"What the hell is this? What does the birth of Township Chief Fan have to do with Lei? Could it be that Lei split it out?"

"This thunder is really powerful, give me a chop, and let me be a village head!"

"Liu Xunda's ability to fool this nonsense is really unparalleled in the world, I'm convinced!"

On the stage, Teacher Li was stunned for a while, then stood up and said with a smile, "No... So what do you mean, I was struck by thunder?"

Hearing this, Liu Xun and Yang Mi instantly reacted. They said something wrong again. They were so frightened that they stood up directly from the kang with nervous expressions on their faces.

Yang Mi hurriedly explained: "Oh, the mayor, he didn't mean that. What he meant was that, with a thunderclap, Xiao Fan came to be the mayor, leading the peasants to make a revolution..."

Just as she was talking about getting up, she suddenly realized that she was wrong again, and immediately stopped.

Liu Xun, who was beside him, also reacted, and hurriedly said, "Ah, hum, hum, hum, hum!"

However, although he reacted, he didn't have time to organize the language at all, so he could only say something vaguely.

As soon as the words came out, he was stunned, he didn't say anything himself, and hurriedly gave Yang Mi a wink, motioning for her to answer.

The audience burst into laughter!

"Haha, this young couple is absolutely amazing, this is just getting more and more wrong!"

"It's teasing me, a thunderbolt rang out, and Xiao Fan came to be the mayor, leading the peasants to make a revolution... Whose revolution is it? Do you really want to rebel?"

"Liu Xun is really funny. He didn't organize his language and went up. Now he's gone? Dumbfounded? Hahaha"

On the stage, Teacher Li was also amused by their young couple and said, "Hehehe, what are you talking about, old uncle? It's not you, there must be something wrong..."

Before they came, Liu Xun and the two had discussed it. They couldn't speak directly. They had to put a high hat on Mr. Li first, so when Mr. Li mentioned this, Yang Mi immediately interrupted him.

She smiled and said, "No, no, we have nothing to do, we are all trivial matters, the mayor, you said that you have done too much this year, how many good things have you done for our township?

You said that from popularizing scientific farming to developing food projects, you go to the bank today and run to the Science and Technology Commission tomorrow. "

Hearing this, Teacher Li smiled a little embarrassedly.

Suddenly, Liu Xun, who was beside him, smiled and added, "I even brought water to the widow!"

The audience is all laughing crazy!

"Have you picked water with the widow? Hahaha, Liu Xun is fooling you, is this (bjdb) trying to imply something to us? Smile."

"Di, DiDi, this is not a car to kindergarten, I want to get off!"

"The reunion of the Iron Triangle is really different. It's absolutely amazing. These three guys are all actors. It's so funny, hahaha!"

"Look at Teacher Li's embarrassed expression, it's simply, this is the first time you've been so embarrassed?"

"Mr. Li: I'm about to commit embarrassment!"

On the stage, Liu Xun saw that Teacher Li's expression was very unnatural, and thought it was because he didn't believe his words.

I saw him add another sentence, saying: "The whole town knows this!"

The audience burst out laughing again.

"Dive the widow, and the whole town knows it... Hahaha, are you trying to laugh at me by Liu Xun's big flickering?"

"Look at Teacher Li's face, it's turning purple! Amuse me!"

"What is the pot that can't be opened and lifted, I've seen it!"

On the stage, Mr. Li was embarrassed to open the door for embarrassment, and embarrassed to go home.

I saw him look unnatural and said: "Ah, those are all small things, oh..."

Seeing that there was no response from Teacher Li, Yang Mi hurriedly said again: "There are big things, big things..."

As she said that, she gave Liu Xun a wink, motioning for him to talk about something important and wear a high hat.

Liu Xun was completely driven to the shelves by ducks.

I saw him take a step forward and said: "The big things are getting old after a year, the return of Hong Kong, the Three Gorges flood control, the [-]th National Congress, Chairman Jiang's visit to rice, this year has kept you busy... this is not What he did!"

The audience is all laughing crazy!

"Hahaha, Liu Xun's fooling is enough, are you running to broadcast "Huaxia Network"?"

"Pfft, he didn't do this either! Liu Xun is fooling around, are you trying to tease me?"

"Mr. Li will be ruined by them!"

"This spell is not right. If Teacher Li doesn't take revenge, the tricky Liu Xun will become this tricky Teacher Li!"

On the stage, Yang Mi gave Liu Xun a white look, smiled and said, "That's not right, he has to be responsible for releasing the spirit!"

When Liu Xun heard it, it made sense, and quickly echoed with a smile: "Yes, when you get nervous, we are all crazy!"

As soon as these words came out, Teacher Li's face was so ugly.

However, the audience couldn't help themselves laughing!

"Hahaha, go crazy? Go crazy? Liu Xun is fooling you, what are you thinking!"

"What is this really saying, what's wrong, Liu Xun Da Huyou, you can have some snacks!"

"Look at Teacher Li's face, I'm really going to be spoiled!"

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