Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4048: Reincarnation Immortal Body! Reincarnation War!

   Chapter 4048 Reincarnation Immortal Body! Reincarnation War!

   Because of the heart of reincarnation in his body at this moment,

   seems to have completely disappeared, and replaced by the evolutionary form of the heart of reincarnation, and also the core profound meaning of the heart of reincarnation - the immortal body of reincarnation!

"What kind of person is that old gentleman! Just relying on the so-called ghost king's voice, my heart of reincarnation has successfully evolved into a fairy body of reincarnation. You must know that now I only have the first volume of the book of reincarnation. Ah, in the first volume, there is no cultivation method that can evolve into the immortal body of reincarnation..."

   "That is to say, I am now completely instinctual evolution?"

   Chen Fei muttered,

   There were stormy waves in my heart, and it was difficult to calm down.

   Among the contents of the first volume of the Book of Reincarnation in his hand,

   In fact, there is only the cultivation method of the heart of reincarnation. Although there is some mention of the immortal body of reincarnation, there is no way to enter the immortal body of reincarnation at all.

   And in this case,

   He only relied on the so-called ghost king Shenyin,

   has accomplished such incredible things.

  In the absence of any cultivation method,

  Complete this incredible leap,

   From the heart of reincarnation,

  To Samsara Immortal Body!

   And this is the most basic, hardest, most incredible instinct evolution! The difficulty is more than ten times more difficult! This is literally hundreds of times more. This is simply incredible.

   Because of this,

   To be honest, he didn't even think of all this. They all startled him. Still a little dizzy so far. This feeling, like a dream, is too unreal.

   However, having said so,

   But when he now truly possesses and realizes the power of this power,

   He also finally understood,

   How powerful is this reincarnation fairy body,

  Light is this immortal body of reincarnation,

   is actually the Immortal Seven Stars!

   And his current immortal body of reincarnation is probably the weakest period in history, the weakest immortal body of reincarnation, but even so, it still has the level of seven-star immortality, you can imagine what this concept is!

   His current immortal body of reincarnation,

   is definitely able to progress, become stronger, and even evolve!

   At that time, even the reincarnation fairy body at the peak period may not be able to compete with those Xeon and Gao fairy beasts, but it is definitely not far behind! Besides, what he has is far more than just this reincarnation fairy body...

   "This is really a big favor!"

   Chen Fei muttered,

   The old man who had only one relationship with him kept echoing in his mind, and then he forced himself to engrave the old man's face deeply into his own heart. firmly in his mind.

   He has his own rules and principles of life.

The grace of a drop of water should be reciprocated by a spring, and it is a great grace... That's right, in his heart at this time, the other party's kindness to him is indeed only a great grace that can harmonize it. .


   He must keep in mind…

  This must be kept in mind!

   But at this moment,

   Suddenly, a halo appeared in front of him, and then, the demonic energy surged over the sky, and then he saw the six demon king Bo Xun, who came directly from the air and appeared in front of Chen Fei.

   "You haven't left yet?"

   And seeing this scene,

   Chen Fei said in surprise.

   "Why, you really want me to leave?"

   Bo Xun said indifferently, then took a deep look at Fade Chen again, then shook his head and said softly. "If I leave, you will regret it, because you will miss a great opportunity!"

   "Oh? What chance?"

   Chen Fei smiled lightly.

   "The second volume of the Book of Reincarnation, the Immortal King and Immortal Emperor Volume!"

   Nabo Xun said lightly.

   As soon as these words come out,

   Chen Fei's eyes narrowed directly, his eyes narrowed slightly.


   "Interested now?"

   Nabo Xun smiled, then directly raised his hand and waved, and sent a roll of maps and tokens to Fade Chen. And seeing this scene, Chen Fei couldn't help but ask.

"what is this?"

   "The map of the Six Paths Reincarnation Prison, as well as the participant token of the Reincarnation War!"

   Bo Xun glanced at Fade Chen and said lightly.

"The Six Paths of Samsara Prison is where the Six Paths of Samsara is located, and it is also the place where we are waiting. It is located somewhere in the 30,000 Immortal Domain in the ancient courtyard of Zhongzhou, and this Samsara War, as the name suggests, is one of my top battles in the Six Paths of Samsara! "

   Having said this, Nabozion paused,

   Then he spoke slowly again and said softly.

   "The reincarnation war only happens every other epoch. You are lucky, but you may also be unlucky, because the next reincarnation war will take place in 300 million years!"

   "300 million years later?" Fade Chen's eyes flickered directly. asked softly. "That is to say, this reincarnation war has something to do with the second volume of the book of reincarnation?"


  Bo Xun nodded,

   said softly. "This reincarnation war is one of the grandest events for the younger generation of my six races of reincarnation. In each era, there will be countless younger generations, young outstanding people, rising in this reincarnation war, so the rewards of this reincarnation war are also Naturally, it will be very rich, and one of them is the second volume of this book of reincarnation.”

"one of them?"


   Bo Xun nodded and said lightly. "You should also know that, in fact, most people can't cultivate this Book of Reincarnation at all, and they can't even get started, even if it's me... It's the same! So it is destined that the cultivators of this Book of Reincarnation are just Few! Therefore, people like you can only be regarded as one of the protagonists in this reincarnation war, not all!"

"I understand…"

   Chen Fei nodded and asked again.

   "Then how can I get the second volume of this book of reincarnation? Win the championship?"

   "That's not so..."

  Bo Xun shook his head, looked at Fade Chen, and said lightly.

"You only need to get the top ten to choose the second volume of the Book of Reincarnation! But I advise you not to underestimate this war of reincarnation. First, those who can cultivate the Book of Reincarnation are the way of reincarnation. There are outstanding people, and the practitioners of the Book of Samsara who can participate in this war of reincarnation are even rarer among them! Almost all of them are top geniuses!"

   "Do you know why I invited you to the Reincarnation War?"


   Chen Fei asked.

   "Because, you have successfully awakened the six major reincarnations and six heavenly gates before, but if there is one... I will not stand here, let alone tell you this!" Bo Xun said softly.

   As soon as these words came out, even Chen Fei's complexion changed slightly.

   was surprised.

   "That is to say, the six heavenly gates of reincarnation are opened together, is this just the basic condition?"

   "That's right!"

   Bo Xun nodded and said lightly. "The forbidden books in the first volume of the Book of Reincarnation, you can choose one of the top five. Only if you can achieve the most perfect state of liberation and not die, can you meet the basic conditions for participating in the war of reincarnation! So I can tell you clearly, besides you, The other book of reincarnation practitioners are not mediocre, and they all have some ability!"

"in addition!"

   paused, Bo Xun took a deep look at Fade Chen, then shook his head again and said slowly. "In addition, the cultivation base of the participants in the Samsara War is below the realm of immortal ancestors, that is to say, the enemies you will face at that time, even if they are all immortal emperors from the Nine Heavens, or even half-step immortal ancestors, and, This is still their real cultivation realm, not fake combat power!"

   "Now, do you understand what I mean?"

   (end of this chapter)

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