Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4021: Show up!

   Chapter 4021 Appears!

   "Former, senior..."

   That day, the lotus seed of Xuan Zhenxiao Baolian was stunned.

   looked at Fade Chen dazedly,

  There is an unspeakable feeling in my heart,

   Because he really didn't expect Chen Fei to be because of her...

   went and faced a chaotic magic vine of the supreme immortal beast level. Chaos Demon Vine, facing her this Tian Xuan Zhen Bao Lian, I am afraid that anyone who comes here will know how to choose... It will almost certainly be the former! But now?

   But now,

   Chen Fei still stood by her side,

   also said,

  Protect her!

"Ha ha…"

   And just after Chen Fei's words fell, that day Xuan Zhenbao Baolian was also caught in extremely complicated or extremely moving emotions. An indifferent sneer, but also suddenly resounded between this world! Deafening like thunder.

   "You said, you want to protect it?"


   rumble rumble rumble…

   Another sneer appeared, this time before Chen Fei even waited for an answer, that sea, which seemed to be an endless ocean, actually cracked at this moment! That's right, as if the sky had cracked, the whole sea, the whole ocean,

   There were huge, abyss-like cracks, and those trails were extremely terrifying, and all the vines were as thick as a mountain, and they all appeared in the abyss-like sea cracks!

   to the end,

   These vines seem to be joined together,

  A larger shadow appeared in the depths of the sea! The bottom of the vast ocean, like a deep-sea magic eye, a secluded spring in the ocean, is extremely cold, staring at them coldly.


   What a terrifying existence!

   What a horror, what a suffocating sense of oppression...

   Immediately, whether it was Yuan Rong Qinghua or Sikong Sword God, all of them trembled and gasped! His face also started to turn pale. In their eyes, there was a strong shock and horror!

   "This, is this the legendary chaotic magic vine... What a terrifying sense of oppression, well, what a terrifying power!" Yuan Rong Qinghua was trembling even when he spoke at this time.

"This guy, he is probably almost an adult... This, this is a half-step Immortal Emperor-level chaotic magic vine! My God, how can it be so unlucky, in this sea of ​​​​sky, there is actually a chaotic magic vine hidden in it. ?!" Sword God Sikong also had a pale face at this time, his whole body was trembling, and his heart was numb.

   He naturally understands that for the supreme immortal beast, the Immortal Emperor Realm means adulthood, and it also means entering the house and being able to 'get out of the mountain'. Since then, even if you look at the whole immortal world, this adult supreme immortal beast will definitely have a place!

   And this chaotic vine at the moment,

   Although it hasn't really reached the Immortal Emperor Realm...

   But it’s actually not much.

   Half-step Immortal Emperor,

   Immortal Emperor Realm,

   is just one step away!

   In other words, what they are facing now is actually a supreme immortal beast that is 'about to come of age, about to enter the house, and leave the mountain'? !


   Sword God Sikong gritted his teeth fiercely,

  He is a little depressed and flustered!

   Not only them, but even the seeds of Xuan Zhenxuan Baolian... At this moment, some trembled slightly because of fear and trembling. Why is she so scared? Why is that chaotic magic vine staring at her?

it's actually really easy. Just because of two words - the same kind!

   As Tianxuan Zhenyao Baolian, she is a new life in the plant system. The same is true for the chaotic magic vine. In addition to being the supreme immortal beast, the chaotic magic vine is also a plant-type existence!

   among the same kind,

   will always have the biggest attraction!

   And this kind of struggle... is often the cruelest, bloodiest and most realistic!

   Both are plant-type creatures, but this chaotic vine is a supreme immortal beast, and her innate level is higher than her... So when she faces each other, she will have an instinctive resistance from the depths of her soul, even fear!

   This is actually the same as the principle of bloodline suppression...

  So, don't look at her seeming calm now,

   But in fact, in her heart, she was really afraid!

   But even so,

   Among them,

   But there is only one person... Almost from the beginning to the end, his face is still so, so calm.

   "Is it hard to understand what I said? I said, I'm here today, I'll protect him, why, do you have any opinion? Don't play tricks here, if you have anything to say, get out and say it to me."

   staring at the black shadow of the behemoth in the depths of the ocean,

   Chen Fei snorted directly,

   said coldly.

   As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent!

   Even the terrifying power in the depths of the ocean seems to have stagnated for a while, and then gradually became a little quieter, extremely quiet... Until a long time later, the icy voice reappeared,

   echoes in this world.

"it is good!"

   Rumble Rumble Rumble!

The voice of    fell, the sea boiled, and the black shadow of the behemoth suddenly squeezed out of the sea, like a long whale going out of the sea, and it seemed like the sun, moon and stars rushed out of the Tianhe, it was a shocking scene! Incredibly shocking.

   But at the same time,

  The huge black shadow began to shrink rapidly...

   until the end,

A dark red young man with terrifying and chaotic power all over his body appeared in the void. He stood in the sky, with long hair and a shawl, his eyes flashing with a dark red shimmer, his eyes were sharp, like a sharp sword !

   Although his appearance seems to be ordinary, he has an inexplicable power that is incomparably evil. Once people look at him, or just see his appearance, they seem to be confused and go crazy.

   In the center of his eyebrows, there is a pattern of a vine-like plant with a very ferocious shape. From a distance, it exudes light, lifelike, and fluttering in the wind... It looks like a living thing.


   And seeing this scene,

   Chen Fei was also slightly surprised and muttered.

   "I didn't expect it to be a pure chaotic magic vine..."

   is the same as the concept of pure blood Tianfeng and non-pure blood Tianfeng. This chaotic magic vine is also divided into pure and impure. Plant-type creatures don't talk about blood, they don't have blood, they talk about origin, and they talk about inheritance!

   has a pure origin, and at the same time can also get the ancient inheritance of the family, it is a pure chaos magic vine! And only the chaotic magic vine of this level is qualified, and it is truly called the supreme fairy beast!

   And at the same time,

  The chaotic magic vine stood in the sky, with his arms crossed and his brows slightly frowned, looking down at Fade Chen coldly,

   neither chose to attack, nor spoke... just looked at him so coldly!

   And since he stopped talking,

   Then Fade Chen doesn't need to say more...


   is so solidified.

   incomparably quiet,

   is also a little quiet and intimidating!

   "He is my prey... This is also its glory and destiny!"

   After such a long time, the chaotic magic vine finally seemed to be unable to bear it anymore. He lowered his head, looked down at Chen Fei, opened his mouth slowly, and said coldly. "Get out of here with your people! I'll spare your life, otherwise if you insist on blocking me... then only the winner will be the one who will have the final say!"

   (end of this chapter)

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