Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4176: The hidden peerless monster, the power of reincarnation and the power of dreams

   Chapter 4176 The hidden peerless evildoer, the power of reincarnation and the power of dreams!


  The horror war kicked off in an instant,

   Seeing that Quan Siye was carrying a steel fork, he shot, and an attack shattered the void in front of him, creating a vast ancient corridor, making the boundless sea completely tumbling and boiling!

   No one thought that,

   This is actually the power of Immortal Ancestor 5th Layer Heaven level! It's utterly destructive, unstoppable.


   Such a ferocious and powerful force,

   But he still couldn't shake the blood-colored dragon!

  Om! hum! hum!

The splendid fairy light, like a liquid, continuously shot out from the blood-colored dragon. At that moment, the infinitely powerful and ferocious imposing aura seemed to be the resurrection of the ancient heavenly soldiers, and a peerless power that was enough to make people horrified erupted. !


   In the next moment,

  The blood-colored dragon also started to move,

The terrifying and vast body swooped forward, and the entire body almost completely turned into a sea of ​​blood, drowning the steel fork of the silent night, making the momentum climb to an extreme realm, as if it had turned into a sea full of blood. Killing forbidden place!


And then,

  The terrifying scene appeared,

the latter,

  The steel fork of the silent night just trembled violently, and then, it was blown away by the terrifying sea of ​​blood on the spot.

   The body of that quack night was constantly forced to retreat, and in the end, it even collapsed into the completely boiling sea and deep sea, setting off hundreds of millions of turbulent waves, shocking the sky and earth, extremely terrifying!

   "This power is really strong..." In the tumbling immortal ocean, Gu Siye slowed down, staring at the blood-colored dragon, his eyes full of fear and fighting intent!

   "After all, this thing is the incarnation of the will of the Sea God, it can't be weak!"

   A voice came,

   That Wedge Zhou appeared beside him, tearing apart the space and appearing,


   His gaze was not on the **** dragon,

   Instead, on the forehead and between the eyebrows of the silent night, staring at it,

  I saw there, at this moment there is an incomparably bright ancient rune, like a crystal, constantly rotating slowly in the empty world of the brows in the silent night,

   What's even scarier is that,

   That ancient rune like crystal,

   is also exuding an extremely ancient and powerful power fluctuation at this time,

   Make the whole body strength and momentum of the silent night,

   is constantly boiling,

   and in a state of constant ascension!

   To put it another way,

   In this lonely night at this time, the reason why it can have such a powerful strength that is enough to match the five-layered heaven of the Immortal Ancestor, I am afraid... Nine times out of ten, it is because of this crystal-like ancient rune!

"You frog **** rune is really easy to use. I didn't expect that you have already reached this level, and you can ignore everything and improve your strength! I don't know what height you need to be in order to be your frog **** rune. limit?"

   That Wedge Zhou spoke again,

The tone of    is actually a little envious,

   "This is not your concern..."

   That Quan Siye said lightly, then looked towards the wedge again and said coldly. "Everyone has their own cards, don't you do the same? You are truly immortal, aren't you also very useful?!"

"Ha ha…"

   That Wedge Zhou undeniably indifferent smile,

   Then he looked at the extremely terrifying and violent blood-colored dragon,

   said solemnly.

   "Let me attack next, my immortal body should be able to resist for a while! You just need to keep attacking and weaken its power. In the end, the winner must be us!"


The voice of    fell,

  The wedge roared wildly, and the whole body burst out violently, like stars shining, all things revived, and an absolutely powerful momentum emerged directly, rushing towards the blood-colored dragon that covered the sky and covered the earth!

"and many more!"

   But at this moment, that quack night suddenly shot and stopped him.

   "Do what?"

   Na Wedge frowned.

   "We still need a helper..."

   That Quan Siye shook his head, and then turned towards the illusion outside the battlefield. Indifferent sound. "Phantom, now we need your power, take action, stop hiding!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Everyone was stunned,

   Because no one thought of such a big man as Dangdanggu Siyeye,

   actually turned to that phantom for help!

  Although this phantom light is also a well-known top-level evildoer, in the eyes of the world, he is undoubtedly a lot worse than the level of the Wedge Zhou and Silent Night! It stands to reason that if there is really such a big difference,

  呱 Silent Night, such a top-level evildoer,

   It is absolutely impossible to speak such words to the phantom light,

   But now this…

"Ha ha…"

  Phantom light smiled, and then, actually shot,


Brilliant radiance emerged, and a ray of light burst out of the phantom body. The ray of light continued to expand, boil, and agitate. In the end, it evolved into a colorful dimensional space and time, turned into heaven and earth, and suppressed it towards the blood-colored flood dragon. And go!

   At that moment,

  There is an infinitely terrifying and powerful aura between the heavens and the earth, like a boiling sea, and it burst out violently.

   The endless void is being torn and shaken,

   What's even scarier is that,

   As that power continued to erupt and gushed out, the day and the earth, the endless void, the vast world, the space and light of many dimensions were completely distorted at this moment. Formed one after another black hole, and darkness!

   "The power of reincarnation?!"

   Even Chen Fei was slightly surprised this time,

  Because in the power of this phantom light,

   He actually noticed the fluctuation of the power of origin and reincarnation...

"No wonder there was a familiar but strange feeling in him before, so it was because of this! But... this should not be the ordinary power of origin and reincarnation, but a power mixed with other attributes. What is it? "

   Chen Fei's eyes flickered,

   stared at the phantom light and observed,

   After such a short time,

   An accurate answer already appeared in his heart!

   That's a fantasy!

   It turns out that in the power of this phantom light,

   not only has the power of reincarnation,

   He actually possesses the power of dreams, one of the ten great ways of detachment!


   Chen Fei couldn't help laughing, and he was even more interested in the illusion in his heart. Because if I really want to say it, the power of reincarnation plus the power of dreams, such a background, I am afraid that it is no weaker than those seven-star immortals, and even the strongest and highest immortal beasts!

Of course,

   This is only theoretically said ****** power of return plus power of dreams,

   These two powers, just comprehending it is useless, you must thoroughly understand it to a certain depth, and have a high degree of comprehension, in order to be eligible to become the foundation!

   And now,

   Although this phantom light has this potential,


   is just potential,

   Its real proficiency and depth of understanding are not that high. It almost makes sense. At least to him, Chen Fei, the mastery of the power of reincarnation of this phantom is actually somewhat unskilled, or it's just a pediatrician at all...

   But having said that,

   This phantom light can have such a background, but it is still really powerful.

   At the very least... This kind of background is not inferior to that of The Silent Night and Wedge Tuesday!

   may even be slightly more than a little bit.

   (end of this chapter)

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