Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4196: Pressure, return, the new Dongjun magic medicine!

   Chapter 4196 Pressure, return, the new Dongjun magic medicine!

In addition to the    space array method,

It has been a long time since Chen Fei began to retreat and practice, and then continued to comprehend the time slate, and during this time, Dongjun Shenzi's mentality finally calmed down. ,


   is even the same as Fade Chen,

   entered a state similar to cultivating and recuperating.

  The battle is approaching,

   And with his current situation, it is definitely impossible to get a substantial increase in strength in a short period of time, so now he can only start from his mental state and mentality.

   No matter where you are,

   any period,

   A rock-solid, invincible, strong belief and a tough mentality will definitely become the key magic weapon for you to win, climb to the top, and even sweep invincible! Obviously, Dongjun Shenzi also understands this very well.


   After this period of self-adjustment,

  Dongjun Shenzi, Ling, he has now fully adjusted his mentality and state to the best level, everything is ready and only owed to Dongfeng, everything is left to wait for Chen Fei to leave the customs!


   After a while,

  Two figures from far to near,

   flew slowly,

   Take a closer look, it's not that Zeqing and Lin Mianmian, but who they are.

   After they came here, they first glanced at that, in the void, sitting proudly above the nine heavens, with a thousand temperaments, Gaia's sky, the look of the cold and handsome Dongjun Shenzi,

   And then,

   their gaze,

   Then they all looked towards the place of Fade Chen's retreat - the space array, and looked over.

   "Master, is he still going out..."

  Lin muttered.

   "After all, his opponent this time is not an ordinary person. That is the dignified son of Dongjun... You must be fully prepared and maximize your strength as much as possible before going to face this battle!"

  喏 said affectionately, but just talking about this, she still couldn't help shaking her head,



   Even now, his confidence in Fade Chen is almost zero.

   After all, she is not Lin Mianmian,

   After all, she doesn't have the same experience as Fade Chen,

   has never had a deep experience, Chen Fei's means and power, and those, Chen Fei's true background, so it is impossible for her to be as unshakable and full of confidence in Chen Fei as Lin Mianmian!

   Because of this,

   She can only follow his own ideas,


   No matter if it is anyone in this fairyland, come here,

   I'm afraid they will all agree with her!

   In this immortal world, this is the most powerful immortal beast, and it is pure blood. It is no exaggeration to say that this is definitely the ceiling that is recognized by the world and is undisputed!

   Look at the heavens, look at the whole fairyland, look at the land of Zhongzhou! Hardly anyone can beat them except themselves. And more importantly, where is this? This is still an infinite sea!

  The place where the Dongjun family remains invincible!

  Looking at the past and present, the vast years, the vast space and time, all of this, at least as far as she knows, no one can defeat a living pure-blooded Dongjun here!

   Even if it is other terrifying existences that are also pure-blooded Xeons and High Immortals,

   Even they can't do it!


   Although this battle has not yet begun,

   However, in her heart, there is already a doomed result!


   She now only hopes that Dongjun Shenzi can show mercy, and that Chen Fei ... can survive, that's all. This is her greatest hope and hope now.

   "No matter what, I believe my master, he will not lose!"

   However, at this time, Lin Mianmian shook his head,

   said without hesitation.

   Hearing the words and seeing this, Naoqing couldn't help but smile slightly, but did not continue to refute, and made a sound.

   She can understand Lin Mianmian's mood,

   But sometimes, some things are destined to have to be realistic and powerful before they can decide!

   so and so,

   The two fell into silence and peace again,

   As time goes by, they can clearly feel that there is no one here, even for a while, but the atmosphere here, the air pressure in all directions, and the wind direction are inexplicably starting to become a little depressed. Even this kind of depression, even the current Lin Mianmian, and that love, are a little hard to breathe.

"how so?"

   It's so abnormal, that makes the expression on the face a little weird,

   She couldn't help raising her head,

   staring at the great figure in the void,

   But the uncertainty in the depths of her eyes, as well as the color of puzzlement, became more and more intense.

  Because she has determined,

   At this time, the source of this increasingly depressing atmosphere,

   actually originated from the son of the East King...

what's going on?

  Why does this happen?

   Logically speaking, if you take the noble status of Dongjun Divine Son and his terrifying strength, it should be completely impossible to do this... For this battle, is it right? !

   "He's dreading!"

   at this moment,

   Then Lin Mianmian spoke again,

   And the tone is still very decisive.

   "He is afraid of my master!"

   "He, has already felt the pressure!"

   Hearing the words and seeing the situation, the emotion was blurted out directly,

"This is impossible!"

   "This is absolutely impossible!

   However, this time, Lin Mianmian did not speak.

   At this moment, Lin Mianmian had a bright smile on his face, and seemed to be full of confidence in everything that followed. All of this was completely different from the wry smile on his face before, it was a world of difference!

   "After all, I'm all too familiar with such a scene. Over the years, I've really watched too much!"

   "Pure-blooded Dongjun? Xeon to High Immortal Beast? So what? My master, he really doesn't necessarily lose! No... The person who could make him lose has never appeared over the years!"

   "No matter who the opponent is, no matter how strong the opponent is, in the end, the winner must be him!"


   Just after such a thought appeared in Lin Mianmian's heart,

   at this moment,

   Mutation Mutation!


  Suddenly, the heaven and the earth trembled, and the surging heaven and earth aura of immortal qi roared,

   And at the same time, in the deep sea, a tragic air pressure that seemed to be a little hard to breathe suddenly rushed up, like a black cloud covering the top, like a flood, flooding the whole world at once!

And then,

   An extremely terrifying dark blue beam of light suddenly burst out from the depths of the turbulent sea,

   As thick as a mountain, it runs through the sky, causing the world to tear apart!

   In that beam of light, countless examples of the azure-blue water element law like star particles are rising, floating up and down, and flying. An ancient tree, rushing straight into the sky, stands in the void of the dimensional world, like a pillar supporting the sky and the ground, exuding a radiant brilliance, with a trembling and refreshing strong fluctuation released, shining brightly. the heavens.

   is even more conspicuous,

   Above the ancient tree, countless powers, countless examples of the water element law, and countless heavenly visions, merged into one, like a funnel, hanging upside down in the sky, continuously gathering at the top of the ancient tree,

   Then, the space there,

   light distortion,

   space warp,

   Countless powerful forces, fluctuations, the power of laws, innate visions, merged into one, turned into a sparkling fruit! Illuminate the heavens, radiant light. Very eye-catching.

   "Dong, Dongjun Divine Medicine?!"

   (end of this chapter)

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