Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4195: Comprehend the time slate, the determination of Dongjun Shenzi!

   Chapter 4195 Comprehend the time slate, the determination of Dongjun Shenzi!

   "This guy he, he..."

   For a while, even the pure-blooded Dongjun Dongjun, God Son, raised a strong sense of fear towards the murderer in front of him - Chen Fei! This guy is really scary! Just a complete monster.


   Even if he had already felt such a strong fear and shock,

   Chen Fei's side,

   But still did not choose to exit the first time,

   I saw that Fade Chen, who had already vented the sudden surge of violent violence in his body, actually sat back slowly again at this time, and then he saw that he took out the time slate casually,

   And seeing this scene,

   Immediately, Dongjun Shenzi's eyelids trembled fiercely,

   Although he didn’t say anything,

   But in those eyes,

   was obviously a little regretful, which penetrated,

  If I had known this earlier,

   I'm afraid he won't give the time slate, or even the timeline on the time slate, to Chen Fei! After all, he was already having enough headaches just at the first level of the back then...


   If Chen Fei was able to penetrate his second-level realm again, he would not even dare to think about it, he just wished he could slap himself. It's just a sin.

   But at this time, Chen Fei didn't know this.

to him,

  If you want to fight, you must do your best, go all out!

   Carefully looked at the contents of the time slate,

   Chen Fei couldn't help but his eyes flickered and muttered to himself.

   "It seems that the second-level realm of Suzu at this time is easy to say, and difficult to say!"

"This cultivation method alone is nothing special, the main thing is to understand the power of time! It is necessary to master the power of time and stabilize it at a certain level before it is possible to reverse the time and move the time line. Moreover, especially for these ceiling-level Xeon and High Immortal Beasts, the difficulty may be even more troublesome and exaggerated!"

   Thinking of this,

   Chen Fei also simply stretched out his hand and gently touched the slate at that time. Suddenly the latter was like a weathered rock, and instantly began to shatter and melt.

   And at the same time,

   A strand of the power of origin time,

   is like a colorful leaf,

   flew out,

   When passing by Chen Fei's face, the light flashed again, turned into many runes, and penetrated into his body. Suddenly, in a trance, Chen Fei immediately seemed to have come to an illusory world,

   there is boundless,

   there is vast and boundless,

   A fierce and unparalleled powerhouse stands in the sky, crowning mountains and rivers, and shaking the world,

   A monstrous beast of unparalleled size traverses Xumi, swallowing the heaven and earth, swallowing billions of trillions of mountains and rivers like clouds,

   And at this time,

Chen Fei suddenly felt keenly that the string of the long river of time was plucked. A man in a black and white robe could not see his true face clearly, as if he was between Xumi, but the unparalleled power that fluctuated the power of time ,

   But it burst out from his body,

   In the blink of an eye,

   The cultivation realm in his body skyrocketed instantly! reached an unimaginable height. And the thousands of endless powerhouses in all directions seemed to be cursed, and their cultivation realm fell instantly, falling into the clouds...


   Then, everything that happened before kept repeating itself in Chen Fei's mind, even in the depths of his soul, and at the same time, a roar broke out in Chen Fei's mind! It seems that there is a burst of Sanskrit sounds, Xianyin Miaomiao. A huge message rushed into his mind like a flood.

   That is an example of countless actual battles of Chrono. It is the cultivation method and scene of Chrono’s second-level realm. Even in each of these pictures, there is a unique perception and understanding.

   penetrates into it,

   was learned and understood by him,

   to the end,

   Even Chen Fei didn't notice it himself, but the outside world, the Kuzu, the old guy in the depths of the infinite sea, the terrifying existence in the heavens, and even the Dongjun Shenzi Ling...

   They are keenly aware,

   On Chen Fei,

   oozes a special power of time...

   "The power of origin time!"

   Dongjun Shenzi said slowly, his eyes a little helpless.

   Although for the top evildoers of their level,

   The power of origin is actually not a big deal, but Fade Chen's speed of comprehension and penetration is still too fast. It's almost a face-to-face, and in a glance, everything has been completed...

   This is really scary.

   If it is not a monster-level top potential talent,

   This is impossible!

   At the same time, Chen Fei is also completely immersed in the precious inheritance of the power of time. To be honest, although he used to know the power of time, he was more of a wild way.

   was figured out by himself,

   But now it’s different,

   Through this original power of time originating from the beginning of the world, he can be regarded as half a foot and began to step on the right track, and began to walk up the real road of time. It is precisely because of this that the many bottlenecks and problems he encountered in the past, he also had a feeling of enlightenment at this time, which made him feel like he was enlightened.

   This opportunity,

   Such a state,

  Chen Fei of course understands that it is absolutely extremely precious, and it is impossible to find!

Therefore, he directly entered the state of being the most engrossed and devoted, shielding everything from the outside world, and immersing himself in that perception without reservation. In this way, he constantly corrected his mistakes, constantly reviewed, constantly introspected, and then Turning forward, studying the loopholes and mistakes of the first realm of 'Time Recall',

And then,

   Go to the second realm back then, and set off!

   On the outside, Chen Fei was sitting there, and the power in his body flowed out unconsciously, time, space, reincarnation, chaos... In the end, even if it was just this kind of unconscious release, it all silenced the Emperor Dongjun.

   Through the light that illuminates the heavens,

   He stared at Fade Chen's face with complicated eyes,

  In my heart, there is an indescribable feeling,

At first, he was only afraid that Chen Fei was too weak, and even took the initiative to send the time slate to make Chen Fei stronger and 'more interesting', but now, the playful thoughts in his heart have been completely It's gone!





  Many emotions like this were pressing in his heart,

   Let the victory belief in his heart,

   Now, there is also a little shake!

   "This guy..." Dongjun Shenzi took a deep look at Fade Chen, and then clenched his fist suddenly, a trace of determination and determination appeared on his delicate and elegant face.

  ‘No matter what, I will definitely win! "

   "The undefeated legend of the Dongjun clan, the glory of our clan, must not be buried in my hands... I must win!"

   (end of this chapter)

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