Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4177: Humiliation and rage! It's just trash!

   Chapter 4177 Humiliation and rage! It's just trash!



  When the phantom light confronted the blood-colored dragon, terrifying power erupted instantly, and countless terrifying attacks broke out and spread wildly, but the strange thing was that many of them failed to hit the enemy.

   is more like a random attack like a headless fly,

   No exact target!

   And seeing this scene, Rao Shizao couldn't help but sigh. surprised.

   "I didn't expect this phantom light to be hidden so deeply..."

   "I didn't expect that his Huangliang's power of fantasy has been so profound that even the terrifying monster of the fifth-level heavenly ancestry would be affected by it, trapped in a true and false circle, and it is difficult to be hit!"

   the power of dreams,

  The full name is true and false dreams, the art of yellow beams. It has the terrifying power to change the real and the false, and replace the real and the illusory. It is called the source of the false and the real.

   In other words,

   Fighting against it is completely in the midst of countless real and false choices, eternal sleep! Once you choose the wrong one, you will fall into a vicious circle, and any attack will be turned into useless effort and wasted effort.

  In a sense,

   This is somewhat similar to the theory of endless space!

   What's even scarier is that,

  This technique of true and false dreams of yellow lilies is the source of all illusions and realities. That is to say, if your will or strength is slightly weaker, you will fall into an eternal illusion and sink, and it is difficult to extricate yourself!

   and thus fall into the 'self-consumption',

   Until the oil runs out!

   So, the power of dreams alone is already extremely terrifying and terrifying,

   Not to mention that the phantom light has the power of the way of reincarnation! However, this power was deeply hidden by that phantom light. Except for Chen Fei, other people, even such a peerless genius, were not aware of it.

   But this is understandable. After all, if you want to hide, this dream power is definitely the ancestor of the ancestors, and it is recognized as the first! No other attribute can be stronger than him!

   "The power of fantasy..."

   At the same time, the Wedge Zhou in the void was still full of dignified and surprised faces. Staring at the phantom, the eyes are quite unbelievable and incredible!

In his opinion,

   The dream power of the phantom light is obviously mastered to a certain depth,

   And what it meant, he knew in his heart,

If a genius of his level can firmly occupy a seat at the top of the infinite sea, then a person like Mirage who has the power of dreams and has mastered a certain depth is completely enough to go. In the land of Zhongzhou, compete for the title and seat of the top evildoer! The level between them is obviously separated by a level!

   is like the six-star immortal and the seven-star immortal, the Supreme Immortal Beast, and the Xeon Supreme Immortal Beast!

   Although it is possible that their current strength and potential talent may seem similar, but as time passes, the gap between them will become more and more obvious!

   Because of the potential talent ceiling of the phantom light, it is obviously higher! After all, the power of dreams is truly the most terrifying and top-notch power attribute in the Immortal Realm, one of the top ten ways of transcendence!

   And although their strength is not weak,

   But it still can't compare with the power of the ten great ways of transcendence,

and this,

   is the difference!

   "After having him, the three of us should join forces to defeat that guy, right?"

  呱 Silent Night smiled and said indifferently.

   "How did you find him? Why didn't I have any impression of him before?" Wedge Zhou couldn't help but ask. Although their boundless sea area is not the real land of Zhongzhou, it is not far from Tianjinxianyu, and their exchanges will be very close.

   Logically speaking,

The higher the level of the    circle, the smaller it is. For a super genius like Mirage, he should not be completely ignorant!

   "Don't ask me, if you want to ask, ask him yourself, why do you think I would join forces with him? Could it be because of the **** of the crab? Hahahaha, how is it possible..."

   "This guy is really hiding too deep!"

   "If I hadn't had a fight with him back then, I probably wouldn't have known about his existence!"

  呱 Silent Night said recklessly.

   As soon as these words come out,

   is astonishing,

   directly made that Crab Wudang's face flush red, and the five inner parts of his anger burned.


  It turns out that he, the dignified prince, was actually just a waste in the eyes of the quack night? !




   Extremely angry…

   Many emotions erupted in an instant, causing the crab Wudang's face to be completely distorted, shaking with anger, extremely ugly!

   "Quite Silent Night, you, how dare you humiliate me like this, I'm not worth it, I will definitely make you pay the price! Definitely!"

Xia Wudang roared with a livid face, however, he only dared to do so in his heart. On the surface, no matter how angry he was, no matter how humiliated and furious he felt, he still endured it, but he turned against that quack night. ,match…

   As for why?

   is actually very simple,

   This is because he knows very well,

   Stronger than such a peerless evildoer as the silent night,

   is not something he can provoke and contend against!

  On strength,

   It may be crushed completely by the opponent, and it can be crushed to death with one finger.

  On potential talent,

   He is also incomparable to Silent Night,

   What is even more embarrassing is that,

   Even if he is better than the background, he is completely incomparable to the other party. Behind him is the Qiankun Tianyuan crab, one of the thirteen royal courts. However, even in the thirteen royal courts, their Qiankun Tianyuan crab family can only be regarded as the middle class.

   But what about the silent night?

   itself is one of the strong clans of the thirteen royal courts, the absolute treasure of the frog **** clan, the absolute core, and even more suffocating and despairing is that this silent night is still the core holy son of the Wanshou Wujiang Temple, one of the three great temples!

  Light a frog protoss,

   is already completely stronger than their Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan, not to mention the Longevity and Boundless Palace, the two are not on the same level at all. It's even ugly, they are just the subordinates of the three major temples, vassals!


   He can only bear it!

   Humiliating and humiliating pretending not to hear what the other party said! Didn't know about this!

   As for the phantom light... Although he was angry, he was not stupid. After seeing the true strength and background of the phantom light, he also instantly understood that even if it was a phantom light, he couldn't afford to provoke it at all!


   He didn't dare to anger Mirage because of this...

   Because of this,

   to the end,

   He was so confident, arrogant and arrogant at first, but now it is a little sad to discover that after suffering such a huge humiliation and shame, he has no room to express his anger or vent. How sad!

   Huge sense of humiliation,

flooded my mind,

  The meaning of mad anger devoured his heart,

   In the blink of an eye, the crab's eyes were almost completely dyed red, turning into crazy killing intent, and violent rage, trembling all over, because of anger and humiliation, it was difficult to control!

   However, the coincidence happened at this very moment.

   (end of this chapter)

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