Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4183: Sweep! Scared away! Battle the Scarlet Flood Dragon!

   Chapter 4183 Sweep! Scared away! Battle the Scarlet Flood Dragon!


   The faint vibrato kept deafening,


   At this moment, it was like the sound of a nightmare, making everyone present completely pale and silent.

   That old man, dead,

   That old fellow who is almost half-step immortal and invincible in the fifth layer of heaven,

  Ho, was nailed to death by a sword so casually and easily? !

   Great shock and fear,

   pervades everyone’s heart,

   Suddenly, the scene, apart from the sound of the terrifying explosion, became extremely silent! At this moment, everyone didn't even dare to look up at Fade Chen,


   That figure,

   That invincible gesture,

   That terrifying strength,

   is already like a knife sharpening an axe,

   was fiercely embedded in their hearts.

   "Monster..." A trembling voice sounded, expressing people's heartfelt thoughts,

   That's right! In their hearts, a real monster appeared! Killing a super-powerhouse who is almost half-step immortal ancestor fifth-layer invincible with one blow, such a person is definitely a real monster!


At this moment, Chen Fei shot again, and threw out a sword with his hand, and the sword of nothingness immediately turned into a dazzling star, blasting towards the space maze at an unimaginable speed, and then, a huge The roar appeared,

  Terrorist explosion appeared in front of everyone,

   Everyone's eyelids trembled fiercely, and then fell silent,

they know,

  The crab is useless, gone,

   The crown prince who has high hopes for the Qiankun Tianyuan crab family,

he died!

   "Next, it's you!"

   Killed Crab Wudang, Fade Chen almost didn't feel anything at all,

   But then, his gaze finally turned to the Eastern Monarch Divine Medicine at the top of the towering ancient tree in the twisted space at the top of the sky! Now that it has been exposed, there is no need to hide it any longer.

"Om!" The gust of wind blew, Fade Chen stepped in the air, and walked towards the sky like no one else was around. At the same time, in front of him was the silent night, the phantom light, the wedge Zhou, and that real, terrifying blood-colored Flood Dragon!

"What do you want to do!?"

   The roar came,

   Wedge Zhou actually blocked Chen Fei,

   "What do you say?!"

   Chen Fei said lightly,

   His eyes were still fixed on the Eastern Monarch's medicine,

   "Genius Earth Treasure, a powerful person, you can stop me, but I won't show mercy!"

   As soon as these words came out, the expression on Wedge Zhou's face changed violently, extremely livid!

to be frank,

   If it was someone else who dared to talk to him like that, even if it was a character like Silent Night, he would immediately turn his face and turn against him without hesitation, but the problem is that the person who said this now is not someone else.

   But... Chen Fei!

   The fall of the old guy is vivid in my eyes,

   Especially the previously terrifying, terrifying space method,

   even made him still have lingering fears until now!


   "Do you really want to stop?!" Wedge Zhou, he asked himself in his heart, pride, self-respect, and dignity, so that he would not allow himself to retreat, but reason was warning him that he must retreat!

  Because this is reality,

   This is the strength gap,

   He can't beat Chen Fei!

"Humph." However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a cold humming sound suddenly sounded. I saw that behind the wedge, a terrifying strong light suddenly erupted, attacking Fade Chen quickly, and then Looking closely, it turned out to be the steel fork of the silent night!


But even so, Chen Fei just waved it casually. Suddenly, in the silent night, the empty space where the steel fork was located was like being suddenly twisted and torn apart by an unparalleled and terrifying violent force. , twisted together fiercely!

   Kacha Kacha Kacha!

The sound of    cracking continued to explode,

  The steel fork was actually broken on the spot, like the twisted sea water, the rags twisted together, made a humming sound, and was violently collapsed and flew out.

   As for the silent night,

   is even worse,

  If he was hit by an extremely terrifying force, his whole body instantly turned into a blood man, flew out, and dyed the sky red.

   The defeat was so neat and tidy that there was no suspense!

   "I, I lost..."

   The hoarse voice came from the mouth of the silent night, he stared at Fade Chen, and said coldly. "You're amazing! I'll give up on this sea **** medicine, but next time, I'll take revenge on you!"

"I am waiting!"

   Chen Fei said lightly,

   Then he stepped forward and continued to move forward, but this time, Na Wedge Zhou hesitated for a moment, but then he still gave way. And that phantom light had already given way, as if he didn't mean to stop Fade Chen at all!

