Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 3803: Refuse to solicit. News from the Heavenly Pavilion!

  Chapter 3803 Refused to solicit. News from the Heavenly Pavilion!

   "Not only that, I tell you there is! Princess Ye's grandmother, the wife of the general, is also the elder sister of His Majesty! Princess Ye is also the only princess with a different surname in our ruling fairyland!"

   Fatty Ran was afraid that Fade Chen would not know how powerful Jiang Yexue was,

   hurriedly spoke again. Go on.

   After hearing this, Chen Fei opened his mouth, and then he was speechless and silent.

   Banbu Immortal Emperor's descendants don't even care,

   Is he still the descendant of His Majesty's sister who adjudicated the Immortal Kingdom? !

   Is it so outrageous! ?

   "Fade Chen, we are friends, and with your potential talent, you shouldn't be buried!"

   "As long as you're willing to go back with me, even if you don't want to follow my grandfather, I'll go ask my uncle, the position in the palace, as long as it's not too much, there should be no problem!"

   "And with me covering you there, no one will dare to provoke you!"

   Jiang Yexue looked forward to Chen Fei.

   But when Chen Fei heard the words, he was a little embarrassed. To be honest, the ruling immortal kingdom is indeed very powerful! Not only is he one of the six kings of the Burning Dragon Immortal Domain, but he is also a direct subordinate of the Burning Dragon Palace. He has all the status and background levels. I don't know how many strong people and geniuses have tried to join but have no way... But for him, He has no interest!

  Because it's just like what he and Liu Er said.

   Being a man depends on himself, he doesn't like it, and he doesn't need to find a strong backer

   Maybe there is a ruling immortal kingdom, or even the protection of the half-step Immortal Emperor, no one will dare to provoke him at that time... But this is not what he wants! And it's really like that, in a sense, it limits his growth!

   After all, Fade Chen was never a flower in a greenhouse.

   He can come to this day,

   Luck, hard work, strength…

   But also because he is on his own!

  So, facing Liu'er's invitation, Fade Chen shook his head without hesitation and said. "Ye Xue, thank you for your kindness, but I refuse. Whether it's the Great General or the immortal kingdom, it doesn't suit me, so let's forget it."


  Jiang Yexue was stunned for a moment, then pouted and said somewhat dissatisfied.

   Apparently she really didn't expect it,

   Chen Fei would actually refuse...

   On the contrary, Fatty Ran and Meng Qingyan were stunned when they heard the words, and then they looked at Chen Fei again with a tacit understanding, and there was even a little more emotion, and admiration.

   Maybe Jiang Yexue can't understand Chen Fei's refusal, after all, she herself is in the game. Different positions and identities naturally have different ideas. But they can understand.

   For them, this is a kind of self-confidence, a kind of persistence! At the same time, it is also a kind of character and pride!

  Because they themselves are not so different. Compared with the ruling immortal kingdom, compared with the generals, the background forces behind them are incomparable... But don't they still come here? !

  The strength is certainly desirable and eager...

   But not everyone will choose this way! as it is now.

   "There is no reason, inappropriate is inappropriate." Fade Chen shook his head without explaining, just said with a smile. "It's enough that we're friends now. What do you think?"

"All right…"

   Jiang Yexue is a pity,

   But still didn't persist.

   And these time buffers actually made her understand. She didn't really understand some things, she just couldn't believe it for a while. I didn't expect it.

   "Then where are you planning to go when you go to the country? The Star Picking Temple!?"

   Fatty Ran asked suddenly.


   Chen Fei nodded and said with a smile. "Prepare to go to the Star Picking Temple to see."

   "The Temple of the Stars? That's fine too..."

   Jiang Yexue laughed again, her eyes narrowed slightly. "At that time, everyone will be in the capital, and they will be close. If you need any help, you can come to the General's Mansion to find me!"

   "What, are you going back?"

   Chen Fei asked curiously.

   "Hey, you can't go back if you don't go back..." Jiang Yexue sighed and said with a sad face. "My grandfather just gave me an ultimatum! If I don't go back, I will come and arrest me in person!"

   "Yixue, it's an eventful time now, listen to the general's words and be quiet for a while."

   Meng Qingyan spoke slowly, looked at Fade Chen again, and said.

"Chen Fei, you'd better be more careful recently. I don't know if you are clear, but the situation in my Burning Dragon Palace and Zhutian Pavilion is very bad recently! Many people have sneaked in and hunted the seeds of genius everywhere... If you are caught by them If you keep an eye on it, it will be very troublesome!"

   "Zhutian Pavilion?"

   Chen Fei was stunned.


   Meng Qingyan nodded and said. "A behemoth on the same level as our Burning Dragon Palace! Even to put it bluntly, the overall strength of Zhutian Pavilion is better than our Burning Dragon Palace! Now that they are fighting, naturally they cannot be taken lightly."

   "Thanks for the reminder. I got it!"

   Chen Fei nodded seriously and said.

   "Yixue, then you can honestly go back and take it with you. Let's wait until you are strong enough, or when the weather calms down. Now, let's say goodbye here and see you another day!"

   Then Chen Fei stood up directly, warned Jiang Yexue, and then smiled at Fatty Ran and Meng Qingyan again, then turned around and flashed in the air! Just disappeared and left!

   And seeing this scene, Jiang Yexue opened her mouth,

   In the end, I couldn't hold back my anger and stomped my feet,

   said helplessly.

   "This idiot!"

   Such a good opportunity was not seized. Doesn't he know that whether it is the palace, or following his grandfather, just accepting instructions, or supporting him, he will skyrocket up to 90,000 miles! Soaring into the sky? !

   "He's not stupid!"

   "His mood is terrible! He is a persistent and persistent person!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Fatty Ran shaking his head.

   said solemnly.


   Meng Qingyan also nodded and said with emotion. "But no king who stands upright in the sky is willing to choose to rely on others. It's not that it's bad, but it's an expression of ambition, self-confidence, and even pride! To be honest, if he really chooses to go back with you, I'm afraid instead I would underestimate him...but right now, I'm looking forward to fighting him!"

   Jiang Yexue pouted,

   but did not refute.

   Because she knew that Meng Qingyan was right!

   At the same time, Fatty Ran rolled his eyes, as if he had found an opportunity, and wanted to slip away... But then Meng Qingyan grabbed his ear again and said viciously.

   "Why, still want to run? Think I'm blind?!"

   "It hurts, it hurts!"

   "Wrong, wrong, wrong... Let go of my wife, is it okay to be wrong?!"

   Fatty Ran screamed in pain! shouting. Hearing this, Meng Qingyan blushed a little. A slap landed on Fatty Ran and said viciously. "What are you yelling about? Who is your daughter-in-law, shameless!"

   "Who else, of course, is my beautiful and kind Meng Qingyan!"

   "Daughter-in-law, I know it's wrong, give me a chance..."

   Fatty Ran had a thick skin and a mean smile. Meng Qingyan blushed even more when he heard this, his movements became lighter, and he couldn't get up even more "ruthless". She wasn't afraid of Fatty Ran's other things, but she was afraid of this brazen look...

   And seeing this scene,

   Jiang Yexue couldn't help but chuckle,

   also relieved a bit of the previous depression.


   (end of this chapter)

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