Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4180: Destruction, terror attack!

   Chapter 4180 Destroy the sky and destroy the earth, terrorist attack!

   "Elder Fu, let's do it!"


As the cold voice of Crab Wudang emerged, the old man of the Qiankun Tianyuan Crab family also nodded slightly, his eyes flickered, staring at Fade Chen's old pupils, flashing red luo, and wanton killing intent.

  Although he did not agree with the irrational practice at this time,

   But this is the end,

   There is no need to worry about other things,

  Since I want to kill,

   Then just kill it!

  Anyway, they're just little characters that don't matter... Such a person, to him, is no different from an ant. As long as he wants, he can kill him at any time, smash his body to smithereens, and destroy his soul! become ashes.

   Thinking of this,

  The old man of the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan, Elder Fu, also slowly raised his head at this time, and then stared at Chen Fei with a sad and pitiful cold look, and sneered. "Boy, originally you and I didn't have any grudges, but it's only your own fault. You don't know the current affairs, and you provoke people you shouldn't provoke... Well, if you cut yourself off now, this old man can make your death easier."

   His voice was slightly gloomy and domineering, and the lunar calendar and disdain in it were even more creepy and angry. Because... this is a completely disdainful gesture of not taking it seriously at all!

   "I'm fooled?"

"Ha ha…"

   However, upon hearing this, Fade Chen just smiled indifferently, not angry,

   Instead, he stared at the elder Fu, and said with a smile that was not a smile. "Old thing, the strength is not good, the tone is not small, let me Chen Fei fool himself, do you think it's up to you, do you deserve it?!"

   As soon as these words came out, the complexion of the elder Fu suddenly became completely gloomy and cold.

   A touch of anger appeared on the old face of Elder Nafu,

  The surging murderous intent,

   even flowed freely from the body of the elder Fu,

   Makes everyone's faces change dramatically and horrified!

after all…

   This is a former Immortal Ancestor 5th Layer Heaven-level super powerhouse! If a super powerhouse of this level is provoked, its murderous intention and killing intent are indeed terrifying to the extreme for the younger generation who are present!

   is indeed enough to make their scalps numb, trembling, and full of horror!

   "This kid, he is finished! How dare he provoke the old fellow of the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan like this, this time, he will definitely die!"

"Yeah, even if it is self-destructing, and the strength of its cultivation realm has fallen to the half-step Immortal Ancestor 5th Layer, it is still a genuine former Immortal Ancestor 5th Layer late powerhouse! This level of super powerhouse , how could it be that such a mere unknown person can compete, provoke, and anger?! He is dead!"

   "Hey, it's a pity, I didn't expect the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan to be so shameless, and they dare to use such despicable and shameless means, and are they not afraid of angering other major forces?!"

"I think it is excusable and understandable. After all, this sea **** medicine is not a common thing, as long as it can be obtained, even for the top forces of the thirteen royal court-level such as the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan, it is also worthwhile. All are extremely important and precious!"

   "Yeah, compared to the gains, what is this bit of slander and despicableness?!"


   People can't help but talk about it,


   No one thinks that Chen Fei can escape from this 'desperate situation',

   Almost all of them agreed that,

   This time,

   Chen Fei is dead,

   He is finished!

After all, he is a genuine former Immortal Ancestor 5th Layer late powerhouse, even if the opponent has already damaged his foundation and his cultivation realm has fallen to half-step Immortal Ancestor 5th Layer, but the foundation is still there. A huge advantage!


more importantly,

   This does not mean that the strength of the half-step Immortal Ancestor Fifth Layer is weak,

   On the contrary, this is definitely enough to look down on everything, look down on everything, and even be unmatched, suppressing the universe! Second only to that phantom light, quack night and others, waiting for the terrifying strength of the super evildoer!

   In front of this level of terrifying powerhouse,

   That's just a Fade Chen,

   A little-known, unnamed boy,

How can    be undefeated? !

   That is absolutely impossible!

   And at this time,

   Even the elder Fu... was very angry and laughed because of Fade Chen's mad words at this time. Obviously, he never imagined that, in his opinion, this ant-like boy in front of him would dare to speak to him in such a tone?





   killing intent,


   Many emotions, one by one, quickly appeared on the face of the elder Fu,

   Then, a surge that was enough to suffocate people, it was simply terrifying to the extreme, with a mighty pressure that was like destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and it also burst out from the body of the elder Fu.


   At that moment,

The heaven and earth were torn apart, and the terrifying aura seemed to be the unparalleled power of destroying the sky and the earth, causing the void, the space in all directions, and even the vast sea to shatter at this time, turning into horrors one after another. And deep abyss-like cracks!

   What's even scarier is that,

   In the body of the elder Nafu,

   At this time, it also burst out with a majestic momentum, turning into a monstrous light, rising into the sky, suppressing the universe,

   In the end, an unimaginably huge giant crab claws appeared directly in the void, above the firmament, in the vast and terrifying light!


  Suddenly, countless people gasped in horror!

   Their pupils trembled and their whole bodies trembled,

   With suffocation and fear on their faces, they stared at the giant crab claws in the void, because above it, they all felt an unimaginable power, and a domineering and terrifying power full of destructive coercion!

"As expected of the former Immortal Ancestor in the late stage of the Fifth Layer, I didn't expect that after losing the foundation, he can still have such strength, which is not bad..." Even the Wedge Zhou who was fighting the blood-colored Flood Dragon at this time , also for a side look,

   said with slightly flickering eyes.

   paused, then he shook his head slightly and muttered lightly.

   "Looks like that guy is going to die!"

  Although he also disdains the practices of the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan,

   But no matter what, he couldn't deny the strength of that old fellow of the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan! In his opinion, the real strength of this Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan's old guy has even surpassed that ordinary half-step immortal ancestor fifth layer!

   and reached the level below the fifth heaven of immortal ancestors,

   Almost invincible!

   With such a power, even he was a little embarrassed, not to mention that he didn't know it at all, and he had never seen it at all, and he was such a nameless and unknown person - Chen Fei! In front of this level of terrifying powerhouse, unless it is a super evildoer like himself, otherwise, no matter who it is, there should be only one dead end!

   And that Chen Fei,

   as well!

"Not always…"

   (end of this chapter)

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