Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4047: Holy, Holy? ! Ghost King Divine Sound!

   Chapter 4047 Holy, Holy Venerable? ! Ghost King Divine Sound!

   "Boom!" A dazzling beam of light came out, reaching the Nine Heavens and entering the Nine Netherworlds, and the endless terrifying reincarnation power flowed out, which cut off the old ghost's path abruptly.

   Immediately, immeasurable light bloomed in the nine heavens and ten places, and the beams of light crashed down as if they were upside down into the sky, erupting with unimaginable terrifying fluctuations. And this moment of light seems to illuminate the whole world, extremely brilliant.


   Everyone was horrified,

   My scalp was numb and I gasped for air. Especially at this time, the six demon king Bo Xun was a little hairy all over his body, and his eyes burst with horrified light, staring at the void,

   As if in disbelief.

   "Holy, Holy Lord!?"

   he murmured,

   Even more than when the so-called mind of the world came,

   is even more pale and gaffe!

   raised his head and looked carefully, and saw that in the void, at this time, it was not just an extra pair of eyes, but a stalwart figure staring at them coldly! Overlooking the common people.

   At this moment,

   Everyone seems to feel that the end is coming,

   This is from the depths of the soul, and there is an extreme difference in the imposing coercion!

   In front of that stalwart figure, no matter who they are, they are all ants and the soil under their feet! They are like ants all their lives, and they don't even dare to look up in the face of the terrifying existence here.

   But at this moment,

   The one-eyed old man, Old Ghost Master, suddenly burst into a terrifying aura. The monstrous ghosts filled the air and rushed over quickly, like countless galaxies, falling down to the Nine Heavens, boundless, terrifying, and endless.

   Moving mountains and reclaiming seas, or the collapse of the universe, are nothing compared to the terrifying fluctuations in front of us!

   "I haven't seen you for so many years, so you should be so careful, don't worry, I have no ill will towards him, but I didn't expect you to start paying attention to him, what? Are you going to let him go on the path you arranged?"

  The old ghost looked up at the sky and said indifferently.

   However, he did not get a half-point response,

   Soon after this,

  The terrifying fluctuations gradually disappeared,

From the beginning to the end, not even a word, a word, a sigh was left, but its appearance still left an extremely deep impression on everyone present, especially the six demon king Bo Xun. Even a huge shock!

   "I didn't expect that Lord Shengzun was still alive, and I didn't expect that even his old man... have begun to pay attention to this kid?" Those thoughts kept popping up in the heart of the six demon king Bo Xun.

   is also constantly thinking and guessing,

   Soon after this,

   He looked at Fade Chen again, and he began to look a little strange and weird.

   At the same time, I saw the one-eyed old man, the old ghost. At this time, he also walked slowly to Chen Fei, and after glancing at Chen Fei again, he directly shook his head and sighed.

"In the long years, I have seen a lot of so-called geniuses, but it is really rare to see people like you. Well, since your kid has created a hope for our ghost clan, then my old ghost should also thank you. help you..."


   The spirit of ghosts pervades,

   A loud roar roared,

   Then, another ghost king bell appeared.

   "Dang..." The ghost king's bell rang, shocking people, everyone even trembled all over, and then fainted, but Fade Chen trembled slightly, and then woke up directly.

And then,

   aware of all this,

   His face changed drastically.

   But the one-eyed old man, the old ghost, spoke before him,

   "Your injury should be nothing to you. If you repair it yourself, it will be more beneficial than if I help you. Next, concentrate on it, and have a good understanding. I will give you a ray of the ghost king's voice!"

  After a slight pause,

   The ghost king bell rang again,


The sound of    is like the sound of heaven and earth, like the sound of all living beings, the sound of all things, and even better is the sound of heaven, earth, sky, immortals, demons, gods and ghosts, including the supreme morality and philosophy!

   At that moment,

   Chen Fei has a feeling of empowerment,

   seems to have seen the origin of this place all at once.

   At that moment,

   He just froze in place, his eyes kept flashing,

   Then he seemed to be doing his best to retain, comprehend, and recall the so-called ghost king Shenyin!

   It was also at this moment that in his world, there were originally many closed doors for him, but at this moment, it seemed that several doors had been opened! At this moment, Chen Fei's own world seemed to be sublimated.


And then,


   Chen Fei's body suddenly filled with a strange and surging powerful power fluctuation.

   Immediately after that, this power began to burst out like thousands of stars, all of which emerged together, blooming hundreds of millions of feet of divine light, overwhelming the sky, and constantly blooming around Fade Chen's body,

   also seems to let Chen Fei's body evolve in situ,

   And seeing this scene, the one-eyed old man, the old ghost master, was slightly startled, and then shook his head directly.

   "Not bad...very good comprehension!"

   "In this way, if he can successfully evolve, this should be the immortal body of reincarnation in the book of reincarnation, right? But it seems that he is just relying on instinct to evolve again, and there is no systematic and complete cultivation system!"

   Thinking of this,

   He directly raised his head and asked lightly.

   "It's already like this. Why don't you help him? If this reincarnation fairy body evolves successfully, it should be more than enough to be your successor, right?"

   dead silence,

   No response at all.

   But after a long time, a voice suddenly appeared.

"My philosophy is different from yours. I can follow him, but I won't help him. He has his own way to go, just like now! Old ghost, you have to understand that being unique is the strongest! Successor? Me No need to pass on."

   "Really?" The ghost old man smiled and didn't say much, just took another deep look at Fade Chen, then shook his head and murmured. "This time, maybe you're right!"

The voice of    fell, and he didn't even pay attention to what happened to Fade Chen next.

   But the figure flashed,

   just disappeared in place.

  So and so, I don’t know how long it has passed,

   Chen Fei's fairy body evolution finally came to an end slowly.

  The visions in the heavens also slowly disappeared.

   At the same time, Chen Fei has gradually woken up from the state of epiphany, and then a very complicated emotion appeared on his face.

   "It seems that the favor this time... owes a lot!"

   Chen Fei moved his new body,

   muttered to himself.



   In fact, these are the results he obtained unconsciously under the guidance of the ghost king Shenyin, but this result is really big, even he himself can't imagine it!

   (end of this chapter)

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