Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4225: The legend of the eighteen levels!

   Chapter 4225 The legend of the eighteenth level!

   If we want to talk about the origin of the ancestors, this day Fengxiongguan is also considered, but this thing is a huge alien...because it is the acquired origin of the ancestors forged the day after tomorrow!

   However, it is the Tianfengxiongguan that was forged the day after tomorrow, but it is the 'strongest origin ancestor' recognized by the major forces, even the major Xeon and Gao immortal beast races! Looking at the heavens, Tianfengxiongguan is the number one!

   What is even more terrifying is that this day, Fengxiongguan, it can even easily kill a Tianyuan Taoist. Basically, below the Holy Dao Venerable, Fengxiongguan is enough to swept everything and is invincible. unstoppable.

   So, you can imagine what this concept is.

   is simply terrifying to the extreme!

   But, besides that, the horror of Fengxiongguan this day is far more than that!

   The most terrifying thing about Fengxiongguan in this day is that besides being an extremely terrifying murderous soldier and an ancestral artifact, it is also a place of invaluable value and an extremely powerful inheritance!

   After that monstrous war,

   Nanli Fengzu broke the void and left this world

When    left, she left behind this Tianfengxiongguan that she forged with her own hands!

   was left to the Tianfeng family.

   In the middle of Fengxiong Pass on this day,

   not only has 18 levels,

   There are even countless treasures inherited from Nanli Fengzu,

   Anyone from the Tianfeng clan can join it and accept the test. Once they pass the level successfully, they can get amazing rewards, even bloodline transformation, and the ultimate evolution! This is definitely enough to make people crazy. and heritage.

   And even more terrifying,

Over time,

   For countless years,

   Although their Tianfeng clan could not be born again, they are like the peerless powerhouses of Nanli Fengzu who amazes the ages, but! However, many ancient gods that have exceeded their limits have appeared one after another! The glory of the Tianfeng family has never been cut off. For countless years, they have always been at their peak, and every generation has had amazing characters born.

   These people often alternate, and one generation succeeds one generation. Whenever they are about to fall, or step out of the limit and ascend to the chaotic world, they will conduct a sacrifice to the Fengxiong Pass that day before leaving!

   Although they do the effect,

   is actually not that big,

   But over time, over time, this has become a very scary thing! The first powerhouse in history, plus the joint efforts of many powerhouses of the Tianfeng family.

   No one dared to doubt the power of Fengxiong Pass that day.

   Not even the pure-blooded Xeon and High Immortal Beasts!

   But the more so,

   The more shocked he is now!

   Because the more this is the case, the more difficult it is to pass through Fengxiong Pass that day. And it is so! In fact, over the years, as far as he knows, the extreme record of the Feng family breaking through the Tianfengxiongguan that day,

   There are only seventeen barriers like Tianfeng Divine Son Suli.

   As for the records of the eighteen levels,

   Although it is not without,

   But it is the record of Nanli Fengzu! In other words, in a sense, the difficulty of the eighteen levels of Fengxiongguan that day was somewhat close to the height of Nanli Fengzu... This kind of thing, no one can do it, after all, it is the strongest in history. It's a matter of course that you can't do it! But if anyone could actually do it...

   That's really scary!

  If you can pass the eighteen levels of Fengxiong Pass that day, what is the concept? That is to surpass the height of the Phoenix God Son Suli that day, enough to catch up with and match the height of Fengzu Nanli? !

   This must be really scary!

   "I don't know, but it shouldn't be possible!"

"Ling, you should know what the eighteen levels of Fengxiong Pass meant that day. If you want to be comparable to Nanli Fengzu, for countless years, many of my Tianfeng clan have tried it, and among these people, there are also some Not inferior to me, or even surpassed me, but they all failed without exception!"

"For me, for them, and even for the descendants of Tianfeng who have countless generations in the future, the seventeen levels of Tianfengxiongguan should already be our limit. Eighteen levels, that is the glory of the ancestors of Nanli. , this point, no one should be able to break..."

   Tianfeng Divine Son Suli said with a complicated expression,

   However, her demeanor and tone,

   Something was not quite right at this time.

   The rays of light flickered in front of him, like scenes and scenes, appearing in front of him.

"But anyway, this Immortal Executioner... she's really okay. Before coming, I went to Tianfengxiongguan to take a look at her progress, and it was even slightly ahead of me. I remember I should have told you, My Tianfengxiongguan score can be ranked in the top five in history, and she is probably even better!"

   Hearing the words and seeing the situation,

   That Dongjun Divine Son Ling's eyes flashed,

   Then he said softly.

   "So, you are ready to announce to the world?"

   "Hmm..." That day, Divine Phoenix Suli nodded, looked up at the other party, and said slowly. "The old guys in the clan are all awake. This time, he personally ordered to invite the world to hold the Tianfeng Festival to build momentum for that guy from the Immortal Executioner! At the same time, let everyone meet him so that they don't know each other later."

   "But..." Dongjun Shenzi Ling hesitated, then opened his mouth and said slowly. "Aren't you afraid that she will die in Fengxiong Pass that day?"

   "For your Tianfeng clan, although Fengxiongguan was the ultimate place of inheritance that day, I shouldn't have to tell you how dangerous it is there? If she died there..."

"Will not!"

   Before he could finish his words, he saw that Divine Phoenix Suli shook his head and said indifferently. "Although Tianfeng Xiongguan is dangerous, I believe that she should be able to. Besides, our Tianfeng family has no cowards! With this level of achievement, even if she dies... it is indeed worth holding a funeral for her."

   As soon as these words come out,

   That Dongjun Divine Son Ling opened his mouth,

   Then there was complete silence.

   "I see, when are you going?"

   he asked softly.


   That day, Divine Phoenix Suli just stood up and regained his previous strength, and said coldly. "You are the first one, and there are many others that I need to go to in person, let's go, accompany me, I just want to talk to you about Chen Fei and Chen Void! I'm very interested in him. !"

   Hearing the words and seeing the situation,

   That Dongjun Shenzi Ling also got up directly,

   His eyes flickered.

"Then let's go, just right, I'm also a little interested in the Immortal Executioner you mentioned... The eighteenth level of Tianfengxiongguan, although you say it's unlikely, but I hope someone can stand up, break records, create limit!"

   "After all, that Nanli Fengzu is now not the purpose of your Tianfeng family... The strongest person in history, who doesn't want this title from my generation?!"

   "Hahaha, it's just you?!"

   "That's right, it's just me!"


   (end of this chapter)

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