how to say?

Gold is here, it's really just a decoration!

Looking at the one here, Rao is Liu Xun's mood, and he couldn't help but suddenly rise up.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

"Is this really just a hotel room? Why is it so big?"

"I finally know the difference between myself and the rich!"

"I used to laugh at those stupid local tyrants who deliberately spent a lot of money to stay in such a room for one night in order to pretend to be coercive. Now I know it, they are not only pretending to be coercive, but also really enjoying it!"

"Let me live in a room like this, I'll never want to go out for the rest of my life!"

"I always didn't understand why those women would instantly change into a person after they entered some presidential private room. If I were a woman and someone took me to live in such a suite, I'm afraid I would also change!"

"I'm going, can we have some success, can we not be so materialistic? What about spirituality? What about faith? You guys should reflect on it!

In addition, there is an advertisement, if there are local tyrants going, take me there first, okay? ".

Chapter [-] Magic Farm Tickets 【Subscription】

Chapter [-] Magic Farm, Paradise on Earth ([-]) 【Subscription】

Chapter [-] Magic Farm, Paradise on Earth (Part [-]) 【Subscription】

Chapter [-] Magic Farm, Paradise on Earth (Part [-]) 【Subscription】

It takes more than four hours to drive from Rome to Magic Farm.

In order to avoid being late, the program team specially prepared a car to wait outside the hotel this time, and did not ask Dilireba and the others to find a car by themselves.

Because the Magic Farm has regulations, the opening hours are limited. Once you are late, you cannot enter even if you have a ticket.

No one has been able to break this rule.

There was once a nobleman from the country of Ying who was on his way here, his vehicle broke down, he was more than ten minutes late, and he was still rejected at the door.

At that time, the aristocrat was very angry, and frantically called someone to find someone, trying to settle the matter, but he found a lot of big people, but he still couldn't do anything.

There was even a big man who told him at the end that it was best not to cause trouble, otherwise he couldn't afford anything if it happened.

It is precisely because of this real event that the magical farm is widely circulated among the upper classes.

Many people speculate that the owner of this magical farm is likely to be a place built by one or a group of 033 bigwigs with monstrous backgrounds.

From this evolution, in the end, many upper-level people regard going to the magical farm as a kind of show-off capital.

Therefore, in order to prevent being late, the program team specially arranged a bus to send the members of the program team there.

Otherwise, with their previous urination, they must have finished the task and fled immediately.

Dilireba and others also cooperated very well. They all solved things such as breakfast as quickly as possible, and got on the bus waiting outside the hotel.

Along the way, everyone seemed very excited, especially Dilireba and Song Zuer, who directly discussed in the car what to eat when they were in the car, and they kept popping up a lot of interesting food like the name of the dish. Mouthwatering delicacies.

"Pagoda Town River Demon, chicken stewed with mushrooms!"

"What's the dish? Top saury, salmon?"

"Ah!!! Pacific Cod? Eat, eat, eat!"

Magic Farm can be called the first leisure and exclusive place in Europe, there is another important reason, I don't know why, here has all the precious fish species in the world, (bidh) and the meat quality is better than the same kind of fish produced in other places, Much more delicious.

Some people say that this is where God built.

Any creature in the sea, no matter which country or place, can survive and reproduce here, and even the quality will not decline, but will become more advanced.

This alone makes countless scientific research teams come here to conduct research every year, trying to find out the reasons.

However, until now, there has been no substantial progress, and it can only be attributed to the magical power of nature.

The reason why Dilireba and Song Zuier discussed the name of a Chinese dish so happily is entirely because all the fish species obtained by fishing in the magic farm belong to themselves.

It means that if you get a top-quality Australian prawn, this prawn sentence is personal, you can eat it if you want, and if you want to buy it, you can sell it directly, because there will be many seafood vendors nearby to buy it.

If you still want to eat something that you haven't hung up, you can also buy it directly from the internal supermarket, but the price is more than ten times higher than the market price.

However, for those who can enter the magical farm, it is nothing but an appetizer.

In short, it is like a paradise on earth, where you can enjoy life that you can never enjoy in ordinary times.

Blue sky, white clouds, beaches, seagulls, yachts, sea of ​​flowers, meadows, horses...

Let me ask, how can Di Lieba and the others not be excited when they go to such a place?

Because last night, everyone rested comfortably, and now they are full of energy.

However, it was hard for the members of the director's team sitting on the bus together. You must know that they had been discussing all night last night, and they were already exhausted.

Now I hear what they said after they planned to enter the magical farm, all of which are like a hundred claws, because they also want to go in!

That place is like heaven, how can it be enough to just look at it?

However, the more they thought about it, the more they could only envy and envy.

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