After the overseas box office update came out the next day, relevant people in many countries noticed the abnormality of the movie "Death Is Coming".

It can be said that the film started very low, and the box office was only [-] million on its overseas premiere day, which is already a low box office that cannot be lower.

I never thought that on the second day, this movie had a big reversal. The box office of many countries increased by nearly three times that day, especially the United States, which was directly from the very beginning. The box office of [-] has increased five times, and it has become a box office of [-] million!

Although even the second day's overseas box office was only [-] million US dollars, it was only a figure that barely stepped on the passing line, but the speed of improvement is too scary, and it has directly increased by as much as three times!

Such changes have been noticed by many netizens in various countries, and many people have boarded the World Forum to communicate.

"Has anyone watched the "Death Is Coming" filmed by Huaxia people? Is it good? Why does the data grow so fast? I thought this movie was going to be cut off!"

"I don't know. Yesterday, this movie hit [-] million dollars in our cake country, but today it reached [-] million dollars. I heard that there are still theaters that want to increase the number of films for this movie. Woolen cloth!"

"It's strange for us as well. Could it be that this Chinese movie can really make a way? It's unlikely, right?"

"Fuck, this movie is too classic, it's really good, I recommend it with vomiting blood, and, I'm from the United States, this movie is more classic than the movies made in our country!"

"Pfft! Brother upstairs, you are afraid that you are a fake American? How can you say that the movie is more classic than the movie made in your own country?"

"Yes, yes, the upstairs is definitely the funny person invited by the Chinese!"

"Fuck, scolding Fake, you still don't believe it, look, I and my US ID card, now believe that I am from the US?"

"Oh, this brother's PS skills are good, where did you learn it?


In China, after seeing the overseas box office of the next day, countless netizens started to talk about it.

"Am I not mistaken? It has increased so much? It's nearly three times more than the first day, right? Could it be that Liu Xun's movie is going to achieve a shocking counterattack?"

"Upstairs, I'm afraid you are thinking too much. The overseas box office of [-] million US dollars is just barely on the pass line. It can only be said that this movie will not be quickly cut off by major theaters. As for the shocking counterattack, this data is definitely not enough!"

"Anyway, Liu Xun's flickering movie, this time it can be regarded as a firm foothold for the time being. That's not bad. I like Liu Xun's flickering and Huaxia movie!"

"It's rare for Huaxia to make such a movie. I believe in Liu Xun, I believe in his films. Let's lead Huaxia Movies to open up overseas markets! Let the arrogance and prejudice of those ghosts go to hell, those who offend me Huaxia, although It will be punished far away!"


Another day has passed, and the overseas box office data will be updated on the third day. Countless Chinese people are watching this list. The influence of Liu Xun's film on the Chinese film and television industry is too great!

What is rare is that in other countries in the world, more and more people are gradually paying attention to this list, and they will also pay attention to what is going on with "Death Is Coming" to see if the movie can still continue all the way. Climb up, or really just return to the light, fall into a low state again, and never recover.

United States, Smith's home.

He, who had already rested in the past, was constantly refreshing the overseas box office at this time. Compared with the box office of his own movies, his eyes were more on the box office of "Death Is Coming", and he wanted to witness this damn movie. The film has since declined.

He wants to watch that incomparably hateful Chinese man and his movie, and disappear in front of him from now on!

Finally, the time is up, the overseas box office is updated.

Cake Country: "Death is Coming" (Huaxia), box office: $[-] million.

A Sanguo: "Death is Coming" (Huaxia), box office: $[-] million.

United States: "Death is Coming" (China), box office: $[-] million!


Overseas: "Death is Coming" (Huaxia), gross box office: [-] million US dollars!

As soon as the list came out, Smith gushed out a mouthful of old blood uncontrollably!

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Chapter [-] Can't buy tickets in Chinatown? 【For subscription】

As soon as the list came out, everyone was frightened, especially the countless people in China, who were all dumbfounded.

If the overseas box office of [-] million US dollars is barely above the passing line, then the box office of [-] million US dollars is a very dazzling achievement, at least it can be called excellent!

In an instant, news came flooding in.

[Huaxia Movie may stage a shocking counterattack! 】

[The world may re-examine Chinese movies! 】

[Huaxia overseas film market will sprint to open? 】

[Huaxia International horror blockbuster, a black shiny black horse! 】

[The world's major theaters have continued to increase the number of films for the movie "Death is Coming", and it is estimated that the number of overseas films may increase to [-]%! 】

The country of Ying, the country of the United States, the country of cakes, the three countries of the three countries... the news of many countries in the world are reporting this matter.

Huaxia movies have not appeared on the world movie stage for a long time.

This time, a Chinese named Liu Xun, with a movie, started from a low start and forcibly tore the road to the overseas market.

Forty-six million US dollars is a Hollywood blockbuster, but that's not the case, and it may not even be able to reach it. Only those extremely classic film and television works will have more than this box office results.

Liu Xun's movie, from the current point of view, can undoubtedly be called an excellent work, and the next one will be a legendary classic!

It is not uncommon for Hollywood to produce several classic works in a year, or even not even one of them!

A film and television that can be excellent by the judges is already a success, which means that this film can be made into a sequel in the future, and the box office will be very objective, and even create a series is very possible.

This kind of situation was unexpected for everyone. If he had to say it, only Liu Xun, only he predicted the current scene.

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