"Why do I feel like this task is given by Liu Xun Da Huyou???"

"Pfft! The styles are indeed a bit similar, but Liu Xun Da Huyou will definitely not cheat himself. Obviously, this is because the director's team was brought down by Liu Xun Da Huyou!"

"Ha, star fishing, I think the scene should be very beautiful, I guess they should not use fishing rods? Hahaha"

"Fishing is a job of patience. Liu Xun and the others are afraid that they have such patience. It seems that they are really going to sleep on the street tonight!"

"What street do you sleep on? Isn't there a stable...hahaha"

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With the task, Liu Xun and the others went directly to the designated fishing spot.

When everyone went to the place to inquire, they got good news. The fishing rods and bait here are free, and they can only use the relevant fishing equipment here.

The reason is that, in order not to affect the fish inside, they ate inferior bait from the outside and had a bad stomach.

For this strange reason, everyone was stunned for a while.

But they didn't go into it, because they didn't have relevant fishing equipment anyway.

On the way to go fishing after receiving the equipment, everyone saw that there were already many fishmongers collecting fish caught by tourists.

The price of all kinds of fish is also different, and some fish are only two hundred euros for more than ten pieces.


Some fish are only one, but they are worth nearly a thousand euros.

Everyone understands that the fish here are also divided into three, six and nine.

In addition, what makes everyone puzzled is why there are so many fishmongers here to buy fish. You must know that the tickets to enter here are not only expensive, but also have restrictions, which are definitely not available to ordinary people.

But it is very strange that there are fishmongers here.

Under the doubts, Di Lieba couldn't hold back, and stepped forward to a fishmonger and asked.

The fishmonger doesn't mind either. It seems that every year when this place opens, tourists will ask them this question, and they are used to it.

It turned out that they came in through a certain channel, but they can only collect fish here, and can't go anywhere else, otherwise they will be discovered and they will never come in again.

In addition, the fish they receive needs to be reviewed by the farm staff. If there is any fish they need, they must buy it first, but the price is very good, and the fishmongers have become accustomed to this method over time.

Through the conversation, several people in Dilireba also knew the approximate price of some frequently-occurring fish. At the same time, they also heard that there is a special kind of fish here, called dragon bear carp, which is the most expensive kind.

The reason for asking these is because they may find these fishmongers to sell fish in exchange for the source of their living funds here! .

Chapter [-]: The Legend of Dragon Beard and Carp

Chapter [-] Yang Mi's Crazy Ideas 【Subscribe】

Chapter [-] I caught a big fish 【Subscription】

Chapter [-] I caught a big fish 【Subscription】

Following Liu Shishi's shout, everyone's attention was focused on Liu Xun.

Liu Xun was also slightly taken aback. He really just threw the fishing rod into the water at the edge of the water. He even remembered that he didn't seem to have put on the bait. However, under such circumstances, there were still fish bites? ? ?

At the moment Liu Xun also came to the spirit. He was fishing for the first time. Before, he always thought that fishing is the kind of sitting and waiting quietly after putting down the hook, just like many old grandpa fishing in the park, for a long time Only got one hook!

Di Lieba and several people next to them were also interested, they threw down their own fishing rods, and quickly ran over to help Liu Xun catch the fish.

Sun Honglei, who was on the side, rushed over even more quickly. Just now, he just talked to Liu Xun and a few people about how to fish, but the narration and the actual operation were completely different.

The simplest point is that after the bait bites the hook, it is not necessary to directly pull the hook up, but also pay attention to the proper retraction and release. If you pull too fast, the fish that bite the hook may be startled, and then they will struggle frantically. escape.

However, Sun Honglei had already rushed over at the fastest speed, but Liu Xun and the others did not wait for him to arrive, and immediately pulled the hook up.

Seeing this scene, his heart sank immediately. Seeing how Liu Xun's newbies pulled the hooks, he knew that the fish had probably escaped.

"Wow, this fish is so heavy, Brother Liu Xun pulls it hard!"

Di Lieba helped Liu Xun to catch the fish quickly, and shouted loudly at the same time.

Liu Xun responded and increased his strength to tighten the hook again.

Sun Honglei was stunned when he saw it, so the fish didn't run away?

But soon he also screamed in surprise.

Because the fish was actually caught by Liu Xun and the others together.

"What kind of fish is this? It's so big!"

"Hmm, this fish must weigh nearly [-] pounds, right? It almost ran away just now〃'!"

"I didn't even stand firm, and I was almost dragged into the water by it!"

At this time, Sun Honglei finally came to the side of the crowd, and when he fixed his eyes, he was dumbfounded.

"Fuck, there are such stupid fish???"

I saw that the big fish that Liu Xun and the others fell, for some unknown reason, it was covered with fishing ropes, and the entanglement was very strong. If it could escape, it would really be a ghost.

At this point, Sun Honglei finally knew why Liu Xun and the others were able to catch the fish by collecting the hooks like that.

Liu Xun was also very puzzled, how did such a stupid fish grow so big?

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