Seeing that his teammates not only didn't help him, but kept digging at him there, Wang Zulan wanted to die.

"What kind of teammates do I have? Just Liu Xun's figure and mine, I'll do some wool with him!!!"

Then he smiled wryly again, looked at Liu Xun and said, "Liu Xun, can we talk? It's wrong for you to pull me like this!"

However, Liu Xun didn't listen at all, and he was still pulling him.

Suddenly, at this moment, Liu Xun suddenly released Wang Zulan and quickly hid aside.

Seeing his actions, Wang Zulan was stunned for a moment, then turned back in astonishment.


In an instant, he saw two people quickly fall in his direction.

It was Xiaozhu and Nana. In the end, Nana could not escape the pig's hand. At the moment when Xiaozhu slipped, he pulled her, and both of them fell from above.

"No!" Wang Zulan shouted with a look of horror on his face.

However, it didn't work at all. After he shouted this sentence, the whole person was hit by the pig and Nana who were quickly hitting him, and then he was hit directly.

"Pfft!" With a sound, he fell on the air cushion with his feet upside down!

Liu Xun, who was on the side, survived the disaster, and immediately burst into laughter.

The other guests also all "poof" and laughed.

They didn't expect the change to come so fast, and several people returned to the starting point again.

The audience couldn't help but laugh.

"Wang Zulan is so unlucky!"

"Look at Wang Zulan's shattered appearance, this time is definitely not light!"

"Liu Xun is too cunning, so he just runs away!"

"I feel like Wang Zulan is about to cry!"

"Wang Zulan: Why is it always me who gets hurt?"

on the air cushion.

Piggy and Nana both got up one after another.

Watching Wang Zulan, who was knocked flying and smashed, also burst into laughter there.

Wang Zulan's face was stiff, and she burst into tears.

"Liu Xun, let's have a good talk, do you know that you are wrong?"

He was too lazy to get up, so he lay on the air cushion, looked at Liu Xun, and prepared to chat with him about his ideals in life.

At this moment, the sharp-eyed Nana found that Liu Xun and Xiaozhu were all focused on Wang Zulan, and Wang Zulan's posture of lying on the air cushion was right in front of the two of them, and immediately took the opportunity to slip away, Getting ready to climb the air ladder again.


However, as soon as she moved, both Liu Xun and Xiaozhu were found...  

Nana was so frightened that her face paled, and she walked towards the stairs more quickly.

She didn't dare to run, it was too slippery and she was afraid of falling.

How could Liu Xun and Xiaozhu let her run away so easily, and they chased after them immediately.

Wang Zulan, who was lying on the air cushion, also discovered this situation, and immediately stopped caring about his ideals in life.

I saw that he hugged Liu Xun's calf with both hands, and then used his two feet to mix the piglet, shouting, "Nana, come on, I'll buy you time!"

Nana turned her head to look at him, feeling a little moved in her heart, and nodded seriously, as if saying goodbye to a comrade-in-arms, with red eyes, she quickly climbed up the air cushion stairs.


Just when she was about to touch the air cushion, something suddenly grabbed her ankle. Looking back, it turned out to be Liu Xun.

I saw that after Liu Xun was caught by Wang Zulan's calf, he rushed towards Nana directly, just enough to catch Nana with his palm.


Nana let out a scream with a wry smile on her face, she already had a premonition that something bad would happen.

Sure enough, just after Liu Xun grabbed her ankle, her whole body was pulled down on the air cushion by Liu Xun, and it was another mouthful of shower gel with a strange smell.

That's it, Liu Xun is completely in a posture that no one can walk.

Within the allotted three-minute game time, no one managed to climb up, all of them seemed to be taking a shower, with shower gel all over their bodies, and they were lying on the air cushion panting.

The audience all laughed madly.

"Hahaha, Liu Xun is too hard, it's a black hole in the game!"

"I really can't figure out why Liu Xun didn't climb that one by himself. He obviously has a great advantage, and he is also a Tai Chi master. I'm afraid this should be easy?"

"Upstairs, can you really say that this is recording a show, and it's not a real fight. Do you really want to use Tai Chi?"

"I can guarantee that if Liu Xun uses Tai Chi, let alone two people, even if all the members of the ace family go together, they will not be a match for Liu Xun alone!"

Chapter [-] Liu Xun is angry 【Subscription】

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