   So far,

   The enemy in front of Chen Fei,

   Only that terrifying blood-colored dragon is left!

   "Is the immortal ancestor at the peak of the fifth heaven?"

"Just let me try it out. If I don't use my current power, can I have the power to fight you?!" Staring at the terrifying enemy in front of him, Fade Chen shot directly. The power of reincarnation surged out violently, and then, the reincarnation gates emerged one after another, like the gates of heaven, slamming towards the blood-colored dragon!

   And seeing this scene,

   That Wedge Zhou couldn't help shrinking his pupils again and was startled.

   "No, this, this... how could he still have the power of reincarnation?!"

   And at this moment, that quaint night was indeed a little sluggish, and he remained silent on the spot, the power of reincarnation, the power of space, and the terrifying fleshly body, this kind of background, for him, was already a bit beyond imagination!

   And more importantly, in his opinion, Fade Chen's background is not just the previous power of space, it is very strong! The power of the way of reincarnation now seems to be very powerful!

   "Magic Light!

   he spoke suddenly,

   Looking towards the illusion not far away


   The latter still stared at Fade Chen, but nodded,

   "How about his reincarnation power?"

  呱 Silent Night continued to ask.

   As soon as these words came out, the latter was silent, and after a long silence, he said slowly. "It can't be compared. It seems that it should be much more powerful than my grasp of the power of that reincarnation!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   That quack night suddenly opened his mouth, his heart was surging, and he couldn't calm down for a long time! In fact, he only had a little bit about the real details of the phantom light, but the more so, the more unbelievable and creepy he felt now!

   Can’t compare? !

   Magic, magic light, can't compare with him? !

   How is this possible!

   At the same time, the battle between Chen Fei and the blood-colored Jiaolong has reached a stage of white-hot! Compared with the previous Silent Night, Huanguang, and Wedge Zhou, the three of them could only join forces, and even compared to the disadvantaged situation where the blood-colored Flood Dragon fought and retreated,

   Chen Fei's battle with this **** dragon at this time,

   is the kind of head-to-head that can almost be regarded as evenly matched!

   Both sides, you come and I go!

   Crazy bang!

   to the end,

   This whole sea is almost torn apart!

   "Boom!" The endless raging waves rushed up, the blood-colored liquid turned into divine power that destroyed the sky and the earth, spread out, and became the world, with lightning and thunder, and the endless power of the sea appeared, drowning Fade Chen!


   However, Fade Chen's counterattack was also very firm,

  The power of the way of reincarnation and the power of space echo each other, you come and I come! Reincarnation Tianmen, space burning magic, many forbidden techniques, and secret techniques emerged one by one, and in the end, it almost forced the blood-colored dragon to a corner!

   just soon,

   The decisive blow, but it still appeared,

   "Ah!" The furious roar found that in the void, the blood-colored dragon neighed continuously, and its body began to burn, waving its monstrous mana, killing Fade Chen.

   This is the final blow! Burning almost all the remaining power of the blood-colored flood dragon.

   If it were someone else, it would be a total struggle.

  Shoo! Swish! Swish!

The beams of light were like sky swords, shooting through the void, completely blocking Fade Chen's retreat. At this point, he could only resist hard, and there was no way to retreat, and when he saw this scene, Fade Chen also narrowed his eyes. stand up,

   took out another means of pressing the bottom of the box!

   "锵", "锵", "锵" moved together, the void distorted, the space spread, and in the end, countless spaces were formed directly, and the terrorist attack collided fiercely.

   This is,

   Endless space!

   Rumble Rumble Rumble!

   The big explosion that destroyed the sky and the earth appeared in front of the world, everyone was suffocated, and they stayed away from this place, their scalps were numb, and their souls were trembling. Even in that lonely night, Huan Guang and others are no exception.

   With the power of that blood-colored Flood Dragon, it actually exploded now, even if the real Immortal Ancestor 5th Layer Peak powerhouse came in person, he could only run, and it was them.

   And Chen Fei...

   During the terrifying explosion, the space around Chen Fei kept flickering, multiplying and multiplying at an unimaginable speed. In the end, even if the power of the terrifying attack completely dissipated, he was still unscathed!

   Nothing at all.

   In other words,

  He won!

