Chapter [-] Liu Xun is angry 【Subscription】

The show continues.

Looking at the air cushion, Liu Xun and the four of them were all panting lying on it. The other guests were all laughing like crazy, especially Deng Chao and Chen He, who both fell to the ground laughing.

The first round of the final battle, the peak of the trump card, ended with no one winning and a draw.

After the host Shen Tao laughed, he held the microphone again and began to announce the second round of rules.

"I learned from the experience of the first round, in order to make the game more fun and make the game black hole play a greater role, in the second round, everyone went up to the air cushion, and within the specified time, watched the pile of climbing up. The team with the most people wins!"

As soon as these words came out, the other guests who were still laughing were all dumbfounded.

"Hey, isn't it? Everyone is on? Then it's not a mess anymore?" Chen He was the first to object.

"Everyone is going up? That means Liu Xun is going to continue going up too?" Liu Shishi shrank her neck, but she saw how miserable Nana was being treated just now.

18 "It's okay, there's my sister here, wait for me to stop them all by myself!" Jia Ling licked his lips with his tongue and said with a wicked smile.

Hearing what he said, the extreme men's gang, who had not reacted too much at first, instantly seemed to be frying.

"Jia Ling, let me tell you, you can't do this!" Huang Bo was the first to object.

"Akita Bo, when the time comes, you have to protect this king!" Sun Honglei said, looking at Huang Bo with a serious face.

"Why do I have a hunch that I will be blown away by a depth charge?" Squirrel Xun said cowardly.

The audience burst into laughter when they saw their appearance.

"Hahaha, the host, my grandma will accept you, this plan is great!"

"It seems that there will be an epic drama next!"

"Expressing great anticipation for the Human Flesh Missile!"

On the stage, after playing for a while, everyone obediently got on the extremely slippery air cushion.

"Wow! Do you want to be so slippery?" Deng Chao exclaimed as soon as he came up.

"Brother Chao, you must protect me!" Chen He grabbed Liu Xun's arm tightly and said with a very scared look.

"It's really slippery!" Sheep Xing carefully stood on the air cushion and tried the thick shower gel under her feet.

Suddenly at this moment, a hand suddenly appeared behind him, and with a slight push, Yang Xing's entire body seemed to be out of control, sliding towards the crowd.

"Ooh! Be careful, get out of the way!"

During the gliding process, the sheep shouted incessantly, signaling the high energy ahead, and everyone retreated!

In front, Shen Teng, Chen He, Squirrel Xun, Huang Lei, Sun Honglei and others were all startled, and tried to dodge to the side quickly, but the air cushion was too slippery, and when they panicked, some people lost their balance.

Before Sheep Xing could collide, Chen He couldn't hold it any longer, and fell on the air cushion.

During the fall, he also pulled Deng Chao and Huang Bo, who was beside him, with his hands.

As a result, a group of people were like ancient poker cards. This one pulled and the other pushed, and they all lost their balance. One by one, they fell on the air cushion, and ate a mouthful of shower gel with a special smell.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xun and the others suddenly laughed strangely with excitement.

Just now, it was Liu Xun who gently pushed the unsuspecting sheep to cheer, and as a result, a group reaction was induced, and everyone fell on the air cushion.

The little pigs next to him, Wang Zulan, and Ouyang Nana, all laughed and burst into tears.

The audience laughed even more.

"Liu Xun Da Huyou is really too bad, this time he brought everyone down!"

"Today I saw how terrifying the black hole of the game is!"

"Look at the expressions of Lao Dengtou and the others, oh, it's wonderful!"

"I didn't expect to see such a wonderful scene before I actually started climbing!"

"This game is completely made for Liu Xun!"

On the stage, everyone looked angrily at Liu Xun, who was laughing the most.

Liu Xun immediately pointed to the little pig beside him, his whole face was like a conjuration, he couldn't stop laughing just now, but in the blink of an eye, he looked serious and looked at the little pig and said bitterly.

"Pig, you can't do this? How can you do this? Those are all our comrades-in-arms. How can you do it?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhu was completely stunned, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him with angry eyes, he immediately explained: "Don't listen to Brother Liu Xun's nonsense, I don't need to tell you who is the black hole in the game, everyone should know?"

He doesn't want to be the target of everyone's hatred, otherwise he won't know how to die when he is afraid that he will die!

However, when he was trying his best to justify others, Liu Xun, who was beside him suddenly, pushed him slightly while he was unprepared.

When he reacted, he found that he couldn't help himself, and the whole body was completely instructed to quickly slide towards the crowd.

Deng Chao, Sun Honglei and the others who just got up from the air cushion were instantly terrified. They didn't expect Liu Xun to come again.

"Fuck! Liu Xun didn't let you play like this!" Deng Chao said angrily.

"Ah! Liu Xun, let's fight!" Chen He shouted loudly while dodging.

"Akita wave, come on! Bite him!" Sun Honglei called out.

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