At the same time, the urge to hammer Liu Xun to death was hard to contain in my heart!

The audience laughed even more, and it seemed that a scene very similar to the one at the moment was about to be staged again!


Chapter [-] The peak of the decisive battle trump card 【Subscription】

Chapter four hundred and thirty sixth decisive battle ace peak

The show is still on air, and everyone is waiting for Huang Lei's response, wondering if he can still accurately guess the two words on the question board this time.

In between, Huang Lei glanced at Shen Teng and Deng Chao suspiciously, muttering in his heart.

After the answer just now, time is definitely wrong, so what is missing at this age?

Thinking about it, Huang Lei said suspiciously, "Lost hair? Hair loss?"

In an instant, everyone in the audience was shocked.

"Shen Shuzi is really a god. When a problem falls on someone else's body, his IQ rises instantly, and when it comes to his own body, it's completely different!"

"I can guarantee that Liu Xun and the other actors must have negotiated in advance, and deliberately set up Shen Teng and Deng Chao here, otherwise there must be no such mysterious thing!"

"Shen Shuan's name is really not for nothing, it's amazing!"

The guests on stage also laughed together.

Huang Bo and Xiao Zhuxiao's stomach hurts!

So are the guests from the ace family.

Liu Shishi and Ouyang Nana are covering their mouths and snickering.

Originally, due to the previous problem, Chen He, who was completely injured, was instantly revived with blood, and he laughed wildly, as if he was a winner.

There were only Shen Teng and Deng Chao lying on the gun in the audience, with a dark face and a look of suffocation, but his appearance made everyone laugh and couldn't stop!

Huaxia people have a characteristic: good things!

There is another characteristic of Chinese people: watching the fun is not a big deal!

At this moment, it is completely and fully withdrawn!

Soon, the third topic appeared - the middle knife!

Seeing this topic, Sun Honglei instantly became excited again, and shouted excitedly: "Leilei's first word, who were those Deng Chao and Shen Teng just now?"

Huang Lei thought for a moment and said, "Middle-aged?"

Seeing that he answered correctly, Sun Honglei was even more excited and said, "The first word in these three words, this title has two words, and the other word is..."

Speaking of which, he really couldn't think of what to say, and in a hurry, he gestured directly.

I saw that he made a grip with his hands, and then quickly stabbed Liu Xun beside him.

Liu Xun also cooperated and made a look of being stabbed to death by a knife.

Then the two said in unison: "What is this in your hand?"

Looking at the extremely exaggerated performance of the two, Huang Lei burst into laughter.

Suddenly the device under his feet was pulled open again, and he cried out in pain immediately.

"Ouch, is it a knife, my God, I can't hold it anymore! What ligaments do I still have at my age!"

The audience burst into laughter again.

"Hahaha, the god operator Huang Lei is now a compromise, and he himself said that he is this age!"

"It's really funny how extreme men help these funny people!"

"Hahaha, I'm going to die of laughter!"

Then, the fourth question appeared - a lot of knives!

As soon as this topic came out, everyone laughed instantly.

I was hit with a knife just now, and now I have hit a lot of knives, which is amazing!

However, seeing everyone giggling into a ball, Huang Lei was dumbfounded. He only felt that the device under his feet was being pulled further and further apart, and he even felt that his ligaments were about to be completely broken!

I saw him yelling in pain: "What happened? Who can tell me? I can't hold it anymore! Ah!!!"

Hearing what he said, Sun Honglei and Liu Xuncai put away their crazy smiles, and performed exaggeratedly again.

I saw Liu Xunxiang holding the knife like just now, and stabbed Sun Honglei frantically, Sun Honglei also cooperated with various actions and made various strange noises.

Then the two quickly said: "Four words! It's related to the topic just now!"

Having said that, the two replayed it again for Huang Lei to see.

Huang Lei thought for a while, and said suspiciously: "Could it be that (biaa) is... a lot of knives?"

Everyone burst out laughing, what kind of question is this!

In the end, with the cooperation of Liu Xun and the three of them, a total of seven knives were answered correctly.

It is worth mentioning that in the end, Huang Lei, the god operator, couldn't take it anymore. He had an idea, and he was in a push-up position, supporting him on the constantly stretching device, which bought him a lot of time.

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