beard will put your life in danger. It's incredible!"

"Damn, I'm scared to death, this stupid driver, Nima, drives such a fast car! And this 3D effect is too scary, right? Why do I feel like what happened in front of me!"

"There can't be a god of death in this world, right? This is too scary, ah! The teacher was stabbed by a knife, Liu Xun Da Huyou, come and save people! Ah!!!! Why is this chair such a coincidence? Hit the knife???"


This "Death is Coming" Liu Xun uses 3D shooting technology. In his previous life, when this film was released, this technology had not been developed, which made the "Death Is Coming" series of movies a little flawed.

Now, Liu Xun has made up for the shortcomings in this regard. The 3D version of "Death Is Coming" has created a terrifying power that has increased exponentially!

Soon, the first round of large-scale viewing was over, and the audience...they didn't dare to move their legs.

"I...I just walk out like this and won't be killed by the lights?"

"Well, my legs 840 can't be obeyed, I can't move!"

"You bastard Liu Xun is fooling around, why are you filming this kind of movie? This... Nima, can I still do something as dangerous as drinking water? I won't be choked to death, right?"

"My bladder is about to explode, but... but I don't dare to go to such a dangerous place as the toilet. What should I do? Who can help me?"

"How am I going to get home? I can't do such a horrible thing as a car anymore? I can't take the bus! I can't walk back on the road! Mom, come and save me, I can't go home!"

At the same time, similar things happened in countless theaters in China, as long as the movie theater "Death is Coming" was playing.

At the end of the movie, all the people watching the movie sat in their chairs stupidly, daring to do anything, thinking that doing anything would be life-threatening!

When the cinema staff came in and guided the moviegoers to leave, the audience still didn't dare to move, and they all said in unison that they were in danger. Another dangerous thing!

The theater staff were all dumbfounded. When these people came in after checking their tickets, they didn't find out who was mentally ill! .

Chapter [-] Movies that make people feel life-threatening 【Subscription】

Chapter [-]: Movies that make people feel life-threatening

Everyone who has watched "Death Is Coming" seems to have suffered from a death-threatening disease. The most obvious feature is that they feel that their lives are under a huge threat every minute and every second, and they may be threatened at any time. Die!

What happened in the major theaters went crazy on the Internet in an instant, causing countless discussions.

"Damn it, this is so real and fake? Can you still get sick after watching a horror movie? Why do I not believe it so much?"

"Isn't the horror movie Liu Xun Da Huyou filmed so scary? Isn't this a hype?"

"What horror movie have I not seen? What crazy thing have I never seen? Don't mention a "Death is Coming", I won't give a shit about ten gods of death, okay?"

"I used to walk around in the middle of the night, just want to hit a ghost and play. If you say that a movie will scare people out, I'm the first to not believe it!"

"It takes a lot of thinking, it must be a hype. In fact, Liu Xun's flickering is completely unnecessary. We must support your movie!"

Amidst the discussion, most people took the attitude of disbelief, not thinking that there is any movie in this world that would really scare people into that appearance, because in their knowledge, there has never been such a thing.

Through the continuous fermentation of such things, this movie has brought more attention to this movie, so that more Chinese people have swarmed into the major theaters, wanting to see with their own eyes, whether this movie is true or not. Really so scary.

So... Terror passed, and similar things continued to be staged in major theaters.

"Mom, come and save me, I won't pretend anymore, I'll never watch horror movies again in my life!"

"I'm cursing Liu Xun aloud for fooling around, it won't be life-threatening, right?"

"Ahhhhh!!! Who just touched me? Don't you know that if you touch me, you might die?"

"Why did I come here to verify whether this movie is really that scary? Is my mother full of food? By the way, I won't be in danger of eating in the future, right?"

For a moment, all the major theater chains in the country seemed to have been casted by magic. Anyone who had seen Liu Xun's movie would be so frightened that they dared not do anything, and everything they watched would be life-threatening.

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