Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4223: Divine Son of the Phoenix, Su Li!

   Chapter 4223 Heavenly Phoenix God Son, leave!

  Dongjun Shenyao battle,

   lost its popularity quickly like a flash in the pan,

   And after all this came to an end,

Those few survivors, those who are as elusive as all living beings, and those who are not well-known in loose cultivation, and those who are almost at the top, their prestige is far-reaching, and even spread, and the world is famous. The top demons of the great powers...

   They all left here quickly, making the largest restricted area in this infinite sea, the most dangerous place - the Land of Sea God, the restricted area of ​​Dongjun! The sanctity and quietness of the past have been restored again.

   However, at this time, someone dared to do the opposite. Not only did they take the initiative to come here, but they even took the initiative to go deep into the place where Dongjun Shenziling's cave dwelling...

  Lingbo Cave!


   “Boom! Boom! Boom…”

   The dull roar echoed in the Lingbo Cave mansion,

   This is outside the gate of the cave,

   Sounds coming!

   "It's really troublesome, I didn't expect him to come..."

   Dongjun Divine Son Ling calmly glanced at the direction outside the gate of the cave, and murmured again, then shook his head and spoke indifferently, and the voice came out of the cave.

"come in!"


   A cold snort immediately responded, and then, in this void, inside and outside the cave, there was an extremely domineering and awe-inspiring voice. As sharp as a stone, sonorous and ear-piercing.

   "I thought you were going to let me in from outside again... This time it's a lot easier!"

  Boom! Boom! thump…

  The sound of footsteps came,

   A terrifying figure like a flame slowly appeared in the field of vision,

  As soon as that figure appeared... No, even before he appeared, in the void, in all directions, in the heavens and in the dimensional space, an extremely terrifying aura quickly rose up.

   And what’s even scarier is…

This kind of momentum is not the kind of powerful force that spontaneously erupted or deliberately lingered, but that this kind of momentum actually seems to be an instinct, a talent, a kind of innate, fundamental There is no need for any deliberate and unleashed innate power! This is undoubtedly a very magical, but also very scary thing!


   As the figure gradually approached,

   I finally see it clearly,

   That was a young man in a fire red velvet armor! Wearing a crimson red cloak, the whole body was covered by terrifying flames, one after another rune, one after another raging flame, and even the one after another innate curse, the blood power seems to be a natural phenomenon, like a flower like a brocade. It is surrounded by it, and at first glance, it seems to be sacred, shocking, and the scalp is numb.

   And what is even more terrifying is that this person is standing there like that, behind him in the void, there is still a faint incarnation of a divine bird, fluttering his wings and flying high, overlooking the sky, his imposing manner is domineering, extremely domineering!

   And at this time,

  If there is an exquisite and well-informed person in the land of Zhongzhou,

   After seeing this person,

   will inevitably be exclaimed and horrified!

   "Heaven, God Son of the Phoenix, Su Li?!"

   That's right,

This person is none other than that one of the most terrifying Xeon to Gao immortal beast races in the world that shakes the world, the contemporary **** child of the Tianfeng family, and the only pure-blooded Tianfeng of the Tianfeng family today - Tian Divine Son of Phoenix, leave!

   It is no exaggeration to say that, as the descendant of the Phoenix family that day, the goddess of the Phoenix Suli already has an extremely terrifying background and background bonus. What makes the scalp numb is that,

   On this day, the goddess of the phoenix is ​​leaving,

   is actually a pure-blooded phoenix!

  Pure-blooded phoenix... This level of enchanting, how high the gold content, how terrifying the potential talent, I am afraid that the entire fairyland, the entire land of Zhongzhou, is absolutely unknown to everyone.

   Even if anyone hears such a background,

   is absolutely likely to be scared unconscious,

  Pure-blooded Tianfeng, even among the pure-blooded Xeons and Highest Immortal Beasts, is definitely at the forefront, and because of this, such people are completely rare in history! Looking at the long rivers of ancient and modern times, there are simply very few! Therefore, this kind of background, this kind of background, and this kind of identity are naturally extremely terrifying!

  It is also a shame that the people who are here now are the contemporary holy sons of the Dongjun family, the pure blood Dongjun, the pure blood Tianfeng... They are considered to be one level, and they are also qualified to be compared and stand side by side.


   If you want to replace it with someone else,

   I'm afraid I don't even have the qualifications to stand together and talk...

and this,

   is that pure-blooded phoenix!

   was the only and supreme figure of the Feng family that day,

   is that since his debut, he has no idea how many monstrous and arrogant young people have been overshadowed by him, the monstrous monstrous who has been defeated and surrendered to him! Divine Son of the Phoenix... Su Li!

"Long time no see, I didn't expect you to still look like this, just a mere Immortal Ancestor, and you have been sleepy for so long, the way of cultivation, if you don't advance, you will retreat, and now you can't keep up with my speed, Ling... "


That day, Divine Phoenix left, and while acting wildly, he sat down in front of Dongjun Divine Ziling, then stared at the other party with a reckless expression, and then he spoke again in an indifferent and disdainful tone. ,

   "You guys have disappointed me a bit now!"

As soon as these words came out, the face of Dongjun Shenzi Ling changed slightly. His face sank, and he raised his head and stared at the other party. There was a deep chill in his pupils. azure ocean current,

   Even with the changes in the movements of the Dongjun Shenzi Ling,

  The atmosphere inside the cave,

   also began to become extremely depressed and terrifying,

   Like the tranquility, quiet and suffocation before the storm!

   But then Dongjun Shenzi Ling actually shook his head again, then looked away, and said indifferently. "If you came here just to tell me this, then you'd better get out. I'm not interested in you anymore."


   Tianfeng God Zi Li smiled,

   A trace of sarcasm appeared on his face, and he said coldly.

   "I didn't expect you to be able to hold back your temper. It's strange, but before I came here, I heard a very funny thing on the way, do you want to hear it?"

   The voice fell, he didn't even wait for the other party to speak, he just continued to speak again, laughing at Dongjun Shenzi Ling, the laughter was full of disdain and ridicule.

"When you came, people outside were spreading rumors that you, the dignified son of the East Lord, actually lost, and you lost to a younger generation who is almost the same as you. Do you think this is funny? Ha? Ha ha ha ha…"

   "And what I didn't expect was that someone said you lost in this infinite sea, hahahahaha..."

   talking and talking,

   That day, Divine Phoenix Suli laughed outright, and in the midst of this laughter, Dongjun Divine Son Ling's expression was a little weird... No, or rather complicated. There are unwillingness, sighs, regrets, and determination!

   But only there is no denying.

  Because he himself knew very well,

   He did lose,

   Moreover, the loser is convinced!

   And seeing this scene,

In the midst of this silence and loud laughter, the expression on the face of Divine Phoenix Suli that day gradually changed. Slowly, not only did he stop laughing, but even his face became solemn, staring at Dongjun Divine Son Ling... After a long time,

   He said coldly with an ugly face.

   "You really lost?"

   (end of this chapter)

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