Huang Lei said suspiciously: "Shangzhong..."

When he finally heard the word Zhong, Sun Honglei was very surprised and said, "Yes, this is the first word!"

As he spoke, he wanted to sign the second year again.

Huang Lei looked speechless and said, "The first word is Shangzhong? Why do you think it's wrong! The first word is Shangzhong???"

The audience all burst into laughter.

"Mr. Huang Lei is acting on purpose, right? What about the IQ of the gods?"

"Hahahahaha, I'm so amused, the first word is actually said to be 上中々"! "

"Look at Sun's pretty expression, I feel like he's about to explode!"

The other guests also burst out laughing when they saw this scene.

Shen Teng said with a big laugh, "Hahaha, then I can rest assured! Today I can finally win against Liu Xun and them once!"

Chen He also laughed and said, "Huang Lei, are you a pig? The first word is in the middle, thank you for saying it?"

Deng Chao laughed frantically, gloating over his misfortune, and said, "Hahaha, Huang Lei, I will obey you with your IQ!"

Hearing the crowd booing, Sun Honglei was also very angry. He completely tore his patience and shouted in the direction of the director: "Pull away, pull him away! Get him, get him!"

Hearing this, Huang Lei was immediately dumbfounded. He felt that the device under his feet was really being pulled apart. He shouted anxiously, "NO, don't! Sun Meimei, you are unjust!"

At this moment, Liu Xun suddenly pointed at Deng Chao and Shen Teng and said, "Who are they called?"

Huang Lei was stunned for a moment, and said doubtfully, "Middle-aged?"

Sun Honglei was immediately startled and exclaimed in ecstasy, "That's right, but there's no such thing!"

The audience was stunned and burst into laughter!

"Fuck, is this okay???"

"Shen Teng and Deng Chao were both stabbed while lying down!"

"Why do I have to hurry up the god operator to calculate others, he is very sensitive, and when it comes to himself, why does his IQ look like he is out of line?"

Shen Teng and Deng Chao on the other side of the stage were all dumbfounded.

Chen He, who was on the side, saw his teammates being tricked, laughed wildly, and gloated on his face.

Suddenly, Liu Xun pointed at Chen He again and said, "What does he call this reminder?"


As soon as the voice came out, Chen He's expression instantly stiffened, his face was ashen, and he felt as if something bad would happen soon.

Seeing that he had just arrived and turned around, when he wanted to say something, Huang Lei said directly without thinking: "Fat? Middle-aged??"

Everyone laughed, and Chen He collapsed on his face. He knelt down on the stage and yelled at Huang Lei: "Where did you see me getting fat in middle age? I was born strong today, okay? Not fat! !!"

However, the more he defended, the more everyone laughed happily. Shen Teng and Deng Chao, who were mocked by him just now, almost burst into tears!

The audience in the live broadcast room were all laughing wildly.

"It came out like this? I'm really surprised!"

"I'm really convinced. I feel that Huang Lei must have done it on purpose. When Liu Xun talked about him before, he couldn't think of this. Now when he talks about others, he immediately has an IQ of [-]. It's simple!"

"Liu Xun's fooling is too bad, right? It turned out to be a disaster! I'm convinced!"

Soon, the second question begins, the title is - hair loss!

Seeing this topic, Sun Honglei and Liu Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

Huang Lei looked suspicious, could it be easy.

Just when Liu Xun was about to speak, Sun Honglei pointed at Huang Lei and said, "." At your age, what is missing at your age?Two words to describe it! "

Huang Lei's forehead is full of black lines, what does it mean to be my age?

If it weren't for the recording of the show, he would have liked to rush over to tear Sun Meimei to pieces!

Seeing this scene, the other guests all burst into laughter.

Shen Teng said with a smile: "I can guarantee that when the show is finished recording, Huang Lei will definitely hammer Sun Meimei to death!"

Deng Chao laughed wildly: "Hahahaha, how come you are your age again? Huang Lei has such a teammate, I really sympathize with him!"

The device under his feet has been opening more and more, and Huang Lei can't care about his anger, and asked (Wang Zhaozhao) doubtfully: "Time?"

The audience all burst into laughter.

"How can it be time? At your age, two words describe it, it's obviously hair, and if it's less, it's hair loss!"

"Speechless, God Operator's IQ is offline again!"

"I feel that Sun Pretty is just here to play with Huang Lei!"


Just when everyone was laughing, Liu Xun suddenly pointed at Shen Teng and Deng Chao on the other side again, and said, "At their age, what is missing? How to describe it?"

Immediately, Shen Teng and Deng Chao were stunned. The smiles on their faces just now stiffened in an instant, and a bad premonition appeared in their hearts.

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