Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4222: True blood casting! Descendants of the Void Fairy Beast!

   Chapter 4222 True blood casting! Descendants of the Void Fairy Beast!

  Not just him,

   That old man from the Seventh Heaven of Immortal Ancestor,

   The same is true at this time…

"This is..." He glanced around in surprise, the dangerous beast that had been quiet like a puppy, an unbelievable emotion emerged directly in his heart, that feeling really made him It's like in a dream, some are not real!

  When did this nothingness beast be so obedient?

   Fake it is…

   And at the same time,

   Chen Fei has also easily tamed the other four terrifying beasts without difficulty,

   Then, together with the terrifying beast that started out earlier,

   At this time, the five heads were originally extremely terrifying, extremely terrifying terrifying beasts in the eyes of everyone, but now, they are actually so obedient as puppies.

   A very docile look.

   "I, my God, I read it right, is that really a phantom beast?"

   "It, they were all tamed in an instant!? How is this possible? It's amazing..." And seeing this scene, Bai Chuannan immediately only had a ghostly expression, his eyes were rounded, his mouth opened wide,

   murmured constantly,

   is simply incredible, unbelievable!

   As for the old man with the strength of the Seventh Heavenly Ancestor,

   At this time, I was already slowly relaxing,

   However, there is still a touch of 'extremely weird' shocking color on his face! He looked at Chen Fei, and the look deep in his eyes was full of deep fear and emotion!

   At this time, he finally realized,

   This little doll in front of me,

   is simply impossible to understand with common sense!

   This guy... seems to be an extremely terrifying monster too!

   After all, even he can't do such a thing,

   And Chen Fei...

   Thinking of this, the old man couldn't help but take a deep look at Fade Chen, and then he stepped back again, lowered his head slightly, kept a low profile, and stopped talking. It seems that this voyage, with the other party's little baby sitting in charge, he should be able to relax a lot.

   "Master, are you alright?"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua couldn't help rushing forward, looking at the five terrifying beasts as well-behaved and docile as puppies from a close distance, and then he was slightly speechless. "I didn't expect them to be so docile... It's incredible!"

   "Don't say it's you, I've never seen them like this. You know, I don't even dare to approach them at all. Usually, these guys are really too dangerous..."

   Bai Chuannan couldn't help rushing forward, his face was very strange.

   "These shouldn't really be the Void Immortal Beast. If it were the Void Immortal Beast, its bloodline power... shouldn't be so weak! This should only be the descendant of the Void Immortal Beast, right?"

  Lin Mianmian also stepped forward at this time and took a careful look at the terrifying beasts.

   Then he said with flickering eyes.

"You two have good eyes, these are indeed not the Void Immortal Beast Saint Beast, and how can we dare to use the Void Saint Beast to pull a cart? That is absolutely impossible. In fact, these Void Escape Void Beasts are ours. A war beast exclusively cultivated by the Bai family!"

   Shirakawa Minami said.

   "War beast?!"


   Shirakawa Minami nodded and explained.

"In the bodies of these Void Escape Beasts, there is a small part of the Void Immortal Beast's blood flowing, but it borrowed the true blood of the Void Holy Beast to cultivate an extremely powerful terrifying alien beast! Its bloodline power The background, although it is far less terrifying than the Void Immortal Beast, but it can also approach the realm of the Supreme Immortal Beast, so it is very powerful..."

   "And more importantly, these Void Escape Beasts almost all inherited the terrifying speed of that Void Holy Beast!"


   As soon as these words came out, Lin Mianmian and the others immediately raised their brows, a little surprised.

   "His speed is comparable to that of the Void Fairy Beast?"

   "Isn't that possible?!"

   "Completely comparable, of course it is impossible!"

   Bai Chuannan shook his head and said with a smile. "But the peak speed of the Void Escape Beast can probably reach 20 to 30% of that of the Void Immortal Beast of the same realm, which is still amazing!"

