Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4035: Entering the sand sea, the first test!

   Chapter 4035 Entering the sand sea, the first test!

   For a while, the powerhouses of the major forces began to strictly exhort their descendants. Obviously, they all naturally realized that this time, the opportunity of this True Essence Soul Refining Tower is obviously much more difficult than that in the past!

In this situation,

   They no longer dared to say that they would win,

   even offered to promise.

  If the real thing is impossible...

   Can be allowed to give up!

   rumbling rumbling... But at this moment, in the long yellow sand area, there was a huge movement that suddenly attracted them all!

  I saw dozens of giant stone statues in the long yellow sand. At this moment, they have completely recovered... Moreover, they can even start to act...


  The tens, even hundreds, of stone giants,

   At this moment, they have already begun to move...

   "Click, click, click!"

  Although the extremely harsh joint crackling sounded, the faces of the stone giants were actually turning, and it was only at this time that Fade Chen noticed that the stone giants actually had more than one face.

   And it turned out to have three sides!

   "What's going on? Why is this giant stone statue different from what we've seen before? His face has changed. Could it be that it's evolved and the difficulty has increased?!" Someone couldn't help but be surprised. It is an older generation of powerhouses from a certain force outside the sand sea!

"I don't know...but even if it is self-evolution, it is normal for the difficulty to increase. Don't forget that this test of the True Essence Soul Refining Tower was left by Master Mu Huayuan! How could he be unaware?!"

   "Yes, it seems that the creators this time have high potential, talent and strength, which is why these stone giants are inspired to be the strongest, or in other words, stronger?!"


   at this moment,


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

  Suddenly, a gray and terrifying force erupted,

   actually caused the light in the long yellow sand to completely dim in an instant... Then, a force of extremely terrifying and tyrannical force rushed directly from the hundreds of stone giants!

   Everyone immediately felt a deep malice from it, and even the soul trembled!

   and a tyranny that seems to tear everything apart!

   "Sure enough... such pure soul power"

   Chen Fei muttered,

   A glimmer of brilliance appeared directly in his eyes.

   For him, this soul power is almost a kind of nourishment,

   Especially this kind of extremely pure, its power quality, it seems that it has evolved into a very deep soul power, and it is a panacea for him! Completely tonic.

   Thinking of this,

   Chen Fei had a choice directly in his heart.

   "If that's the case... This is a great opportunity, don't miss it!"

   Rumble Rumble Rumble!

   And at the same time, the giants of the stone statues also started to move... and this time it was a real move. I saw that they were all gushing out from the vast sand sea at this moment,

   Then step away!

   Straight towards Fade Chen and the others, the invaders,

   Come aggressively!

  Shoo! Immediately, an endless sense of oppression permeated, not to mention others, even Zhen Yuansheng, who bore the brunt, changed his face slightly at this time, and then his face became obviously dignified.


   Even if it was him,

   actually felt some pressure on these stone giants...

   "I don't believe it anymore. With my current strength, is it possible that I would still be afraid of these **** things? This is impossible!" Yuan Sheng snorted coldly, and then saw that he was rushing directly forward and started to do it.


   A gigantic death claw manifested, completely composed of strong to substantial guarding power, falling from the sky, tearing through the sky, giving people a feeling of being unable to compete.

   fiercely blasted towards the stone giants standing in front of him...


   The sky is falling apart! The terrifying force violently exploded among the giant crowd of stone statues, setting off an earth-shattering mushroom cloud, tearing out a long ancient abyss road that stretched for hundreds of millions of miles, as if it had no end, which was shocking.

   "Okay, so strong!"

   And seeing this scene,

  Those other participants were dumbfounded,

  's face changed dramatically.

  Although the cultivation realm of Yuansheng is now the only Immortal Emperor 1st Layer, this blow is really too powerful, even they are completely stunned at this time, and they feel a huge threat! One can imagine how terrifying the opponent's strength is.



   Yuansheng's blow,

Although it is true that the stone giant was broken, there was only one 'just', passing over the smashed stone giant's remnant. Come,

  Then one after another fist fell down with great force


   That terrifying force even broke the void in an instant, forming a shattered cobweb-like mirror, and upon seeing this scene, Yuan Sheng's face sank, and then the shadows behind him rushed like a black dragon...

   That's his tail!

boom! boom! boom! boom!

   It was like a collision between universes, Yuan Sheng's tail collided with the fist of the giant stone statue... Then, everyone and both sides actually stepped back! It's as if they were evenly matched.

   "Damn, what's going on, there seems to be an extremely strange power in these damned garbage, they suppress me and weaken my death power!"

"Don't you even know this? This is the oppression of the advanced power of the soul power." A voice came, and then there was a figure behind him, slowly approaching, slowly stepping into the air, looking carefully, it was not Chen Fei Who is it?

   "Advanced power oppression of soul power?"

   Yuan Sheng was slightly startled,

   Then finally there was a glimmer of enlightenment in his eyes.

  When the disparity in strength and quality is too large,

  Any force will produce a state of oppression called 'force oppression'. This, like blood pressure, can make your strength and strength quality, even mental state, soul state, etc.,

   will be affected in some way.

   These giants of stone statues are all derived from the ancestor of the original ancestor - Mu Huayuan, so it is not surprising that these soul powers can exert some power to oppress him. Very normal.

   He originally thought of punching all the way through. With a high-spirited and destructive attitude, he walked to the bottom of the True Yuan Soul Refining Tower... But now it seems that this is a bit difficult.

   But at this moment,

   Chen Fei also moved,

  I see,

   He glanced at the vast giant stone statue that seemed to be besieging the sky,

   Then, he walked straight and slowly.

   And seeing this scene,

   Yuan Sheng's eyes flashed,

   Then he stopped in place and just watched.

   This is a good opportunity for him to take a good look at Fade Chen's current strength and how it is.

   (end of this chapter)

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