Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4184: Ceiling, Son of Blood Dragon!

   Chapter 4184 Ceiling, Son of Blood Dragon!

   "Blood, blood dragon?!"

   "Blood Dragon Son?!"

   "He, why is he here?!"


  The appearance of that terrifying creature immediately caused a huge sensation among the crowds in all directions! Almost in an instant, many people's eyes widened, their faces were horrified, and their faces were shocked.

   There were even a few cold sweat and drops of sweat oozing from their foreheads, their faces full of horror, and their eyes full of horror looked at the nine-headed and nine-tailed terrifying creature on the towering **** tree at the top of the sky!

   Unstoppable trembling all over his body,

  Because that terrifying creature with nine heads and nine tails is none other than others, it is that in this infinite sea, even in the land of Zhongzhou, Tianjin Xianyu, there are young generation ceiling-level monsters with illustrious reputation!

   Blood Dragon Son!

The Son of the Blood Dragon, one of the three great temples of the Infinite Sea, the contemporary Son of the Dragon Palace of the Holy Sea, and more importantly, this is a man who has almost been recognized and has already stepped into the immortal state of the Seven Stars with half a foot. Super monster genius!

   This Blood Dragon Son should be from a great clan under the Holy Sea Dragon Palace—the Halloween Blood God Dragon Clan! This All-Holy Blood Dragon is a race of supreme immortal beasts, which can almost rank in the upper middle or even the upper tier among the many supreme immortal beast races.

   But just like that,

   Certainly not able to be called half-step seven-star immortal,


This Blood Dragon Son is actually the same as Di Feng in the Dragon Palace of the Ten Thousand Beast Emperor. ! And whether it is the intensity or depth of its mutation, it should be much stronger than the Emperor Feng of the Dragon Palace of the Ten Thousand Beast Emperor!


Looking at the infinite seas, even the Tianjin Immortal Territory in the land of Zhongzhou, apart from those high-level Xeon and Highest Immortal Beasts, I am afraid there is only the ultimate successor of the Tomb of the Dead God - Situ Zhen Only the cloud is qualified to fight with it.

   In other words,

   This is a real young generation ceiling figure,

   Even everyone thought,

   This time, in the battle of the Eastern Monarch's divine medicine, the super evil geniuses of this level should not appear here at all. A stage of this level is simply not suitable for them! It doesn't match their level at all.

   But no one thought that,

   The two of them are here now? !

"I'm afraid there will be a good show to watch. That day, Situ Zhenyun from Jinxianyu came. I didn't expect the blood dragon saint to show up now. If the two of them are on the same page, then it's really a young one of us. The peak battle of the generation!"

"Yeah, so far, the two half-step seven-star immortals recognized are only them, Situ Zhenyun from the Tomb of the Dead God, and the Blood Dragon Son of the Holy Sea Dragon Hall, if you compare others with them, Even the characters like Wedge Zhou, Gu Ji Ye, Ao Yue Gu Heng are at least one level worse! If the two of them really have a chance to meet, it will be a real peak battle!"

"But now that guy is probably out of luck. It seems that the Blood Dragon Saint Son is eyeing him! Although his strength is not weak, he can even defeat the terrifying and invincible blood-colored Jiaolong alone. But he is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the Blood Dragon Son! Absolutely impossible!"

"Actually, I've heard people say before that the true strength of this blood dragon saint child has already reached the peak of the Immortal Ancestor Fifth Layer! This is a completely different concept from the previous blood-colored flood dragon. That pure will-transforming element The body, after all, is not a real life, it will definitely be relatively weaker, but this blood dragon holy son is different, he is a real monster, with flesh and blood, his own thoughts and thinking, and infinite fighting experience!"

"Look, in short, there is a good show to watch. I don't believe that his strength can be stronger than the blood dragon saint. After all, it is a real half-step seven-star immortality. If even the blood dragon saint can't beat him. , doesn't that mean..."

   "You mean the real Seven Stars are immortal, how is that possible?!"

   "Yeah, it's impossible, I don't believe it either!"


   In an instant, the crowd completely boiled, and everyone exploded into a great sensation because of the appearance of the blood dragon saint. As the infinite sea area recognized by the world, Tianjin Xianyu, the ceiling of the younger generation in the two major regions!


   The existence of the Son of Blood Dragon,

   still has a great weight in their minds, and a very profound influence,

   As soon as the Son of Blood Dragon appeared,

   The power accumulated by Chen Fei's previous series of battles was also emptied in an instant.

   Anyway, why did the Son of Blood Dragon appear here?

   They don't quite know,

   But if the Son of Blood Dragon was really after Fade Chen, then in the next battle, they almost all believed that the loser would definitely not be Son of Blood Dragon!

   The one who wins must be him!

   And this is Jiwei!

   Even the phantom light, Gu Si Ye, Wedge Zhou and others were silent at this time. For Chen Fei's strength, they had fully experienced it before, and it was indeed outrageous, far superior to them! However, the Blood Dragon Son...

   "Blood Dragon Son, are you eyeing him?"

"It's also possible. According to the previous situation, the difference in strength between the two of them should not be too far, but... I just don't know who will win!" Wedge Zhou stared at the two in the void, his eyes flickering, His eyes are sharp, and even a pair of claws have been clenched together fiercely, as if he is very excited.

   "This time, maybe it's hard to say..."

  Phantom Light shook his head, his eyes also flickering.

  Although he knows more about Chen Fei's background than Na Wedge Zhou and Gu Siye,


   He is also very clear,

   That Son of Blood Dragon is by no means easy! Even such a character, even if he is behind him, among the real teachers, are considered to be extremely top super evil characters.


  If these two people really meet, who will win and who will lose,

   This is really hard to say...

   And all of this, the sensation caused by this in a short period of time, did not affect Chen Fei on the top of the sky, on the towering divine tree. At this moment, I saw that after a slight pause, he reached out his hand again like no one else, took off the Eastern Monarch Divine Medicine at the top of the divine tree, and received it in his own storage space.

   And seeing this scene,

   That Blood Dragon Son just blinked,

   but did not act,

   But until Chen Fei did all this,

   just stared at Fade Chen with sharp eyes,

   said coldly.

   "Don't worry, I didn't come for that Eastern Monarch's medicine, it's already yours,"

   (end of this chapter)

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