Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4182: reverse! Crush! Nailed to death!

   Chapter 4182 Reversal! Crush! Nailed to death!

In their boundless seas and in the nearby Tianjin Immortal Territory, apart from the incomparable Seagod clan who is high above and overlooks everything, among the younger generation, Situ Zhenyun and the Blood Dragon Son are recognized by the world. the ceiling!


   allows him to compare Chen Fei with these two people,

   is enough to explain a lot of things!

  Only at this moment, the phantom light had a faint smile on his face, as if he had expected it.

   Even they are so,

   Those other people are naturally more horrified, more shocking, more incredible, and unbelievable!

   "This, how is this possible, what happened?!"

   "That guy, how could his strength be so terrifying? He, he actually broke the attack of the elder-level powerhouse of the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan with only the strength of his flesh? How is this possible?!"

   "Something happened! Monster, this guy, I'm afraid it's a real monster!"


  People are completely boiling,

  The faces of each of them are full of fear, shock, and awe!


   How much they look down on Chen Fei,

   Now, how shocking and terrifying they are, incredible!

   After all, the people who are qualified to stand here are not fools. Although it was just a face-to-face and a round of confrontation, they already understood it very well at this time.

   Chen Fei's strength,

  House, actually far away from the invincible old guy who is almost half-step immortal ancestor five-fold heaven,


   That is to say…

   "You, you are actually the Fifth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor?!"

   The unbelievable voice spit out from the mouth of the old guy from the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan. This time, the conceit on his face, arrogance, invincibility, and loss, was replaced by a deep horror, despair, and incredible!

   The fifth heaven of the immortal ancestors of the younger generation,

   What concept is this,

   He knows it all and knows it!

   You must know that even that Silly Night, Wedge Zhou, a super genius of this level, could not do things, but now? He actually saw it in Chen Fei, which made him feel astonished that his heart was torn apart, making them suffocated and breathless,

more importantly,

   Immortal Ancestor Five Heavens,

   And he is also a super evildoer of the younger generation of the fifth-level heavenly ancestor,

   This monster,

   Maybe he can solve it in his prime,

   But he now,

   is not the pinnacle,

   After damaging the foundation,

   He is now only a half-crippled half-step Immortal Ancestor Fifth Layer Heaven!

   "Prince, run!"

   In an instant,

   All kinds of thoughts flashed through his heart,

   directly made the most correct choice!

   He understands that this is the end, he can't go to naive and stupid extravagance and expect Chen Fei to forgive them, so they can only choose to escape now, maybe... Chen Fei's strength is not as terrifying as he imagined!

   As long as Crab Wudang can get out of here,

   let him have no worries,

   With his strength, although he may not be able to beat Fade Chen, there should be no problem in escaping. This is his confidence as a former Immortal Ancestor fifth stage powerhouse!

   Regarding Chen Fei's strength,

   Although he was shocked, although he was afraid, although he was unbelievable,


   is still far from the point of despair,


   He did not know,

   He still overestimated himself, and far underestimated Chen Fei's strength!

   At this moment,

   That crab Wudang was completely stunned,

   like a sculpture,

  Stand there stupidly, his face pale, cold sweat dripping, trembling all over, his eyes filled with deep, intense despair and fear, and unbelievable!

   For a long time, until he heard the words of the elder Fu, he trembled violently, and in a hoarse but trembling voice, he blurted out: "Yes, run away, I want to run quickly!"

   said a word,

   "Hey!" He quickly took out a magic weapon and shredded it violently, and then the whole person turned into a beam of light that penetrated the sky, and fled into the distance at an unimaginable speed!

   However, at this time,

   That phantom light, that silent night, that wedge-shaped face,

   But his face changed suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his pupils trembled slightly.

   "Empty, the way of space?!"

   "How did this guy..."

Until this time, the old guy of the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan finally reacted, staring at the far away who should have disappeared without a trace, but now he is deep and sinking in the endless space. when,

   is like being stuck in an endless labyrinth,

   Escape forever, but sink forever, can't escape!

   A trace of despair finally appeared on his face.

   Then, an unbelievable, unimaginable hoarse voice emerged from that mouth.

   "Your attainment of the way of space has actually reached such a level, sinking into space, space maze, how many people from the space gods can't achieve this level, you, are you a person from the space gods?!"

   to be able to get to his step,

  Naturally is not weak,

   Vision and knowledge are all extremely top-notch existences.

Therefore, Chen Fei's hand appeared almost as soon as they found the clue, and because of this, at this moment, more than before, almost all of them had a cold air on the soles of their feet that went straight to the sky, and their foreheads and hearts shivered. sense!

   Such an amazing way of space has long been,

  Rao is placed in the hands of an old guy who has a great reputation in the world,

   They don't feel anything.

   But the problem is,

   The one who showed this at this time was Fade Chen!

   A young man of the younger generation!

  He, how could he...

"This guy, he is definitely a person from the Space God Realm, and he is very likely to be one of the Space God Son characters! You can't be wrong, I have never seen such a powerful Space Dao attainments for so many years, he, he... "

   "What the **** is this guy doing!?"

   Such an amazing scene,

   It was so rare that he said a long paragraph in that silent night,

   On the contrary, it was Wedge Zhou who heard the words and paused for a while, his lips squirming for a long time, but in the end he still didn't say a word. Completely dumb.

   If Fade Chen's terrifying fleshly body just shocked and horrified them, then now, Fade Chen's unimaginable space skills have completely defeated their psychological defenses!

   Because they know very well,

   If the powers of these two are added together,

  Perhaps, it is very likely that he can even surpass that Blood Dragon Son and Situ Zhenyun!

   In other words,

This guy,

   is actually a super peerless character who is even more terrifying and enchanting than that Situ Zhenyun and the Blood Dragon Son!

   dead silence,



  Everyone was silent,

   trembling all over,


   At the same time, Chen Fei finally made his move!



The clanging sound shook the heavens and the earth, and a sword of nothingness emerged in the void, smashed it in turns, and fell down, and then, with a bang, this sword directly provoked the old man of the Qiankun Tianyuan crab clan on the spot, Cruelly nailed to the void,

   (end of this chapter)

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