Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4001: Go back, you are not qualified to check him!

   Chapter 4001 Go back, you are not qualified to check him!

   A person from the Space God Realm? If Chen Fei is really from the Space God Realm... let alone revenge, it's terrible that they should really think about it now, how to go to the door to apologize. How to win Chen Fei's understanding and forgiveness.

   Although the Nie family is not weak,

   But there is also self-knowledge!

   Compared with Space God Domain, they are fireflies and mud, and they are not on the same level at all. The gap is heaven.


   Thinking of this, someone sighed and shook his head. "Since that's the case, we'd better be more restrained. This Chen Fei can't move, it's too hot, and if something goes wrong, it's simply irreversible!"

   As soon as these words came out, the face of the old man who was called the fourth child changed wildly!

  But in the end...even he didn't refute it!

   Because he knows very well,

   What the other party said is the truth! And facts speak louder than words.

   Immediately everyone became less interested, and finally left the meeting with a helpless expression on their faces. Even if they were unwilling, but this is the end, they could only swallow this breath honestly. Give up struggling.

   But at this moment, the old man who was called the seventh,

   But he found the great elder of the Nie family in private,

  Nie Qinghong!

   "Seventh, do you have anything else to do?"

  Nie Qinghong's eyes flickered.

   "Elder, I want to ask you to go to Baixiao Palace to check the details of this Chen Fei!" The old seventh said no nonsense and said bluntly. As soon as these words came out, the great elder Nie Qinghong was stunned for a moment.

   Then he gradually frowned.

"is it necessary?"

   After a while, he asked.

   "Even if he has a great background, we won't be finished if we don't provoke him. Is it necessary to check his background?"

   "No, Great Elder. You didn't understand what I meant..."

   That Old Seven shook his head, his eyes twinkling.

"Actually, that guy didn't kill Nie Kuwu, which means that he should have little ill will towards our Nie family and Nie Kuwu. I mean, in this case, you can actually consider getting in touch with him! "

   "Touch him a little bit?"

  Nie Qinghong was startled for a moment.


   Lao Qi nodded, his eyes twinkling. "I heard that the kid saw through Nie Kuwu's secret at a glance, and revealed that Kuwu is preparing to evolve the Dao Yuan Shattering Immortal Body again... This is the biggest secret of our Nie family! But he revealed it at a glance, You can imagine how powerful that kid is! Moreover, maybe he might be able to help us with this too!"

   As soon as these words came out, Nie Qinghong's old eyes also shone slightly.

   He looked at Lao Qi and said slowly.

   "You want him to be a whetstone for Kunai and help the Kunai Immortal body evolve?"

   "That's right!"

   That Old Seven nodded and said with a smile.

   "The progress of geniuses is all mutual!"

"And only geniuses of the same level, or more powerful, can give them enough pressure! This time Nie Kuwu really lost, but it's nothing, just win it back next time... but this Chen Fei, That's the key!"

   "The pressure of a super genius, coupled with the motivation of revenge, will make it more likely to promote the evolution of Kunai's immortal body... Because only in this way is his only hope for turning defeat into victory!"

"And this will also become the biggest driving force and possibility for him to become stronger, and even the evolution of the immortal body! Therefore, Great Elder, I would like to ask you to go to Baixiao Palace to check his details. "

   "Although it may cost a lot, it's worth it, isn't it?! If it is true that Kuwu can evolve into a five-star immortality, it will be absolutely priceless to our Nie family!"

   hear this,

   The Great Elder also smiled slightly.

"you're right!"

   "It's really worth it!"

   "Five-star immortality, that's priceless!"

   The voice fell, and he just flashed, left a sentence, and left floating.

   "I'll go right away! Wait for my news."


   Baixiao Palace has a pronoun,

   Then it's everywhere!

   This is also their scariest place.


   This sounds simple enough. But if it can be done to this extent, everyone knows how difficult it is. And this is one of the reasons why they can become the top behemoths in this fairyland!

  Because they...everywhere!


After    left Nie’s house,

  The great elder of the Nie family, Nie Qinghong, also left the Sky Sea Conch City and flew straight into the depths of the Shenhen Continent, finally stopping in a small, unknown city.

   Entering this little-known town,

  Nie Qinghong turned left and right many times, almost familiar with the road.

   Then we came to a very small alley. This is a very inconspicuous place, but at this moment, Nie Qinghong, the dignified Immortal Emperor 8th Layer Heavenly Powerhouse, has a solemn expression on his face, and his breathing is rapid.

   seems a little nervous.

   At the end of this alley, there is a dilapidated shop. The shop was covered with a tattered wooden door, which creaked, as if a gust of wind would bring it down.

  'Bai Xiao', on the door plate of this small shop, there is a tattered and mutilated ghost head card with these two characters written crookedly. I don't know how many years it has not been cleaned, and it is covered with cobwebs.

   Anyone who sees here,

   I'm afraid it's impossible to equate it with one of the behemoth forces that are famous in the whole immortal world, Baixiao Palace, right?

   But the problem is,

   It is!

  This is the God Hate Continent Branch of Baixiao Palace!

   is also one of the restricted areas of the Continent that All God Hates.


  Nie Qinghong let out a sigh of relief and let himself relax, then dragged a slightly heavy step and walked into the interior of the Baixiao Palace. The inside of the store is dark and cramped, with nothing at all except a dirty square counter and a tattered alley door.

   There is no place to sit.

   There was an old man sitting behind the counter.

   He was skinny, even blind in one eye, leaning against the counter and dozing off. The hair is messy, like a chicken coop, dirty, and it feels like a half-dead sloppy old guy!

   However, in front of the other party,

  Nie Qinghong, the dignified Immortal Emperor Eighth Heavenly Powerhouse, didn't even dare to say a word.

   just quietly waiting for the other party to doze off.

   After an unknown amount of time, the other party suddenly paused for a while, then opened his last eye and looked at Nie Qinghong indifferently. "Tell me, what's the matter?"

   "I want to check someone. It's that mysterious young man who defeated my Nie family Nie Kuwu in my Nie family in Tianhai Conch City some time ago, Chen Fei!" Nie Qinghong said quickly.

   "You want to check him?"

  The old man laughed,

   In his dry mouth, there were still several teeth missing, and he laughed, making Nie Qinghong a little horrified.

   "Go back. You are not qualified to check him."

   As soon as these words came out, Nie Qinghong froze in place as if struck by lightning, his pupils shrank. It was almost a subconscious and incredible blurt out of his mouth. "What, what?!"

   However, the old man ignored him.

   Closing his eyes leisurely again, as if he had fallen asleep.

   And seeing this scene,

   Hearing the words and seeing this, Nie Qinghong's expression changed again and again. There was blue and purple for a while, but in the end, he still lowered his head silently, his face was dull, and he even left in a daze.

   Until I walked out of the Baixiao Palace, it was far, far away,

   has even left that unknown town,

   The confusion in his heart,

   still failed to dissipate and dissolve.

   Up until this point, the words of the other party were still echoing in his mind.

   "Go back. You are not qualified to check him."

   "You are not qualified to check him."

"You are not eligible…"


   (end of this chapter)

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