Some audience members hope that Liu Xun will continue to perform the sketches of the "Blind Date" series. They think the sketches in this series are really beyond imagination and funny.

But many viewers rejected this view.

The reason is very simple, again and again, never again!

They have ridiculed Liu Xun twice, and if they use this to ridicule Liu Xun again, it will be a little bad if he gets angry.

After all, everyone can feel that Liu Xun is very fond of the audience. If it were another star, he would definitely not agree to the audience's nonsensical performances in the blind date series.

At the same time, many viewers said that the movies in the "Blind Date" series are too funny, and the two films have already hurt their vitality and will take some time to recover.

Therefore, the blind date theme was rejected by everyone.

After eliminating this theme, everyone began to discuss what theme Liu Xun should play in the next issue. (bica)

"I think the previous sketch "Decoration" is not bad, I can play the follow-up of this sketch!"

"I think it's more interesting to develop a new theme. Just like the first two issues of "Blind Date", if everyone had an idea, they might not be able to see two such classic blind date sketches now!"

"Then what type of new themes should be developed? I think since it is Liu Xun's big flickering show, we must choose the most difficult theme, otherwise it will be too easy for him!"

"I think if you want to develop, you can develop those sketches that few people have performed. Such shows are more flavorful!"

"Oh my god, where are we trying to fool Liu Xun? We are clearly trying to fool ourselves. I don't know what theme to choose!"

Countless fans were overwhelmed by their thoughts, but in the end they didn't think of what genre they should choose. In the end, Shandong Satellite TV officially put forward a suggestion. If everyone really can't think of it, then use the lottery method to choose the sketch that Liu Xun should perform next.

As soon as the official method came out, it instantly opened up a new way for fans.

A well-known fan in the fan group said: "Why don't we just choose a winning theme, Liu Xun Da Huyou seems to have never acted in this type of sketch!"

When everyone thought about it, it seemed that Liu Xun had never acted in any kind of winning sketches, and at the same time, this kind of sketches could be regarded as some kind of partial.

Soon, this sketch was supported by many people, who agreed to let Liu Xun perform the sketch with this theme.

After confirming the theme, someone suggested: "It seems that I haven't seen Mr. Li Daoming cooperate with Liu Xun for a long time. Why don't we let Mr. Li Daoming participate in this sketch!"

The iron triangle formed by Liu Xun, Yang Mi and Li Daoming at the beginning has always been the most classic combination in the hearts of many audiences.

In particular, the trilogy of "Selling Abduction" they jointly performed has long been regarded by everyone as the pinnacle of the unsurpassed type of flickering!

As soon as this proposal came out, it was supported by countless audiences, and they all expressed their hope that Mr. Li Daoming and Liu Xun would join hands to perform new sketches again.

Another fan suggested: "Since Mr. Li Daoming and Liu Xun have both been confirmed, let's add Yang Mi and let the former Iron Triangle reunite again! And it's better to subvert it, this time by Mr. Li Daoming and Yang Mi. Let's tidy up Liu Xun together!"

In the end, fans, you have confirmed your words, and the theme of Liu Xun's sketch in the next issue is winning.

The actors identified Liu Xun, Yang Mi, and Li Daoming;

Additional requirements, Li Daoming and Yang Mi jointly trick Liu Xun to cheat!


Chapter [-] Warmth 【Subscribe】

Chapter four hundred and forty-six warmth

The official saw that the audience unified their opinions and expressed their support.

In fact, when I saw the Iron Triangle reunite, the official had already finalized this theme.

The former Iron Triangle reunited, just this gimmick is the guarantee of super high ratings!

Soon, the director personally called Liu Xun to discuss the matter, and also mentioned that the audience hoped that Mr. Li Daoming and Yang Mi would play tricks on him this time.

After listening to the director's words, Liu Xun smiled and found that he was crazy busy during this time. It was indeed a long time that he hadn't worked with Mr. Li Daoming.

Although Liu Xun and Yang Mi usually take the initiative to contact Mr. Li Daoming when they are free, they are too busy, especially Liu Xun, who is basically running continuously without stopping at all.

Thinking about it, Liu Xun responded to the director, waiting for him to ask Mr. Li Daoming before replying.

Hanging up the phone, Liu Xun teased Yang Mi who was still sleeping beside him.

Soon Yang Mi woke up after sneezing a few times, and said a few words to Liu Xun with some anger, and hammered him a few times with her pink fist, but it didn't hurt at all.

The two flirted with each other for a while, and Yang Mi completely woke up.

Liu Xun told her the matter.

Immediately, Yang Mi suggested to visit Mr. Li Daoming together.

Liu Xun thought the same thing in his heart, the two hit it off and got up immediately.

The two didn't call in advance, lest Mr. Li Daoming be busy in the future, so they bought some gifts on the way, and the two drove directly to Mr. Li Daoming's house.

Teacher Li Daoming's house is also a small villa. Liu Xun and Yang Mi used to come here when they were studying.

Came to the door, rang the doorbell, ready to surprise Mr. Li Daoming.

Sure enough, as soon as the door opened, Li Daoming saw Liu Xun and Yang Mi, and his heart was broken, and he quickly welcomed them in.

Liu Xun and Yang Mi were two of the best of all the students he had taught. Their conduct and talents were all in line with his will.

Seeing the teacher so happy, Liu Xun and Yang Mi are not pretentious, just like ordinary students visiting their teacher's house. They don't have the air of top celebrities in the entertainment industry, and the things they sell are not so expensive. They are just suitable for Teacher Li. Skincare products for this age group.

It wasn't that Liu Xun and the others deducted the money, but they knew that if they spent too much money, Teacher Li would definitely be unhappy and would not accept that kind of expensive gift.

In fact, it's not necessary. Buying gifts is a matter of heart, not to show off your wealth. It's just right, and Teacher Li Daoming doesn't have that.

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