   Facing the terrifying blood-colored Jiaolong who almost possessed the peak power of the Immortal Ancestor’s Fifth Layer,

   He actually, really won! !

   "How, how is it possible?!"

   "With such a terrifying attack, he was actually unscathed and had nothing at all, how is this possible?!" Witnessing all this with his own eyes, that Wedge Zhou was already trembling, his face was pale, and he murmured in disbelief.

   And the lonely night couldn't help shaking his head,

   said in a heavy tone.

   "Don't understand yet?"

   "This is the legendary method, one of the three hundred and sixty-five peerless immortal magical powers, endless space!"

   As soon as these words came out, the Wedge Zhou trembled and froze.


   endless space,

  This is actually an endless space? !

   "This guy is..." At this moment, even the phantom light couldn't be calm. His eyes were fixed on Chen Fei, his eyes were not blinking for a moment, as if he wanted to see the truth and see through everything!

   In fact,

   As for Chen Fei's reincarnation power,

   He also noticed it, so he had confidence in Fade Chen's strength, but he never expected that Chen Fei's power of the way of space was so terrifying... No, no!

   It should be that he never imagined that Chen Fei, like him, also possesses the power of the two top ten Ways of Transcendence at the same time, not to mention that Chen Fei's power of the Way of Space has actually reached such a terrifying level!

   almost crushed him completely!

in this way,

   The development of things,

   To be honest, it was really beyond his control.

At the same time, Chen Fei has also stepped out slowly and walked towards the Dongjun Shenyao, and when he saw this scene, whether it was that quiet night or that Wedge Zhou and others, it was all subconscious. His whole body trembled, as if he wanted to stop,

   But then,

   They all gave up.

   Because they all know,

   This Dongjun divine medicine is already owned by Chen Fei. If they dare to be ignorant of current affairs, I am afraid that their fate will be the same as that of Crab Wudang. They will die here and not have a whole body!


   Soon, above the sky, in the twisted void,

  The ancient trees are towering, supporting the sky and the ground. I don’t know how many years there are.

   And Chen Fei walked slowly, going up against the sky, and in the end, he finally came before that Dongjun Shenyao!

   "Is this the Eastern Monarch's magic medicine? It's really extraordinary... If I can refine it, I should be able to take a big step forward again!"

   Staring at the dazzling Eastern Sovereign Medicine in front of him, Chen Fei murmured.

   His current cultivation realm,

   has reached the sixth level of the Immortal Emperor,

   But to be honest, it’s still too low, it’s not anyone else, even if it’s Mirage, Gu Ji Ye, Wedge Zhou and others, which one of them is not above the realm of Immortal Ancestor? All are!

   Therefore, he must move forward as soon as possible, climb up, and break through to the realm of Immortal Ancestors faster. At that time, he will truly be able to shine, shock the world, and shock Zhongzhou!

   Thinking of this,

   Chen Fei didn't hesitate, he just stretched out his hand and grabbed the medicine of the Eastern Monarch.

   But at this moment,

   mutation mutation,

   A deep and indifferent voice suddenly appeared.

"and many more!"

   As soon as these words came out, the audience was dead silent, and everyone was quiet.

   Chen Fei is the same,

I saw him slowly turn his head to look back, and at a position less than a few hundred meters away from him, suddenly, the space cracked, a smear of blood flowed out, and then, a terrifying body was directly squeezed out of it, Appeared in front of everyone!

   It was an extremely terrifying behemoth, surrounded by terrifying blood. Nine black shadows, or scattered among them, or standing on the ground, or pouring into the blood, gurgling, exuding a kind of suffocating power.

   On him, a piece of dragon scales crisscrossed, exuding a terrifying blood light, as if cast from immortal gold and divine iron, extremely terrifying and soul-penetrating. Extremely tough! Under his abdomen, the claws are also exuding a frightening light, extremely sharp, it can tear up everything in the world.


   Looking at his eyes again, it seems to be a world of blood sea, deep, distant, dark... It seems that the nine realms are illuminated by candles!

   It was like a pair of eyes that everyone would be afraid of. It seems that this pair of eyes can return everything to nothingness. In this pair of eyes, everything is so withered.

   And seeing this scene,

   That quack night,

   That Wedge Week

   Almost instantly, his pupils shrank involuntarily, his face changed drastically, and he blurted out.

   "Blood, blood dragon?!"

   "Blood Dragon Son?!"

   (end of this chapter)

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