Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4221: Void fairy beast pulling cart? Immortal Ancestor's Fourth Layer of Nothing

   Chapter 4221 Void fairy beast pulling cart? Immortal Ancestor's 4th Heaven-level Void Escape Beast!

   "Brother Bai, if this is the case, can he do this?"

   at this moment,

   Then Chen Fei spoke again and said softly.


   As soon as these words came out, Bai Chuannan blurted out,

   Then, like waking up from a dream, he looked at Fade Chen with a complicated face and said. "Brother Chen, if what you said is true, then of course! If even Ji Shengzi can't do this, then I really don't know who is qualified to do it!"

   "Brother Chen, please give me some time, I'll contact the Sikong family! Don't worry, no matter if it's true or not, it won't take long, I will give you an answer as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

   Chen Fei smiled and said.

   "Then on my side, I'll wait for your good news, Brother Bai."

   "And this is my communication jade charm, you can contact me directly at that time!"

The voice of    fell,

   left a message jade talisman and turned around and left. And seeing this scene, that Lin Mianmian, that Yuan Rong Qinghua, that little baby immediately followed quickly.

   At the same time, while walking, Lin Mianmian couldn't help but squinted his eyes and muttered like a crescent moon. "As expected of Master Shi and his old man, he has already made such a big name in the space God Realm. In this case, Master, we should work hard! We can't meet next time, let Master Shi and his old man laugh at us! "

   "Really? Then you have to work hard, hahahaha..."

   Chen Fei smiled,

  I feel much better,

   At this time, Yuan Rong Qinghua and Little Baby were all envy and quietly listening to the conversation between Chen Fei and Lin Mianmian, and their hearts were full of yearning and longing. Emotionally.

   One door and three monsters,

   This is the most realistic portrayal of Chen Fei and others in Yuan Rong Qinghua's heart at this time.

  Thinking back then, he actually met Ji Fengyuan,

  I didn't expect that I haven't seen him for so many years. In his eyes, the old master and ancestor, who is actually quite unremarkable, has already made such an amazing achievement!

  The unparalleled genius of space gods? !

   Such a title,

   This is really not something ordinary people can do,

   This is really amazing...


   After a few years,

   Bai Chuannan came to the door again and found Chen Fei and the others, and this time with him, there was a skinny white-haired old man and an extremely terrifying beast carriage!

It was a seemingly small azure-golden chariot. Countless ancient runes, and the flow of the power of space, surrounding it, are extremely magical and extremely powerful!

   But this is not the most amazing thing. The most amazing thing is that in the front row of the blue-gold chariot, there are actually five monster-like gray-black space beasts, which are tied up! Pull the cart ahead. come across.

   These alien beasts are very strong,

   Immortal Jinshen's iron-like scales are covered with a deep, icy metallic luster. Chilling, terrifying, shocking,

   Moreover, what is even more amazing is that the cultivation realm strength of these alien beasts is actually in the Fourth Heaven of the Immortal Ancestor! The terrifying alien beast pulling the cart from the Fourth Heaven of the Immortal Ancestor? Just thinking about it makes your scalp tingling! incredible.

   The most terrifying thing is that these alien beasts are still flowing with a steady stream of the power of origin space! Feeling these, except for Lin Mianmian and Chen Fei, the others at this time,

   Even some blood trembled and my heart beat faster!

   "Then, that's the Void Immortal Beast?!"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua couldn't help but opened his mouth,

   He stared at the five terrifying beasts in front of the carriage with horrified eyes.

   eyelids tremble,

   is unbelievable,

When he was driving in the white night, he also saw the sculpture of the Void Immortal Beast. It was exactly the same as the five terrifying beasts in front of him. Even the terrifying and unparalleled aura was almost the same. not bad,

   In other words,

   This is actually five Void Immortal Beasts pulling a cart?

how can that be? !

is that a lie? !

"This is not a Void Immortal Beast..." However, Chen Fei shook his head at this time, and then walked towards the five terrifying beasts without caring, and when he saw this scene, the old man's eyes flashed, Opened up.

   "Be careful this little friend, please don't get close to them!"

   "These nihilistic beasts are extremely hot-tempered, and even if they are not careful, they will violently kill people, which is very dangerous! So please stay away from them..."

   But his words,

   did not stop Chen Fei,

   Even as if I didn't hear it,

   is still walking towards the five terrifying beasts pulling carts,

   And seeing this scene,

   Both Bai Chuannan and the white-haired old man's expression changed.

   "Elder Luna..."

   Bai Chuannan hurriedly looked towards the old man.

"I know!"

   The latter said in a deep voice,

   is even ready to take a step,

   But at this moment,

   Mutation Mutation!

"Roar!" With a beast roar, the momentum erupted, the sky was falling apart, and the countless terrifying air currents of space power were directly submerged towards Fade Chen. The terrifying and terrifying alien beasts were also crazy and extremely fierce. He rushed towards Chen Fei and grinned. As if to tear Chen Fei apart,


   "Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar..."

And seeing this scene, even the other four remaining terrifying beasts seemed to be going mad, roaring in the sky, bursting out with a terrifying amount of violence, and pounced straight at Fade Chen, with high soles of their feet. Gao stepped up, or opened his mouth with a grin, as if he had the power of billions, and he wanted to step on Chen Fei alive and shred it!

"not good!"

  The old man completely changed color, and rushed out, the cultivation base in the body exploded, shaking the world, extremely terrifying... This is actually a super powerhouse of the Immortal Ancestor Seventh Layer!

   As soon as he shot, he was directly at Chen Fei,

   And the five terrifying beasts that were almost mad rushed over,

   did not dare to stop at all,

   But at this moment, another amazing thing happened,

I saw that facing the five terrifying beasts that had almost gone mad, Chen Fei walked away, as if turning a blind eye to the danger in front of him. He had such a calm face and walked slowly and steadily. past,


   Then, I saw the terrifying beast that was the first to go mad,

   had already rushed to Chen Fei, and was about to open his mouth to tear Chen Fei apart, but saw that Chen Fei had already stretched out his hand and placed it between the brows of the head and eyebrows of the terrifying beast.


  The latter seems to have been immobilized,

   instantly froze in place,

   "What, what?!" This scene made Nan Bai Chuan stunned for a moment, and then his face was shocked, his eyes were full of doubts and inconceivable colors! Of course he knew the temper of this emptiness beast, it was a dynamite keg that was extremely dangerous, and even exploded at the touch of a touch! If it weren't for the suppression of the secret technique, he would not even dare to approach these terrifying things!

   But now?

what's going on! ?

   That utterly dangerous emptiness beast,

  Ho, actually stopped! ?

what's the problem? what is happening? !

   (end of this chapter)

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