Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4181: Smash and blast through! Shocked the audience!

   Chapter 4181 Smash and blast through! Shocked the audience!


   at this moment,

   A quiet and elegant voice came suddenly, which made Na Wedge Zhou stunned for a moment. Then, I saw that Wedge Zhou's eyes flashed, looking in the direction from which the voice came, I saw the source of the voice... It was actually a phantom!

   Immediately, Na Wedge couldn't help frowning slightly. said slowly.

   "You don't think he will die?!"

   "Of course!" Huanguang nodded firmly and said with a half-smile. "And I also think he's right. There's nothing to be afraid of with this semi-crippled old thing. It seems that there's really nothing to be afraid of!"

   As soon as this remark came out, the corner of Wedge Zhou couldn't help but twitch his mouth and refuted it, but in the end it was only a short sentence.

   "Then wait and see!"

"Huanguang, if even you are so optimistic about him, then there is only one possibility. He is also the same age as us, but is that really true!?" With a ruthless blow, and this time, even the taciturn Quan Si Ye actually participated in it, he said coldly.

   He understands phantoms,

Although he looks kind and smiling on the outside, in fact, his inner arrogance is by no means inferior to anyone else, but now even he says that, the gold content is absolutely true, let alone Its underestimated!

"That rascal…"

  呱 Silent Night took a deep look at Fade Chen,

   muttered. "Could it be that this is really another unknown evildoer?"

   And at this moment,

   Elder Nafu, finally shot!

   "Since you say I'm not worthy, then I'll see now, in the end, you're this stinky, hair-headed boy who is arrogant. I don't know what to say.

   "Boy, your end has come, and today, this is your burial place!"

   The elder Fu made a bold move, the power in his body was surging, and the billions of trillions of light swayed beyond the stars in the universe, forming a great sound, splitting the four directions, and then, the terrifying giant crab claws fell directly,

   As if to destroy the sky and the earth,

   Go straight to Fade Chen!


   The terrifying vision of the heavens erupted with a vibrato that destroyed the heavens and the earth. Obviously, this kind of power has reached a terrifying height beyond imagination, so that the natural environment in all directions, the dimensional space in the endless void, and the overlapping surfaces of countless directions and dimensions have already suffered destruction and doomsday. Coercion, will be destroyed!

   This is definitely a blow to destroy the world!

   is also a blow beyond imagination!


   That Wedge Zhou couldn't help shaking his head,

   said firmly in a sonorous tone.

   Everyone is not weak, so when he attacks like this, he will know the result. A powerful attack of this level, even he... wouldn't dare to resist it, but now that Chen Fei has missed the best chance to evade,

   In other words,

   He has missed his chance,


   That Chen Fei's real power is even better than his Wedge Zhou, otherwise, this blow would be enough to become the decisive hand of victory and defeat, enough to establish victory and defeat, separate the losers, and even the losers!

   Even he is like this,

other people,

   Don’t even say it,

   Facing all this, facing such a terrifying and powerful attack, they all shook their heads silently, staring at Fade Chen's back, full of ridicule and pity.


   has been completely lost!

  Under such a terrifying and powerful attack,

   He must only have a dead end!


everything is over!

   But at this moment,

   Chen Fei shot,

   I saw his face calmly staring at the terrifying giant crab claws that fell on the sky in front of him, and then he casually raised his right hand and gently greeted him.


   Seeing this scene, the crab Wudang couldn't help laughing out loud even on the spot, his face full of ridicule and ridicule. "It looks like... I've been scared to the point of losing my mind..."

   can go on,

   He didn't even finish that sentence,

   The complexion of the whole person changed completely at once,

   became horrified, trembling, pale, horrified and unbelievable!

  I see,

When the terrifying giant crab claws slowly fell, Chen Fei's right hand was already slightly clenched into a fist, and they collided and collided. After they collided with it, everything that happened completely made them sluggish. stunned!


   Immortal sound was deafening, and the terrifying sound wave burst into the sky. I saw that between the two, after only a slight touch, the latter, the terrifying giant crab claws of the old man of the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan, was like foam.

   Kacha Kacha Kacha!

   endless shattering explosions,

   appeared in the void, and under the gaze of countless pairs of trembling, horrified, and unbelievable pupils, the giant crab claws were completely blown up!

   rumble rumble rumble…

   An unimaginable big bang appeared in the void, and a terrifying light group was bred from the terrifying crab claws, and then became more and more violent and huge, until finally, it devoured thousands of universes.

   Thoroughly exploded and boiled,

   "How, how is it possible?!"

   was the first to react,

   is the holy son of the holy blood immortal mad jiao clan, Wedge Zhou!

   An unimaginable look of horror erupted directly on his face, completely pale, and then he exclaimed at this moment, and the tone was full of incredible!


   How is this possible,

   To know the previous attacks, he knew very well that the old guy of the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan definitely did not hold back at all.

   In other words, if it is measured according to its strength, the power of these attacks is probably the strongest below the fifth heaven of the Immortal Ancestor! That is the strongest! But now! ?

   But now,

This completely impossible thing happened in front of their eyes. It was so terrifying that it was almost enough to be considered the strongest attack below the fifth heaven of the Immortal Ancestor. It was actually swept away by the fist of the flesh, and it was completely destroyed. Pierced, burst, destroyed? !

   What is this concept? !

   It's almost like a dream!

   "What an amazing body!"

Quan Siye stared at Fade Chen, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes. The only explanation for such a terrifying and powerful attack was that Fade Chen's physical strength had reached an unimaginable level. the height of!

   And this height,

   At present,

   I am afraid that at least they are above the fifth heaven of Immortal Ancestor!

   "Xianzu Five Heavens!"

"This guy…"

   For a moment, because of his temperament, Rao couldn't help but his face became heavy, staring at Fade Chen's eyes, full of curiosity, shock, and fear.


   Don't look at the power he showed before, although it is also the fifth heaven of the immortal ancestor, but it was a trick, because he used his underlying power - the power of the frog **** rune!

   Chen Fei must have no frog **** rune,


   This guy's strength is probably the real, genuine Immortal Ancestor Fivefold Heaven!

   But in that case…

   "Is it possible, this guy is a new Situ Zhenyun again, the Son of Blood Dragon!" Quan Jiye murmured, almost raising Chen Fei's level of danger and terror to an extremely terrifying level in an instant!

   (end of this chapter)

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