"It's over, can't even Liu Xun Da Huyou go out in person? Can Huaxia Film really be unable to open up overseas markets?"

"Don't panic everyone, on the first day of the premiere, it's nothing. The final overseas box office depends on the follow-up situation, and it is said that the number of overseas films this time is also very high, and most of them are only about [-]%. , so the low box office on the first day is understandable!"

"That being said, the box office on the first day of the premiere is low. According to common sense, this is a signal that overseas markets do not accept international films shot by Huaxia, and the final box office is not expected to be high!"

There is everything that is said on the Internet. Some people support Liu Xun and firmly believe that he will definitely be able to open a channel for the overseas film market of Huaguo.

However, most people still hold a pessimistic attitude. The box office on the opening day can really explain too many problems.

Just like the high box office on the first day of the premiere of "Death is Coming" in China, it has been determined that this film will inevitably become a hit in China and completely crush other films.

But the low opening day box office suggests that the film will end up low as well.

In order to maintain revenue, many theaters will reduce the number of films with low box office, or even directly shorten the release time, so that the film will be taken off the shelves in advance, which will make the box office of this film even more scary.

This kind of thing has not happened.

Why do so many famous directors in China dare not shoot international blockbusters? It is because some people have tried it before and want to open up overseas markets, but it was only a few days after the release, because the number of viewers was too small and the box office was too low, which led to the film being released ahead of schedule. With the ridicule of countless countries, he hid back in China.

Now Liu Xun's film is the same as the films made by famous Chinese directors. The box office on its opening day is very low. The total box office of the entire overseas market is only [-] million US dollars, which is one tenth of the box office of the domestic premiere day. about.

Such a situation will naturally make the people feel pessimistic about the film's overseas box office.

Most people in the industry in China think like this, and even some stars and directors who are close to Liu Xun specially called to comfort Liu Xun, telling him that nothing can be successful in one go, saying that he is young and still has a chance. .

Liu Xun could only shake his head helplessly and replied, "Haha!"

In fact, he is not pessimistic at all. From the full-seat ratio of the overseas film that Wang Congcong sent him, it can be seen that this film is showing an upward trend.

From the beginning, no one watched it, and it gradually appeared to be full of people in the end, which showed that the overseas market accepted this movie, which was also expected by Liu Xun, and now it is time to wait.

The low box office on the overseas premiere day is to be expected. After all, the arrogance and prejudice of the overseas market towards Huaxia is not something that happens in a day or two. It is impossible to break this prejudice and it will take a certain amount of time.

However, he believes in the power of the film, and this downturn will not last long.



Smith and several other American directors, who had lost the battle in Huaxia, all hid in their homes in shame and did not dare to see anyone.

But after seeing the total box office of Liu Xun's overseas premiere day, several people seemed to be alive in an instant, and once again attended various occasions in suits and leather shoes.

They did lose the battle in the Huaxia market, but Liu Xun was defeated in the entire overseas market. In comparison, the loss of face they lost was far less than Liu Xun's...  

At least the total overseas box office of their premiere day was much higher than the box office of Liu Xun's film. At the same time, they also attributed Huaxia's failure to the fact that the Chinese people were too xenophobic, not the reason for their movie.

Even several of their directors attended an interview, a special interview about their Chinese film box office failure and Liu Xun's views on the film.

This is an interview with a local TV station in the United States, and the audience is not large. The reason for shooting such a special interview is to get the attention of the audience while this matter is still hot.

During the interview, the host asked several American directors for their views on Liu Xun's film and his expectations for the film's overseas box office.

Several directors were all holding back their energy, and now they finally had the opportunity to mock Liu Xun, they were all very excited.

Smith: "That Chinese man is so able to deceive the people, which made our American films suffer setbacks in China.

But the eyes of the masses are sharp. Did you see that the Chinese box office was only [-] million US dollars on the opening day, and even if I removed the Chinese box office, the entire overseas box office was [-] million US dollars. This is The pros and cons of the two movies!

As for the box office of that Chinese movie, I predict that 5.0 million US dollars in the [-]th issue is already the limit, and I only need three or four days to reach this number at the overseas box office! "

Several other directors who were interviewed, also said Lei Ye, who were extremely dissatisfied with the overseas box office of Liu Xun's film!

Not long after the interview ended, the overseas market screening of "Death Is Coming" ended on the second day, and the overseas box office data was updated.

Cake Country: "Death is Coming" (Huaxia), box office: $[-] million.

A Sanguo: "Death is Coming" (Huaxia), box office: $[-] million.

United States: "Death is Coming" (China), box office: $[-] million!


Overseas: "Death is Coming" (Huaxia), gross box office: [-] million US dollars! .

Chapter [-]: The Road to Counterattack

What is sore face?

When I saw the overseas box office of "Death is Coming" on the second day, several American directors who were interviewed deeply realized it.

Especially Smith, he felt that the Chinese named Liu Xun was his nemesis, and he could do things beyond his expectations every time.

He just finished talking about Liu Xun's overseas box office of up to [-] million US dollars, let alone the overseas box office of [-] million US dollars on his premiere day.

As a result, "Death Is Coming" slapped him hard at the overseas box office on the second day, with [-] million US dollars, which was nearly three times higher than the overseas box office of its premiere day, and it just surpassed him. [-] million at the box office.

This made him feel like he was being played around, it was so uncomfortable!

Even so, he still did not admit defeat, and saw that he quickly boarded his own Werther, unable to post a new news.

"The second day of "Death Is Coming" overseas box office is just a flashback. This movie has reached its limit, and the subsequent box office will inevitably decline rapidly, until the major theaters can't make any profits. The movie is off the shelf! 20

In addition, through my professional analysis of many years of directing career experience, the overseas box office of this film will definitely not exceed [-] million. After removing the [-]% of various taxes and the cinema chain, the overseas box office revenue of this film will definitely not exceed [-] million yuan. It will be over $[-] million! "

By posting this news, he was trying to save face for himself, and justified it by telling everyone that what he had could not exceed [-] million US dollars, it was actually various after-tax overseas box office income.

Not many people care about his behavior. After all, he is not a famous director in the United States at all, it's just his own panic.

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