"Who the hell invented this line, I owe it to you?"

"Liu Xun Da Huyou can't bear it anymore, he's going to go up and smoke him!"

"This mother-in-law is really god, don't hold back Liu Xun's flickering, and smoke if you should!"

On the stage, Huang Bo finally repeated his lines several times in the eyes of Liu Xun who wanted to tear him to pieces.

Seeing that the compartment door was finally closing slowly, he still had lingering fears, fearing that Liu Xunzhen would slap him.

Because of this line, he himself feels indebted!

Then another compartment door opened, and the pig was on the opposite side.

As soon as the door was opened, Liu Xun's expression was very wrong.

I saw his puzzled Wen Dou: "Brother Liu Xun, what's the matter? Did you not remember the lines?"

Liu Xun shook his head speechlessly, looked at him, and said with an ugly face: "."... You hit me, you hit me! "

The little pig was stunned. Is there such a good thing in the world?

But the opposite is Liu Xun's big flicker, he won't be cheating on me, right?

Thinking of this, he immediately felt that something was wrong, and realized that this must be a line, just this line... Why do you owe it so much?

Seeing Liu Xun's extremely untidy performance, Xiaozhu struggled to hold back a smile and said, "Brother Liu Xun, is that the line?"

Liu Xun nodded angrily, this is definitely the most underrated line in history, no one!

One minute passed quickly.

As the door of the carriage was closed, Xiaozhu turned to the other side with an uneasy mood, and after seeing Huang Lei, the god operator, his first words were: "Brother Huang Lei, please don't beat me, I was there. Read the lines!"

Huang Lei was stunned, not knowing what happened.

After watching Xiao Zhu's performance like a playwright, Huang Lei couldn't laugh anymore (his promise was good).

A minute later, Huang Lei walked over to the host with an incredible look on his face. Liu Xun and the others all ran to Yang Xing's place quickly to see what kind of ill-formed lines this was.

In the end, Huang Lei answered more than [-] words correctly, which were basically the first lines.

At the same time, the number [-] Sheep Xing, the number [-] Squirrel Xun, and the number [-] Liu Xun and the number [-] Piglet all gathered around, where to study the lines.

I found that this line really owes it, but it is also easy to remember.

In the end, Liu Xun and his extreme challenge team won this project.

The next step is to play some classic videos of "Extreme Challenge" in the program conventions. Through this, let today's theme be sublimated!

The show is almost over.


Chapter [-]: The new sketch theme, the reunion of the Iron Triangle

The "Ace vs. Ace" program, recorded here, is almost over.

The next step is to follow the usual practice and give the winning members of the extreme men's gang a gold trump card.

After the program was recorded, the director of Zhejiang TV station personally came to the program group, waiting for Liu Xun and the others to come out, and wanted to reward Liu Xun for them.

This evening, the program ratings and the number of people in the live broadcast room have both increased several times. This has never happened before. How could he not be excited.

As the saying goes, Shen's hands don't hit smiling faces, and Liu Xun and the others don't have the face of the director.

After pushing the cups and changing the cups, the director originally wanted to keep Liu Xun and the others here for the night. He said that he wanted to enter the friendship of the landlords. In fact, he wanted to make good friends with Liu Xun and the others. Good mouth.

Everyone kindly rejected the director's kindness, but left each other's phone numbers.

In the end, Liu Xun and his brothers from a large group of men went to the airport together. During the period, everyone chatted about the situation and congratulated Liu Xun again for the great success of the film.

There are some things that we will have the opportunity to work together again in the future.

Back home, it was already one o'clock in the morning, and Yang Mi was still playing with her mobile phone as usual, waiting for Liu Xun 370 to come back.

Between stars, there are always less gatherings and more separations. Liu Xun and Yang Mi are both artists. It is more difficult to want to be together often, so the two also cherish the time together.

In fact, Yang Mi had already carried Liu Xun on her back and secretly gave up a lot of her own career. Otherwise, with her popularity, how could she be so leisurely and wait for Liu Xun to go home and cook for Liu Xun.

Before she knew it, Yang Mi had already put her main focus on Liu Xun, and now Liu Xun was almost everything she had.

Seeing Liu Xun coming back, Yang Mi seemed very happy, and jumped off the boat in an instant, without wearing any shoes, ran to Liu Xun quickly, then hugged Liu Xun like a koala, and hung it on him.

Liu Xun shook his head, scratched her Qiong nose, and said, "Why haven't you slept yet? Are you disobedient?"

Yang Mi shook his head, and said strangely, "No, I just fell asleep. I felt in a daze that you were back, and I woke up all of a sudden. Am I amazing? Praise me!"

In fact, Liu Xun knew for a long time that Yang Mi must not have slept just now, because before entering the door, he saw that the room light was on.

However, Liu Xun didn't pierce her words. He complimented her a few times, which made her giggle and laughed. He also said that Liu Xun was stupid, and he didn't fall asleep just now, so he would be deceived.

The two frolicked for a while, and Liu Xun was worried that she would be cold, so she carried her back to the bedroom.


The next day, the sun was shining brightly. After a night of fighting, Liu Xun and Yang Mi both slept very deeply. Neither of them knew that the outside world had once again set off an entertainment frenzy!

It turned out that the "Crossover Comedy Challenge" came again, and everyone had a debate about what program theme Liu Xun should perform at that time.

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