   "After all, the speed of this Void Immortal Beast's 20% or 30% is enough to look down on all races in the Immortal Realm!"

   "Twenty or three percent?"

  Lin Mianmian's eyes flashed, but then he nodded and murmured.

   "That's true..."

How fast the speed of this Void Immortal Beast Clan is not to mention, there is absolutely no controversy about the top three in the Immortal Realm, and this still includes all the Xeon and Gao Immortal Beast groups, together. computational!

   In other words,

   Even the Xeon and High Immortal beasts,

The speed of    should be out of ten, which is inferior to this Void Immortal Beast.

   One can imagine how terrifying the speed of the Void Fairy Beast!


   Not to mention 20% or 30% of it,

   Even if it’s only 10% of it, it’s actually quite amazing, very powerful,

   Even that Bai Family, that Baiye Motor Co., Ltd., was able to stand out among the countless motor vehicle dealers and chambers of commerce, and it has the status it has now, I am afraid it is also thanks to this so-called illusory beast!

   Because of this kind of thing,

   is simply an irreplaceable strategic resource.

   Even this is a high-end monopoly!

"How long does it take to get to the Six Paths Prison of Reincarnation, and how much does it cost? In addition, I also need to stop at Jianzhou passing by there, so how much does it cost to add up?" Chen Fei spoke again, softly asked.

"no need!"

   As soon as Fade Chen finished speaking, Bai Chuannan shook his head and said.

no need.


   Chen Fei asked with a frown.

   He doesn't want to owe favors.

"For this money, the Sikong family has already sold Brother Chen and you guys, and in fact, it was their efforts to transfer this top-notch Void Escape Beast Carriage, otherwise, with our status, we will do everything at all. less than these!"

   "The value of this immortal ancestor's fourth-level heaven-level emptiness and empty beast carriage can even surpass ten me!"

   Bai Chuannan gave a wry smile and explained it clearly,

   It turns out that all of this is due to the Sikong family, or rather, his master Ji Fengyuan's strength.

   But since that's the case... he is willing to answer as a matter of course!

"OK then!"

   Chen Fei nodded,

"As for the time, it's not easy to say, it depends on the specific situation, but with the speed of this Immortal Ancestor's fourth-level sky-level nothingness escaping beast carriage, it should be very fast! Even if there is no accident, within ten million years, It should be able to arrive!"

   Shirakawa Minami spoke again.

   "10 million years? So long?"

  Lin Mianmian was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but say.

   "How long?"

"This is already very fast. If we follow the normal speed standard of our white night car dealership, the time it takes to pass through a third-rate immortal region will take hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years! The time required for a second-rate immortal domain is even more, millions of years, or even tens of millions of years, which is not an exaggeration at all!

   "As for the time it takes to cross the top fairyland, it's even more frightening, starting at hundreds of millions of years!"

   "In fact, in this fairyland, the time required for many people's ultra-long voyages is counted in billions of years!" Nan Baichuan explained quickly.


   "Does it take so long?!"

  Lin Mianmian couldn't help but opened his mouth,

   and then closed again.

   "Okay, since the carriage has arrived, let's go!"

   Chen Fei smiled and boarded the carriage first.

   Only then did I realize that there is something special inside,

   Inside is actually a dimensional world! But it's normal. They have already reached the level of the Fourth Heaven of the Immortal Ancestor. Is there really only that one carriage? That is obviously absolutely impossible.

   In fact,

   As long as they want,

   Even the weakest little doll among them,

   also has the strength to approach the realm of the fairy king,

   That kind of strength,

  Want to create a dimensional world, it is completely easy, no difficulty!

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble!"


   Soon, the emptiness and the empty beast carriage began to set off! I saw it ascending to the sky, stepping into the void, galloping like lightning, hundreds of millions of miles in the blink of an eye, and soon rushed out a very long distance!

   Until it disappears completely...

   (end of this chapter)

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