Yang Mi didn't listen, but the momentum eased a little.

I saw that she was still a little convinced and continued to say: "It's right to slap you down!"

Liu Xun scolded her again and told her to stop talking!

Yang Mi still couldn't hold it back, and said, "That's right!"

The audience laughed again.

"Liu Xun is a fool, is it really good for you two to make fun of Teacher Li like this?"

"Mr. Li: There was a loud bang in the sky, and I killed you both!"

"If it wasn't for a skit, it is estimated that Teacher Li would jump up and beat up these two unworthy disciples!"

"Mr. Li must be HOLD, and I'm still waiting for your counterattack!"

On the stage, seeing that Yang Mi didn't listen to his own advice, Liu Xun was displeased and said, "What are you doing? It's too much! Why are you doing this? What you said just now is not the right way to do it now. When you come down, you say that you are obedient, I don't like it, do you?"

As he said that, he stood up, patted Teacher Li beside him, and continued: "Since this eldest nephew has turned from a village head to a fat man, let's not give him another stick, right?"

The audience laughed like crazy again!

"Liu Xun Da Huyou said it well!"

"That's right, it's already three fat people, so I can't give it another stick!"

"It's over, Liu Xun Da Huyou has risen completely, his daughter-in-law has also been managed by him, and the township chief has also been scolded by him. He will be invincible in the world!"

On the stage, Liu Xun patted Teacher Li on the shoulder and continued: "People at this time need understanding and comfort the most, don't they? Who hasn't made any mistakes in their lives? If they make mistakes, they should correct them!"

Hearing this, Teacher Li felt a burst of joy in his heart and said, "Yes!"

Liu Xun continued: "Re-offense after the correction!"

Teacher Li was taken aback and said, "Huh?"

The audience laughed again.

"Liu Xun Da Huyou, what are you talking about?"

"Hahaha, Liu Xun's blundering said something was missed, and he couldn't make it up!"

"It's rare, Liu Xun Da Huyou will be so ugly today, so cool!"

On the stage, Liu Xun also discovered the flaws in his words, and hurriedly continued to add: "Isn't it true that after committing a crime, correct it, and commit it again after correcting it?

The audience burst into laughter!

"Liu Xun Da Huyou actually made up the round, and served it!"

"Sure enough, it's a big flicker, it's still like this, it can still come!"

"This is a timeless classic, new skills GET!"

On the stage, Liu Xun waved his hand and said, "It's okay! This, the old uncle will communicate with you..."

As he said that, he glanced at the dining table and said, "I didn't eat, let's have two cups?"

When Mr. Li heard this, he was overjoyed at the time. He had been drinking alone before, but now he finally has someone to accompany him.

I saw him smiling and hurriedly greeted: "Oh, that's great! Hurry up, get on the kang, get on the kang!"

Liu Xun was not polite, dragged his shoes directly onto the kang, and said with a very understanding look on his face: "At this time, when people are at their most empty, don't be like her."

Speaking of Yang Mi, who had been standing beside him.

Yang Mi was immediately unhappy, and walked to him, 727 angrily said: "I said why are you so hearty? Ah!"

Liu Xun glanced at her and said, "How can you be so smooth in your life?"

Seeing him like this, Yang Mi got even more angry, and said angrily: "Then the money road is blocked, do you still have the heart to drink?"

Liu Xun glanced at her and said, "Stay here!"

The more he talked, the more angry Yang Mi was. He pointed at Teacher Li again, and said angrily, "You can't heal the wounds in our hearts even if you drink Yunnan Baiyao for me now! Go home!"

Saying that, she pulled Liu Xun and prepared to go out.

The audience laughed again.

"It seems that Dami is really in a hurry, Yunnan Baiyao has come out!"

"By the way, Yunnan Baiyao is not sprayed? Can you drink it?"

"Da Mimi quickly and honestly explain how much benefit Yunnan Baiyao has given you, and you even advertised for them!"

"Pfft! This is a choking, okay? What kind of advertisement is there?"

"No, when Da Mimi said this, why is Teacher Li not angry at all? According to common sense, this must be the most uncomfortable time. When Da Mimi was so scolded, if it was someone else, she would have been scolded long ago. Well, why is Teacher Li so calm?"

"Hi! Yes, I haven't reacted just now, why does Teacher Li always look confident? Could it be reversed later?.

Chapter [-] The reversal is here! 【For subscription】

The sketch has reached the final stage here, and the climax is coming soon.

On the stage, Yang Mi couldn't help but drag Liu Xun out.

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