Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3802: Super Wu second generation!

   Chapter 3802 The second generation of super martial arts!

   "It's okay, it's okay..." Fade Chen smiled, looking at Fatty Ran with a look of schadenfreude, then looked at Mei Yexue again, and said with a smile. "This is your friend? Let me introduce you."

   "Okay..." Mei Yexue walked to a seat beside Fade Chen and sat down, then said with a smile. "Chen Fei, this is Meng Qingyan's sister Qingyan, I think you should know her? Just the one some time ago..."

   "Know!" Fade Chen couldn't help laughing again, then looked at Meng Qingyan and said with a smile. "My name is Chen Fei, of course you can also call me Chen Xukong. Nice to meet you..."

"me too, nice to meet you!"

   Meng Qingyan's eyes flickered and he said suddenly.

   "Would you like to have a fight with me?"


   Chen Fei was stunned,

   "Sister Qingyan..." Mei Yexue looked at Meng Qingyan helplessly, and then pulled Chen Fei and said. "Sister Qingyan is a bit direct, she's a fighting maniac, just ignore her!"

   Instead, Fade Chen smiled and didn't care, and even looked at Meng Qingyan and asked.

   "Why are you looking for me?"

"you're good!"

   Meng Qingyan said without hesitation. His eyes flickered at Chen Fei. "Except for the people from the Sikong family, I have hardly seen such a powerful space cultivator! I can't be wrong in seeing people, we will all gain something from a fight!"

   "This guy is really weird..."

   Hearing the words and seeing this, Fatty Ran also mumbled.

"you shut up!"

   Meng Qingyan said angrily.

   Fatty Ran immediately shut up,

   quickly drew on his mouth with his hand,

   is like zipping up.

   "Pfft!" Mei Yexue couldn't help but snorted, looking at Fatty Ran with a playful face. "Fatty Ran, I didn't expect you to have today too. It's really one thing falling into another, hahahaha... You really want to die of laughter!"

   Fatty Ran looked at Mei Yexue from a distance.

   But still wisely shut up!

   Meng Qingyan, a tigress, he can't afford to offend, Mei Yexue, a little devil star, she can't afford to offend! Forget it, just shut up and be beaten. Who made him so unlucky, eh...

   "It's okay to fight, but I'll talk about it when I go to the kingdom. I'm not your opponent now, if you fight me with your hands and feet, it's meaningless..." At the same time, Chen Fei also shook his head and said.

   It's not that he is afraid,

   But with his current strength, he is indeed not qualified to discuss with Meng Qingyan. If he feels right, this Meng Qingyan's current strength is at least equal to the fourth level of the Immortal King! It might even have arrived...

   What about him? It's just the beginning of the Immortal King's Second Layer. Only by holding on to the opportunity can you be able to reach the peak of the second heaven of the Immortal King of Yin Death! In this case, let him fight Meng Qingyan,

   is totally meaningless!

   Let's talk about it later...

"All right…"

   Although Meng Qingyan was a little disappointed,

   But I still understand that Fade Chen said it well. With all her strength, Chen Fei may not be able to catch even one of her moves, but if her hands are tied, the discussions and advice she wants will basically be meaningless.

   Thinking of this, she seems to be a little impulsive!

   "Chen Fei, you said you were going to the capital?"

   Upon seeing this scene, Mei Yexue couldn't help but ask. "What are you doing in the country? Or I'll simply recommend you a place! Don't worry, I still owe you a favor, and I will never cheat on you."


   "The Royal Palace!" Mei Yexue's eyes flashed, staring at Chen Fei and said. "I can directly recommend you to enter the palace and confer a seal on duty, how about it? I'm still okay with you, right?!"

   "The Royal Palace?"

   Chen Fei was startled for a moment and smiled. "You mean ruling the Immortal Kingdom?"


   "It's quite loud..."

   Chen Fei couldn't help laughing. But seeing this scene, Fatty Ran couldn't help but speak again, looking at Fade Chen and said. "This is not a big tone, Chen Fei, you don't know who she is?!"

   "I really didn't know it before...but I already knew it just now! Princess, right?!"

   Chen Fei smiled and looked at Mei Yexue.

   Upon hearing this, Mei Yexue felt a little embarrassed. road.

   "I did hide it from you, and my surname is not Mei, my surname is Jiang, and my name is Jiang Yexue! But the name Mei Yexue is actually correct. Because this is the surname of my deceased mother!"

"I know you as a person, not your name. To me, Mei Yexue and Jiang Yexue are no different. Don't take it to heart." But Chen Fei smiled, as if he didn't care at all. superior.

   This is normal.

   It's normal to meet by chance, go out, and change your name or something. He used to do this often.

   "You are so free and easy!"

   Mei Yexue breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Fade Chen with flickering eyes and said. "What do you think of my previous proposal? If you agree, I can even let you go to my grandpa's place!"


   As soon as these words came out, Fatty Ran was shocked. He took a slight breath. It wasn't just him, even Meng Qingyan's eyes flickered at this moment, looking at Mei with a little surprise... Oh no, it should be Jiang Yexue!

   And seeing this scene, Chen Fei had already guessed something in his heart.

   But he still smiled and asked.

   "Don't know who your grandfather is?"

   "Ginger Lin!"

   "Hunluo Immortal King, Jiang Lin!"

  Jiang Yexue stared at Chen Fei with scorching eyes, and said word by word!

   "Jiang Lin?!"

   Hearing these words, to be honest, Chen Fei was still full of confusion.

   There is no way, after all, he has only just come to the Immortal Realm and Judgment Immortal Kingdom, even if some people may be really powerful and famous... But for him, if he doesn't know, he really doesn't know!

   "You don't know who General Jiang Lin Jiang is, right?!" Seeing this scene, as if aware of Fade Chen's thoughts, Fatty Ran raised his tone and asked with a strange face.


"I really do not know!"

   Chen Fei raised his hand, very honest.

   "My God..." Fatty Ran touched his head, his face was speechless, and then his face became condensed, and it was rare that he didn't smile anymore. Instead, he said solemnly.

   "General Jiang Lin Jiang!"

"We adjudicate the first military marshal of the Immortal Kingdom! Judgment, King's Landing, one of the three Immortal Kingdom legions of Tianyuan, and the supreme commander of King's Landing! At the same time, he is also the number one powerhouse of the Immortal Kingdom that I adjudicate, and the half-step Immortal Emperor exists! Do you know now?!"

   Chen Fei was stunned,

   Then looked at Jiang Yexue in surprise. In fact, as early as when he knew Jiang Yexue, he had guessed that the other party should have a lot of origin... but it had nothing to do with him. He didn't even care.

   But he really didn't expect it,

   This yellow-haired girl who likes to disguise herself as a man has such a big background.

   The descendants of Immortal Emperor Banbu!

   And she's actually a princess... that's a bit of an exaggeration. It's the second generation of super martial arts!

   (end of this chapter)

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