Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4020: I'm here today, I'll protect you!

   Chapter 4020 I'm here today, I, protect you!

   "I didn't expect this treasure map to be so terrifying... Could it be possible that it is the Immortal Emperor's Heavenly Soldier at the seventh level of the Immortal Emperor?" Sword God Sikong stared at the treasure map in Chen Fei's hands with fear, feeling extremely frightened.

   Such a terrifying Tianhainu was wiped out by the sword of this treasure map.

  You have to say that this is not the Immortal Emperor Heavenly Soldier of the Immortal Emperor Seventh Heaven Level,

   He doesn't believe it!

   This thing is really scary!

   "Maybe, or maybe not, did you forget that last word? This treasure map seems to be just a scrap of a scroll, but it doesn't matter anymore, because soon they will all be returned to their original owners!"

   Chen Fei said softly,

   Then he directly put away the Apocalypse and was about to leave,

   It’s just at this moment that a mutation suddenly occurred!

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

  The sea shook violently, shaking wildly, like a huge earthquake of hundreds of millions!

One after another huge dark red black light as thick as a mountain, swooshing, piercing the turbulent sea crazily, those scenes, it seems that the sea is about to be torn apart. It is extremely terrifying and makes people feel Shocked, suffocated!

   "Then, what is that!?"

   Sword God Sikong's pupils shrank,

In the eyes of   , a trace of astonishment appeared,

   "That's... a vine, a vine?!"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua also had a strong shock in his eyes at this time!

   He stared at the countless dark red and black lights as thick as mountains, paused for a moment, and then his face suddenly trembled, and said in awe. "Sir, shouldn't this thing be that, that..."


   Chen Fei nodded slightly,

   blurted out:

   "Chaos Magic Vine..."

   "What, what?!"

  The Sword God Sikong was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, almost jumping up, his pupils shrunk, his face full of horror. "Isn't it? This, this is the chaotic magic vine? That chaotic magic vine of the highest immortal beast level?!"

   "What do you say?"

   Chen Fei said lightly,

   Then he stared at the majestic dark red vines again... At the same time, he frowned slightly, as if he was thinking, and it didn't take long before he saw his face change suddenly! Shen said.

   "No, his target is the lotus seed of Xuan Zhenxuan Baolian that day..."

   As soon as the voice fell, the big movement came again,

   Rumble Rumble Rumble!

  Om! hum! hum…

   The innumerable dark red vines directly surrounded all directions, and then kept shrinking. The center of it was not anywhere else, but the island where Xuan Zhenxuan Baolian Lotus Seed was located!

   "Woo! Woo! Woo..."

   On the sea, countless screams came surging,

   Under the strangulation of the terrifying vines, countless sea beasts were buried in the sea and died tragically! Those vines, the rays of light flowing, dark red and evil, are full of the power of chaotic laws!

   What's even more terrifying is that on each huge vine, there are countless barb-like ravines, like war spears, wherever they go, they will smash each and every target! The blood is dripping, dyeing the sea red!


   Upon seeing this scene, Sword God Sikong couldn't help taking a deep breath. His face was pale and his whole body was shaking. The pressure was so great that he couldn't bear it! Out of breath.

   "Sir, we?"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua couldn't help looking at Chen Fei,

   with a bit of anxiety,

   The coercion and pressure caused by this chaotic magic vine at this time are even more exaggerated and terrifying than the previous day Hainu... Therefore, they must make a choice as soon as possible!


   Or run with the lotus seeds of Xuan Zhenxuan Baolian that day?

   As for the enemy of this chaotic vine? He didn't seem to dare to have such thoughts in his mind at all. That feeling, like instinct and intuition, was warning him wildly! Do that...and you'll die!

   On the contrary, Chen Fei is now,

   is a little silent... or rather, has calmed down a bit,

   Because he has seen through the real details of that chaotic magic vine!

   "Half-step Immortal Emperor?"

   Chen Fei muttered.

In the    Immortal Realm, the Immortal Emperor Realm is a threshold for the supreme immortal beasts, or those of higher levels. That is to say, those who are still young...


   can qualify to be counted as youth, or formative…

   And the chaotic magic vine in front of you, although it is only half a step away from the realm of the Immortal Emperor, but this half step is half a step away! It's impossible to ignore it, so, a half-step Immortal Emperor-level chaotic magic vine?

  If there is a real fight...

   I'm afraid this guy may not be as powerful as Hai Nu the previous day!

Do not…

   can not say not necessarily, but absolutely not!

   Because, if you want to be at the half-step Immortal Emperor level, it is enough to match that Immortal Emperor Sixth Heaven, or even the peak of Immortal Emperor Sixth Heaven.

   Not to mention that it is necessary to have the first-class Xeon and Supreme Immortal beasts of Tianfeng, Zulong and Chaos beasts,

   But it should be at least the top level among the supreme immortal beasts! And this chaotic magic vine, can they be considered the top level in the level of the supreme fairy beast? The middle and lower levels may be okay, the top level? That's basically completely hopeless.

   And this also means that this chaotic magic vine that is only half-step Immortal Emperor cultivation realm, its real combat power, I am afraid that at most, it is only the Immortal Emperor Fifth Layer, or the peak of the Fifth Layer?

   Can this be beaten?

   Chen Fei had such a thought in his heart.

   Then his eyes flashed,

   murmured lightly.

   "It might be a bit difficult, but if you use that trick... you should be able to fight, right?"


  Suddenly, a ray of divine light rushed out of the small island, and it flew out suddenly, and rushed into the distance at an incredible speed! Suddenly, Yuan Rong Qinghua and Sikong Sword God both changed their expressions and blurted out.

   "Yes, it's him..."

   "That lotus seed, it ran in the opposite direction to us, this..."

   That's right,

   Knowing that the danger is coming, the Tianxuan Zhenzhu Baolian Seed in the cave can only choose to escape, but even so... it actually chose the opposite direction to them!

what does that mean,

it goes without saying,

   "He, don't want to drag us down?"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua muttered,

   Then he couldn't help but looked over to Fade Chen.

   "Master, I, we..."

   Hearing the words and seeing this, Sword God Sikong stopped talking. He opened his mouth, but closed it again. After repeating this several times, he still didn't speak out the persuasion that was almost clogged up in his throat.

  Maybe it's up to now,

   He couldn't bear it, didn't he?


   And at this moment, Fade Chen suddenly shot, he actually stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, and then his palm ignored the boundaries of space, spanning hundreds of millions of sea miles,

   caught the lotus seeds of Xuan Zhenxiao Baolian that day!

   "Senior, what are you doing? This is the chaotic magic vine, the legendary chaotic magic vine! His target is me, you go, don't worry about me, or we will all die!"

   That day, the lotus seeds of Xuan Zhenxiao Baolian trembled violently,

   There was an extremely anxious and anxious voice.


   Chen Fei smiled, and then looked in all directions. At this time, he was already staring at the magic vines that were surrounded by them, like an ant looking at the sky, but he was soaring over the mountains and rivers, and he was full of confidence!

   "I'm here today, I'll protect you!"

   (end of this chapter)

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