In the end, they simply turned on the headphones to the maximum sound, stopped listening to Di Lieba and the others, and went to the magical farm in their dreams...


While the crowd was frolic, the car braked for a while when they fell asleep, and everyone found out that they had already passed a castle-like place with a few foreign characters written on it. Translated into Chinese, it means the magical farm!

"Is it there?"

"This is the magic farm? How is it like a medieval castle?"

Everyone looked out of the car window and found that before they knew it, the scenery had still changed a lot.

Yes, they have come to the location of the magical farm, but now this place is just a parking place for the guests from the magical farm.

The medieval castle is not a real magical farm, but a watershed between the magical farm and the outside world, because when you go inside, you cannot allow outside vehicles to enter.

"Okay, members of the Hua Shao Group, now we have come to the periphery of the magical farm, and you will spend the next few days inside.

Bring the personal belongings you need. After entering the farm, follow the arrangements of the staff inside. You must not have any conflicts with others in the farm. If there is a dispute, you can find the staff to resolve it.

Finally, I wish you all a happy play! "

The director also woke up from his sleep, picked up a loudspeaker by his hand, and warned Liu Xun and the others.

At the same time, he emphasized that there should be no contradiction in it.

After all, the people who can enter here are either rich or expensive, and it can be said that no one is weak.

Even those with strong backgrounds, even Liu Xun, may not be able to come forward and settle it!

Therefore, it is the best thing to be able to avoid disputes with others.

Naturally, everyone knows about these things. After all, they are not three-year-old children, so they naturally know what to do and what not to do.

After the director finished the last sentence, Liu Xun and the others got out of the car and prepared to enter this legendary magical farm! .

Chapter [-] New tasks 【Subscription】

"Wow! It's so beautiful, is this the sea of ​​flowers in my dreams?"

"What kind of farm is this there? This is a fairyland, isn't it? Is there an old grandpa who refines medicine here!"

"It's hard to imagine that there is such a beautiful place in the world. A ticket of [-] euros is really different!"

As soon as everyone entered the magical farm, they were immediately shocked by what they saw, as if Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

A large sea of ​​flowers, wheat fields and meadows.

The horses galloped on the grass, the antelopes ate the grass leisurely, and from time to time a few cute little white rabbits sprang up next to them. The smell was very light, but the scent of flowers was very good. Feeling comfortable, all the cars on the way were exhausted and swept away in an instant.

Looking further inside, the golden sandy beach, the endless blue ocean, the incomparably blue sky, the unbelievably beautiful scenery, everything looks so beautiful and magical!

A beautiful sight will indeed make you feel good and comfortable.

Smelling the faint fragrance of flowers, the footsteps of everyone unconsciously became lighter.

"Attention, distinguished guests, today's task is released on behalf of the director!"

Just when everyone was intoxicated with the rare beauty in front of them, a voice suddenly broke everyone's state of mind.

Looking up, it turned out to be an accompanying photographer, imitating the director's appearance, forcing a face, but he didn't learn enough, and under the gaze of everyone, his entire face was extremely red, obviously he It was the first time that he was caught by the director as a strong man.

Di Lieba looked at him like this, and didn't tease him any more, and motioned him to say the task.

"Today's task is about everyone's food, clothing, housing, and transportation. If you complete the task, you can enjoy luxury hotels. If the task fails, you can't get any help. You can only find a way by yourself."

The cameraman wiped the sweat from his forehead and forcibly said this sentence.

Dilireba and several people heard that today's task was related to their own clothing, food, housing, and transportation, and all of them couldn't help but lift their spirits.

After all, this place is different from other places. It can be said that it is a gathering place for people from the upper classes. It is obviously impossible for them to sing here and break big stones in their chests.

Therefore, the reward given by the director is very important to everyone.

"Today's task is to fish!"

After a short ten seconds, the cameraman opened the task card that the director gave him in advance, and then said these two words.

After everyone listened to today's task, they began to grind their teeth.

This task is said to be related to the people's clothing, food, shelter and transportation. In fact, they want them to hang enough fish in exchange for their clothing, food, shelter and transportation.

The director's team didn't have to pay anything, they directly used the fish they caught and sold them to the vendors next to them, and with the money they got, they helped them book a room for accommodation.

After understanding the whole story, how could everyone not grind their teeth.

"The director is such a thief! It's clearly to let us solve the problems of life here by ourselves through labor, and we have to say it's a task. Does this make you feel more at ease with us?"

Everyone is very angry, if the director is in front of them, they will rush to take a bite!

In this regard, the videographer brother has a deep understanding.

He found that when he finished reading the contents of the task card, the glances of Di Lieba and several people looking at him became extremely unfriendly, which made him a little frightened.

But in the end, Di Lieba and the others still gritted their teeth and endured it. There was no way. They have already come here. The director team obviously can't count on it. Everyone wants to live comfortably, and they can only rely on their own efforts. !

For this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room were all applauded.

"Director, it's great!"

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