Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4034: Mysterious woman, ghost-faced old man!

   Chapter 4034 Mysterious woman, ghost-faced old man!


After getting Chen Fei's reply, Yuan Sheng also grinned and smiled 'ruthlessly', and then he saw it suddenly soared into the sky, like a plundering star, straight towards the The giant stone statue in the long yellow sand rushed over.

   And seeing this scene,

   Chen Fei also moved his body slightly,

   Kacha Kacha, there was a banging sound inside the body,

   seems to be ready to start action...

   But at this moment,

   Mutation Mutation!

  咻! Suddenly, I saw the entrance to the abyss in the distance, but suddenly a figure burst into the sky, making an extremely piercing sound. Then, people saw a woman slowly descending outside the sea of ​​sand... and seeing this scene, the eyes of many people present, even many strong people, were a little bit slightly. The congealed up.

   Because in that woman,

   They all felt a very strange feeling…

   Or power fluctuations!

   And this feeling, this kind of power fluctuation, actually made them feel very depressed and uncomfortable.

   "Little girl, where are you from? Where are you from the holy land sect, or from an aristocratic family or a powerful family?" Someone couldn't help it. A middle-aged man with a lion-haired shawl stood up, his eyes were a bit sharp, he stared at the woman like a sharp sword, and asked.

   However, the latter just glanced at it lightly,

   ignored it...

   That's right,



   A terrifying aura appeared on the middle-aged man with the lion-haired shawl,

   suddenly caused a boundless storm,

   Such scenes, such as the sun, moon, stars, and the universe explode together! Those shock waves and storms, as huge as the Milky Way stars, dazzling and boundless, spread out, as if it could crush the heavens, the void shattered, the space flowed backwards, extremely terrifying... This turned out to be the peak of an Immortal Emperor Sixth Heavenly Layer. Strong!

   And this time, he stared at the woman with an angry face, and said coldly.

   "Ignore me? Junior, do you want to die?"

"Ha ha…"

   "Little baby, she's not too old, but she has a good temper..."

   But at this moment, another rather old voice suddenly sounded,

   Then, a ghost figure appeared directly in front of the middle-aged man with lion hair and shawl. He grinned, but he had no eyes, no nose, no four senses, only a mouth, a complete grimace.

   was so terrifyingly weird facing him.

   grinned. "My little baby has a cold temper and doesn't like strangers, so for the sake of my old bones, don't get to know him in the same way? Little baby, can you see?


  Suddenly the middle-aged man with lion hair was like a basin of cold water pouring it from his head to the soles of his feet.

   Even the heart is cold. His face changed greatly,

   Then, he quickly bowed down and apologized in a trembling voice. "No, I don't dare, I'm sorry, senior, I'm talking too much, I'm sorry!"

"Ha ha…"

  The ghost face smiled happily, and then looked at the woman again, only to find that the woman... was staring straight at Fade Chen at this time.

   "There is nothing wrong, there are traces of the curse mark on his body, the owner of that drop of blood is him... So, the mysterious man who fought with the Chaos Magic Vine before should be him, right?"

   "But why can't I see any flaws in him? It's like, he's really just an ordinary ordinary person... How strange!"

   The woman stared straight at Fade Chen, and a lot of thoughts and thoughts flashed through her heart... And it was also obvious that this woman was no one else, it was the calamity of the Baixiao Palace - what a love.

   When seeing this scene, let alone the other person, even Chen Fei himself had a slightly strange expression on his face at this time, and even a little surprised in his heart.

   "What's going on with this woman? She actually has such a strong ghost in her body, is she from the ghost clan? It's exaggerated..." Chen Fei took a closer look at the affection,

  Then he already has a spectrum in his heart...

   "It looks like a supreme immortal beast, or a six-star immortal at the supreme immortal pattern level!"

"If this feeling is correct, she should be able to catch up soon. Immortal Executioner just finished her evolution... So, I'm afraid this guy should be stronger than the previous chaotic magic vine! "

   "Whether it is potential talent, or cultivation realm strength..."

   murmured to this in my heart,

   Chen Fei couldn't help rolling his eyes and said speechlessly.

   "It's really weird. I just killed a chaotic magic vine, and now a more powerful one has appeared again. Is there such a talented person in this broken place? It's really strange."


   Tucao returns to Tucao,

   Chen Fei was not too involved with her...


  I saw that after taking a deep look at that love again, his figure flashed, he rose into the air, turned into a streamer, and rushed straight towards the long yellow sand area where the rumbling erupted.

   And seeing this scene,

   That love didn't stop at all, and the next moment, it turned out to be the same as Fade Chen... or completely followed in Fade Chen's footsteps, rushing towards the long yellow sand.

   As soon as these scenes appear,

   Don't say it's someone else...

   Even Nie Kuwu had a strange look on his face.

   That Sikong Sword God directly turned around and asked Yuan Rong Qinghua.

   "Yuan Rong Qinghua, does this person Chen Fei know?"

   "I don't know... I haven't seen her anyway!"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua shook his head,


   Sword God Sikong pursed his lips, and then glanced at the strange ghost face in the void. At the same time, in his mind, a very terrifying thought emerged directly and flashed by.

   "These guys, shouldn't they be from the ghost clan of the ancestors?

   This thought,

   directly made him shudder. Somewhat startled.

   Such a strong ghost,

   and that weird grimace,

   Basically, in this fairyland, it can be said that it is the only part of the ancestors ghost clan... But the problem is that this ancestor ghost clan is the core high-level of the Baixiao Palace! Such a big man, why did they suddenly appear here? !

   is really weird...

   And the strong men of the major forces,

   Although they were also very curious about the identity of this person,

   But when they saw it with their own eyes, the lion-headed middle-aged man, a dignified super-powerhouse at the peak of the sixth-level Immortal Emperor, was actually frightened by the ghost face like this...

   immediately became interested. Honestly collect and hide their thoughts.

   "Yang Qing, let's go, there's not much time, let's pass this level first, and then talk about the real soul refining tower! I believe that with your strength, you should be able to reach the end!"

"Xizhou, remember, be careful of the giant stone statue, that thing is not that simple, remember what I taught you earlier, don't capsize in the gutter! Go! The chance of this real soul refining tower can only be relied on You're on your own... Be careful!"

   "See God, you also saw that this time, the contestants of this True Essence Soul Refining Tower are a bit special... So protect yourself first, if it's really impossible, I allow you to give up!"


   (end of this chapter)

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