What happened in the major theaters has intensified, and the influence of public opinion has become more terrifying. More and more audiences are attracted by this film, and they want to take a peek and see if this legendary film is true. There is such a god.

As a result, more and more people rushed to the cinema, more and more people were affected by terror, and the atmosphere of terror spread more and more widely.

In the end, it was like a snowball. The movie "Death Is Coming", with an indomitable trend, madly swept through major online forums, posted goodbyes, and Weibo, and its influence was growing.

In this somewhat strange situation, almost everyone ignores one thing, how about the movie directed by Smith in the United States!

Before that, the Chinese people were a little bit angry that no one was willing to watch Smith's movies.

But now after the film is shown, the Chinese people naturally ignore Smith's film because Liu Xun's film is really too exciting, and even refreshes their three views. There is no effective influence.

The whole of China, as if caught by evil, is talking about "Death is Coming", and whether it is really so scary!

This scene completely panicked American directors.

If it was the reason for the anger before, they believed that there would be a time to calm down, but this is not the case now, but because Liu Xun's movies are far more exciting than theirs, making the Chinese people completely ignore them. Movies released at the same time!

Director Smith panicked when he found out that the Chinese people showed this extremely abnormal appearance.

In the previous interview, the reason why he said that was because he thought he was trying to save face and was unwilling to accept the result of his film's failure, so he deliberately said lightly that he didn't care too much about the domestic box office in the United States.

In fact, no one cares about the box office of any country, it's all money, but they don't want to lose too ugly, so they say they care more about China.

Because of the U.S. market, he has already lost, saying that now he can only gamble on overseas markets, of which the Huaxia market accounts for the largest share, so he will say what he said before.

In fact, he is completely betting on the Huaxia market, and it is already a desperate situation. If he also loses in the Huaxia market, his movie will really lose money!

At that time, investors will definitely not let him go easily, even if he doesn't die, he will have to be pulled out!

At this moment, he felt an unprecedented fear, and he found that this time he seemed to provoke an enemy far beyond his imagination.

However, knowing is knowing, but he is still unwilling to accept it. The final box office of the day and the box office of this week have not come out yet, and everything is still unknown.

He forced himself to tell himself that he was completely thinking about it, everything was not so bad, he still had room to maneuver, and everything had to be based on the final box office!

Ultimate box office, this is what everyone has been waiting for.

Liu Xun is no exception. Although judging from the current high popularity on the Internet, the new movie "Death is Coming" seems to have achieved quite good results, but this is only speculation now.

But he wasn't too worried. He watched "Death is Coming" himself, and there was no problem with the production. The box office would definitely be very good, but he didn't know how good it would be in the end.

Just as Liu Xun was standing on the balcony watching the moon, a figure came over.

"." Husband, let's have a late-night snack first! The room for the day's ticket (with a good promise) should take a while to come out!" Yang Mi said softly.

Liu Xun looked at her, smiled slightly, and said, "It's so late, why are you still not sleeping? You don't have to wait here with me, you go to bed first."

After handing the hot coffee just brewed to Liu Xun, Yang Mi hugged him and said softly, "I'm not sleepy, I just want to accompany you."

She knows how important it is to her husband today, and she is tough with the American director. This is easy to say, but only they know the pressure.

If Liu Xun finally loses, he will become the laughing stock of the whole world, which will have a huge impact on his future development.

It even has an unimaginable impact on Chinese movies!

How could Liu Xun not know what he was thinking, but he didn't say much, just took her into his arms with his backhand, looked up at the moon in the sky, and showed a smile.

Just waiting for the box office statistics of the day to come out. .

The [-]nd chapter crushes the domestic movie box office, and turns to overseas [Subscription]

Huaxia, late at night.

It's already midnight, but many people can't sleep, especially the people who watched the premiere of "The God of Death" today, they are even more itchy, wanting to know how much the box office of "The God of Death" will be on the first day of today. !

on the forum.

"I can't sleep, why hasn't the box office been counted on the first day? I'm so anxious!"

"I don't even dare to say dead words now, maybe I will invite the god of death!"

"This movie is absolutely amazing. I have never seen such a terrifying movie, and I still have lingering fears. I guess the results of this movie will definitely be very good!"

"I have to say that Liu Xun Da Huyou is indeed a genius. He was able to think of it and shoot such a movie. If this movie is not good enough, we probably won't have a movie that can compete with the United States."

"I remember Ghost Smith's movie. It seems to be $[-] million at the box office on its first day in the United States. If Liu Xun's movie exceeds this number, there must be no problem, but I don't know how much it can exceed."

Countless 107 Huaxia people are looking forward to it. They have high hopes for Liu Xun's movie, hoping that this movie can make up for the shortcomings of Huaxia's international horror blockbuster.

If you want to make a name for yourself abroad, you must have a solid foundation.

And the box office on the premiere day is a very important judgment!

In the atmosphere of much-anticipated attention, the box office of "The God of Death" is finally released on the premiere day!


Theater line.

Looking at the numbers counted on the screen, the staff were all stunned.

"This...isn't this a mistake?"

"Old Zhao, do we want to count again?"

"There's also a count of wool. These are all data from the national network. It's impossible to make mistakes, and the final data of other theaters are also similar, so there's no need to count any more. There's nothing wrong with this box office!"

"My darling, Liu Xun has pierced the sky again!"

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