Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4197: The origin of blood, the evolution of magic medicine! Shock the world!

   Chapter 4197 The origin of blood, the evolution of magic medicine! Shock the world!

   "Dong, Dongjun Divine Medicine?!"

   And seeing this scene,

  Naiqing, Lin Mianmian and the others suddenly condensed their pupils and said in surprise,

   Counting this time,

   They almost met for the fourth time,

   So naturally familiar is not enough,

   That fruit,

   is definitely the medicine of the Eastern Monarch!

   A Dongjun magic medicine that has just been born and has just matured and transformed!

   "I didn't expect that there would be an Eastern Monarch Herbal Medicine... Can we get it?!"

  He murmured a little excitedly.

It turned out that although they had 'goed out' to compete for those Eastern Monarch Medicines, the final results and results were not very satisfactory. In the two consecutive battles for the Eastern Monarch Medicines, in the end they unfortunately only managed to grab them. One!

   Later, in order to catch up with the battle between Dongjun Shenzi and Chen Fei,

   After these two battles,

   They were forced to choose to give up and continue

   instead turned his head,

   come back here,

  Wait for this shocking battle to come!

   But in any case, there is only one Eastern Monarch Herbal Medicine, for the two of them, it is not enough to divide them, but in the end, they chose to give the Eastern Monarch Herbal Medicine to Lin Mianmian!

   First, because Lin Mianmian's breakthrough is approaching,

   This Eastern Monarch divine medicine may be a key step in helping her to cross the realm of immortal ancestors...

   Second, although this Eastern Monarch divine medicine is precious to him, it is not absolutely necessary. As long as she is willing, the forces behind her can actually come up with the same level of genius and divine medicine, so she gave up,

   But having said that,

   But if there are two Eastern Monarch Medicines,

If    comes for the two of them to plant one plant each,

   Of course she is more willing and willing to accept it!

   However, at this moment, the Eastern Monarch Divine Son, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground above the void, glanced at the Eastern Monarch Divine Medicine expressionlessly, and then... he actually made a very amazing move!


   With a low roar, a small piece of azure blue mist slowly spewed out of the mouth of the Eastern Monarch.

After    spreads,

  Then Lin Mianmian and the two of them were instantly suppressed, their bodies stiffened, their faces pale,

   "Blood, the origin of blood?!"

  He looked at Dongjun Divine Son in disbelief,

   murmured in disbelief.

   "He, what is he trying to do?!"

   The origin of the bloodline is equivalent to the core of the strength of other practitioners. This is extremely important and extremely precious to anyone or any practitioner! Besides, this is the origin of the bloodline of a pure-blooded Dongjun! What concept? !

   It is no exaggeration to say,

   The value of this thing,

   At least it is several times that of the Eastern Monarch's magic medicine!

   So what is he trying to do now suddenly? !


   At this moment, the origin of the bloodline of those pure-blooded Dongjun suddenly burst into flames,

   The azure blue flame is elegant and soft, but when it burns itself, it is also very scary. Almost in an instant, it seems to make the ocean stop fluctuating.


   Even in that time and space,

   is locked!

   Then, the source of the bloodline turned into a sea, slowly pouring into the Eastern Monarch Divine Medicine, and then Lin Mianmian was a little puzzled, and the unbelievable and excited staring eyes watched,

  ‘Boom! "

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   A surging violent force suddenly emerged from the Eastern Monarch Divine Medicine,

   And then, that Eastern Monarch Divine Medicine has evolved and grown again, and at the same time, a powerful and unparalleled force, even enough to shake the soul, also exploded instantly,


   At a terrifying speed that is beyond imagination, and even crossed the limit of space, it instantly spread to extremely distant areas,

   At this moment,

   Almost the entire restricted area of ​​​​the infinite sea was disturbed,

   And here and then for a second…

   countless figures,

   started running towards here!


   "What the **** is he trying to do?!" The same voice gushed out of his affectionate mouth again, but this time, endless doubts and shocks completely replaced the excitement and surprise.

   She looked at Dongjun Shenzi blankly,

   Don't know what happened.

   But when such a movement comes out,

  Those other people who want to come, they will be here soon, right? !


   As soon as he said that, there was a huge noise from the sky and sky, and then, a huge blood-colored dragon appeared. He had nine heads, nine tails, and terrifying blood lingered all over his body, as if even the void was shaking.

   "Blood Dragon Son!"

  Qing glanced at the visitor,

   His eyes flickered.

   The person here is none other than the three super monsters of the three temples that were crushed and defeated by Chen Fei under the previous two moves, the Son of Blood Dragon!

   "God, God Son, what's going on... um, how is he?!"

   As soon as the Son of Blood Dragon came up, he respectfully saluted and greeted the Son of God, Dongjun.

   However, before he finished speaking, he saw a sudden change in his face,

   Then, his eyes stared straight at Fade Chen in the space formation,

"Nothing to do with you!"

   Dongjun Shenzi said lightly,

   It was just such an indifferent sentence, and it became quiet,

   is just that,

   The waves and turbulent waves in the heart of the blood dragon saint son have still been set off, and can no longer be stopped.

"what is happening?!"

   "Isn't it possible... Lord Kamiko, you want to fight him?!"

  The Son of Blood Dragon stared at Fade Chen,

   There was even a dash of blood in his eyes,

   In addition to being shocked, it is still shocking, and it is full of unbelief and shock!

  Although he was crushed by Chen Fei's two moves, he was also very clear that in fact, Chen Fei's real strength should not be much stronger than him. The reason is just because Fade Chen showed all his strength and did not hold back at all,

   will make him lose so quickly,

   Formed such an extremely fast situation that the winner and loser were separated,

   In other words,

In his opinion,

   Although Chen Fei is stronger than him, he is actually not much stronger.

  Strictly speaking, they are a level,

   But now?

But now, in his eyes, he is completely invincible. The supreme Seagod, Lord Ling, is actually so proactive, and even so solemnly going to fight Chen Fei... I have to say, this is really a great deal for him. Big impact!

   While making him a little unbelievable,

   is even more confusing,

   and unbelievable!


   At this moment, someone came again. In the void, a terrifying momentum erupted, the space was torn apart, and a man who looked young came out. He was white in appearance, full of temperament, surrounded by the temperament of death, shrouded in mist, pitch black,

   "Situ Zhenyun!"

  The Son of Blood Dragon glanced at him and murmured somewhat numbly.

  The latter glanced at him, and then glanced at the void again, his face suddenly condensed, and he was directly shocked.

   "East, the Son of God?!"

   (end of this chapter)

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