Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4000: Nie family meeting!

   Chapter 4000 Nie Family Meeting!

  Nie's forbidden area,

  In an ancient temple with sword energy,

   An old man appeared here,

   makes the atmosphere here look very dignified!

"What the **** are you doing, you actually let people call the door, are you all a bunch of trash? Being so humiliated, where is the face of our Nie family?!" An old guy couldn't help but get angry. , the first to break the calm.

   Now their Nie family has become the center of the storm,

   But it also became a laughing stock,

   One of the two poles of the mainland that dignifiedly hates, what now? But was actually trampled on the head by a younger generation? What is this concept? It just **** him off. Furious.

   "Fourth, don't go crazy here, everyone will say anything, but I ask you, if you start a war with the Sikong family, can you bear the consequences?"

   Another old man spoke up, sneering directly. "The matter of the Holy Son of the Sikong family is known to everyone in the mainland. Don't tell me you don't know. At that time, if they really find the main line of the Sikong family, who will fight? Are you?!"

   "But. But."

  The old man who was called the fourth child was at a loss for words.

   Although he was angry, he was also rational.

   The main line of the Sikong family? Not to mention the main line, even if this branch of God Hate Continent, the Nie family would not dare to lose face. After all, its background is placed there...

   Forget about them,

   Even if the Blue Sky Immortal Sect behind them came, I am afraid it would be the same.

   "But, is it possible that this is the case?!"

   He was still unwilling, and said coldly.

   "Nie Kuwu was severely injured, and our Nie family's face was also trampled to the bottom this time! It's hard to tell if it's true, I'm not reconciled! When will our Nie family have to swallow so much?!"

   As soon as these words come out,

  Everyone was silent for a while.

   In fact, they are not reconciled...

   With their current status and strength, and have they been so oppressed and trampled on? It's been the first time for so many years. So, they are indeed a little unwilling!

   "Actually I don't think this is a bad thing."

   But at this moment,

   But someone suddenly said.

   As soon as these words come out,

   All eyes fell on him.

   "Seventh, what do you mean by that?"

  Someone frowned slightly.

   "Literally." The old man who was called the seventh old man shook his head and said lightly.

   "Actually, we all know that because of guilt, Nie Konghai's little beast has always been a flaw in Nie Kuwuxin! Now this flaw has been eliminated, and it won't stand up if it doesn't break. Isn't this a good thing?"

   As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

   But his eyes began to twinkle.


   They always knew that Nie Konghai was Nie Kuwu's flaw, but because they were afraid that Nie Kuwu would not accept it, they could not solve this problem, but now, they were solved by outsiders under the guise of their own hands.

  In a sense,

   This is indeed a good thing.

   "It's just... that's it, our Nie family is not so easy to be bullied! Isn't it?"

   The old man who was called the fourth child spoke again and said irritably.

   "Fourth brother, it's not that simple, I don't know if you noticed... eh, let's put it this way, Nie Kuwu is the Great Dao Yuan Shattering Immortal Body, and the four-star innate immortality, you all know?"

   "Isn't this nonsense? Who doesn't know?!"

  The old man who was called the fourth child said without hesitation.

   "Fourth brother, then let me ask you, what level of genius do you think Chen Fei is?" The old man known as the seventh elder said slowly, when he said this, the audience fell silent, and everyone was stunned.

   Chen Fei,

What level of genius is   ?

  The old man who was called the fourth child was stunned for a long time, then he swallowed and said slowly.

   "Four-star immortal?"

   "No..." The old man who was called the seventh old man shook his head and said solemnly. "Perhaps higher! You must know that Nie Kuwu has not fought against the four-star Xiantian Immortal. Even if he is also a four-star Immortal, it is impossible to completely ignore the power of Nie Kuwu's Dao Yuan Shattering Immortal Body, but Chen Chen What about flying? It doesn't work for him at all!"

   "This is already obvious, that guy, conservatively estimated to be a five-star innate immortal! Fourth brother, do you think a super genius of this level will have no background?!"

   This time everyone is dumb,

   Even the very grumpy old man known as the 'Fourth Brother' is no exception.

   Although he has an explosive temper, he is not stupid. The dignified five-star innate immortality, will he have no background to support him? how is this possible? I'm afraid even fools won't believe such a statement... Besides, even if it really doesn't exist.

   With the words "Five Stars Immortal",

   This is the background backer!

  Looking at Beihuang, Five-Star Immortality is definitely a rare existence. If any top forces know about it, they will come to **** them like crazy. That is to say, as long as he is willing, the top forces in Beihuang let him choose whatever he wants!

   Don't even say that they are in the Northern Wilderness. Even in the Shenguang Xinghe, or even Zhongzhou on the other side of the Shenguang Xinghe, the dignified five-star immortality is definitely the core existence that people look up to! Everyone wants it.


   itself is the background backer, nothing more than this!

   Especially their 'Nie family'... I'm afraid they really can't provoke such super geniuses!

   Thinking of this,

   Their original arrogance was almost gone.

   Almost everyone had a wry smile on their faces. Smile bitterly.

   Five-star immortal genius?


   How could such a monster find their Nie family...

   "Actually I have a guess..."

   At this moment, the old man who was called the seventh old man spoke again,

   As soon as these words came out, someone immediately said eagerly.

   "What's the guess? Old Seven, don't give a shit, just tell me."

   "In the previous battle between Chen Fei and Nie Kuwu, you should have seen the last move, right?"

  The old man who was called the seventh squinted his eyes, and his eyes flickered. "That's a space-type immortal supernatural power, and it should be a very powerful space-type immortal supernatural power... So I suspect that he should be a person from the space **** realm!"

   "Space God Realm?!"

   As soon as these words came out, everyone's pupils shrank and their expressions changed.


  The old man who was called the seventh old man nodded, his eyes twinkling.

   "He claims to be Ji Fengyuan's apprentice, but what about Ji Fengyuan? Now that he has gone to the main line of the Sikong family in the Space God Realm, from this point of view, he must be more or less related to the Space God Realm!"

"Second! It is also the most important point. His way of space is very good! This also means that his potential talent of space way is also very powerful! It may even be no weaker than that of Ji Fengyuan... So , Do you think that a super genius of this level, the Space God Realm, will be spared?"

   "Even if it is Space God Realm, it is impossible to be so arrogant, and this level of super genius can't even look down on it, right?!"

   As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent!

  Everyone was completely silent.


   That old man called the seventh,

   His analysis directly extinguished everyone's last anger and hope!

   (end of this chapter)

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