After the two chatted for a few more words, they hung up the phone, and then saw Liu Xun muttering alone: ​​"Eight percent of the initial production volume? It's really arrogant and prejudiced to us Huaxia. But this time, I'm afraid you will be shocked!"

Soon, the film "Death is Coming" began its world premiere.

Cake country.

"Huaxia people can actually make movies? They also make international horror movies? It's really new, take a look!"

"It turns out that Huaxia has international movies, this is the first time I heard about it."

"This one called Liu Xun should be the Chinese who fought with the American director Smith, right? I didn't expect that he actually made an international horror blockbuster. I just don't know how the film will look. Forget it. Let's go and see!"


A Three Kingdoms.

"I heard that Huaxia's movie has caused a huge sensation in China. It is really rare that Huaxia's domestic box office has directly crushed all the movies in the United States."

"Hey, Asan upstairs, don't you know? The reason why Liu Xun was able to win the American director's work is entirely because there was a foolish American director named Smith who talked nonsense in public and caused a lot of trouble. The constant resistance of the Chinese people made the Chinese named Liu Xun win by luck."

"That's right, then I'm afraid this Chinese movie won't last long. I believe that the box office will soon be overtaken by American movies."

When the three of them said these words, they didn't know how terrifying the box office of Liu Xun's movie was on the premiere day.

Most foreign countries basically have this idea. In their opinion, it is absolutely impossible for Chinese films to be compared with American films. The current situation is only a rare exception.

However, if they could know how much the top-ranked "Death Is Coming" was at the box office, and how many American movies were ahead of the second, they would definitely not have such an idea.

Of course, in the entire foreign market, the United States is the country that looks down on Liu Xun's films the most, and the relevant government agencies simply don't bother to pay attention to what's going on with Liu Xun's side.

But it is precisely for this reason that Liu Xun's film can be released in the United States, otherwise it will be a big trouble.

After all, such a proud U.S. would definitely not be able to stand Liu Xun's words about dumping thousands of American movies.

However, if it is a crazy thing said by an ignorant and nameless person, they are too lazy to pay attention, and Liu Xun is the ignorant and nameless person in their eyes.

Soon, the first round of global broadcasts on the premiere day are over.

Originally, with the attitude of watching the fun, I tried to watch the foreign people who dared to challenge the American director to make a movie. After watching the movie, they were all stunned!

Bingguo: "Damn, I actually have a pen in my hand and these terrifying things, I won't die, right?"

Ah Sanguo: "This movie is really amazing. When did Huaxia have such a high level of film production that even a horror movie of this level can be shot! It's amazing!"

Pakistan: "My Huaxia brothers are amazing, I just want to give them a few slaps in the United States, and let their self-proclaimed extraordinary guys be arrogant. I want to see who wins in the end!"

Miguo: "I really convinced you, you can watch movies like Huaxia, it's just a waste of time, okay? In our U.S., no one will watch a movie like him.


Because the citizens of our country never watch unintended garbage movies in the United States.And Liu Xun's movie is one of those; one of the junk movies! "

Yingguo: "Today is about to end, and the global box office results will be released soon. This matter should be known soon!"

Time has passed quickly, and it is rare that today many people around the world are paying attention to the film made by a Chinese person, and how the box office will be on the global premiere day.

Such a situation is extremely rare. There are few international blockbusters in China that have appeared on the world stage, let alone attracted the attention of so many countries.

One hour, half an hour, the time has finally come, and the world premiere box office of "Death is Coming" has finally been updated!


Cake Country: "Death is Coming" (Huaxia), box office: $[-] million.

A Sanguo: "Death is Coming" (Huaxia), box office: $[-] million.

United States: "Death is Coming" (China), box office: $[-]!


Overseas: "Death is Coming" (Huaxia), gross box office: [-] million US dollars. "

When this list appeared, countless people from all over the world were discussing gloatingly at the World Forum.

"Hahaha, this Chinese person still wants to fight with other American directors, I really don't know how high the sky is! Is it slapped in the face now?"

"This Chinese person is really brave. On the first day, the overseas market can generate [-] million US dollars. Although it is not as high as the overseas box office of American movies, it is not bad."

"Actually...Actually, I want to say, you must have not seen this movie, I suggest you to watch it!"


Liu Xun's mood did not fluctuate much after seeing the box office premiere in overseas markets.

He doesn't care much about the box office on the first day of the premiere. What he cares more about is the full-seat rate of overseas films that Wang Congcong just sent him.

He found that the farther back he went, the higher the movie's full capacity, the more people came to watch it, and there were even several theater chains that were increasing the number of films for his movie!

After seeing this piece of data, Liu Xun had a bottom line. .

Chapter [-] Public opinion on the Internet 【Subscription】

Compared with the domestic box office, the overseas box office is the focus of this film, and it is also the key to this matter. It is not about how much profit it makes, but about Chinese movies, and it is about a breath.

The "Death Comes" filmed by Liu Xun is an international horror blockbuster. Only with extremely outstanding results in overseas markets can it truly show the rise of Chinese movies. The domestic box office is only a basic reference.

No matter how high the domestic box office is, it will not represent the overseas box office. At that time, people from other countries will still say that their Chinese movies are not good and cannot go abroad.

Just when countless Chinese people were anxiously waiting, with the refresh of the overseas box office list, the Internet was full of frying pans in an instant!

"Fuck, what's the situation, how can such a low overseas box office be? Can't such a classic movie not work?"

"May [-]" "[-] million US dollars? This box office is too low! It's only one-tenth of the domestic premiere box office! Are these foreigners stupid? Don't you appreciate the work?"

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