Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4226: Tianjian casts Jianzhou, Tianjian legend!

   Chapter 4226 Tianjian casts Jianzhou, Tianjian legend!

   Many years later,

  The middle end of the land of Zhongzhou,

   This is a lush, vast and boundless place, where the sword energy is soaring to the sky,

   But it was uninhabited and very quiet.


  Suddenly, the void split open,

The surging of the power of space broke the tranquility of this place. Like the light that pierced the night, an afterimage pierced through the sky like lightning, in the space tunnel that was constantly formed and constructed. Shuttle pass. But when approaching this place, the speed of the afterimage slowly slowed down. much slower...

   Take a closer look,

   This is not Chen Fei and the others, the emptiness and the beast carriage of Baiye Car Shop, what is it? !

   "Brother Chen, Fairy Lin, and Brother Yuanrong, Xiaowen, here we are, this is the border of Jianzhou!"

   At this moment, a voice came, and the voice of Bai Chuannan of the Bai family appeared in the carriage. At the same time, he also walked out of the dimensional world that was carried inside the carriage,

   Then, he looked up,

   staring at the extremely distant place in front of him,

  The handle seems to be a pillar, straight into the sky, breaking like a terrifying thing outside the sky and the universe,

   couldn't help but speak again and let out a sigh.

"Jianzhou Tianjian is well-deserved. Every time I come here, I can't help but feel shocked by the existence of this Tianjian! Even if it is separated by such a long distance, the power of the Jianzhou Tianjian can still be transmitted. Come on, the overwhelming kendo power is overwhelming, so dense that it can't be melted, it's terrifying...

   "This is simply the ultimate holy place for sword cultivators!"

   "Jianzhou Tianjian? What is that?!"

   "Huh... This place is so strange, what an amazing kendo willpower!"

   A female voice rang out,

   Then the space channel appeared, Lin Mianmian walked out of it, and then her pupils froze, surprised.

   "Jianzhou Tianjian, that is of course the origin of Jianzhou!"

   Another voice came, but it seemed extremely excited and excited.

   Then, the figure of the little guy appeared.

   After so many years, everyone knows his name.


   A very common name, but it seems not so common.

   The next moment,


With a thud, he rushed directly into the void, his fists clenched together fiercely, his face trembled with excitement, his eyes fixed on it for a moment, and what Bai Chuannan had seen before. the same direction.

   stammered in a trembling voice.

   "Sword, Jianzhou Tianjian, that is really Jianzhou Tianjian!"

   "Jianzhou, I actually arrived at Jianzhou!"

   At the same time, Chen Fei and Yuan Rong Qinghua also appeared one by one. Walking in the air, he appeared in the void above the head of the Void Escape Beast carriage.

   "This kid, a little too excited!"

   Chen Fei shook his head and smiled,

   Then he stared at the huge existence in the extreme distance...

   In the blink of an eye, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Jianzhou Tianjian? What an amazing sword power... Brother Bai, what is the origin of this so-called Jianzhou Tianjian?!"

   "Jianzhou Tianjian..."

   That Bai Chuannan also murmured, and then shook his head again, his eyes twinkling.

"Jianzhou is known as the legend of the three major heavenly swords. It is said that this place in Zhongzhou is the three strongest swords in the entire immortal world, but the strange thing is that even now, the legends of the three heavenly swords... are still just legends. That's it. Apart from this Heavenly Sword Yunming, the names of the remaining two Heavenly Swords are still a mystery, and no one knows at all!"


   Chen Fei couldn't help but stunned,

  The legend of the three great heavenly swords even he knows,

   did not expect,

   Are two of them still a mystery?

   "Then what about this Yun Mingming sword? What is the origin?!"

   Lin Mianmian passed it over,

   asked curiously.

  Although the other two heavenly swords are still a mystery, the sword in front of me...is real, and it is really strong and a little scary! Just the rest of the mighty sword waves can actually spread beyond Jianzhou, which is terrifying to think about, after all, this Jianzhou is a top fairyland! Such a large area, such an amazing movement, is simply incredible!

   "The origin of this Yun Mingjian sword is big!"

   That Bai Chuannan's eyes flashed, and then he spoke immediately.

   "Legend, Tianjian casts Jianzhou!"

   "That is to say, according to the legend, the source of this entire Jianzhou is very likely to be the sword of the day, but it should be the case. After all, the current situation of this Jianzhou is no different from this legend!"

"Yun Tianjian, standing in the center of that Jianzhou, and with this as the center, has been exuding its own power for countless years, and continuously exuding the willpower of kendo, so in this Jianzhou, you can even feel this Every inch of soil in the land is full of the power of swordsmanship, and every inch of soil is the sword soil of the Dao!”

   As soon as these words come out,

  Rao is that Lin Mianmian's expression changed slightly,

"so smart?"

   "With just such a sword, this entire top fairyland was cast?!"

   She is no longer the Wuxia Amon she used to be,

   She already knew the power of Jianzhou. Looking at Zhongzhou, the top Immortal Territory said that it can be counted in hundreds, but even so, the overall strength of this Jianzhou can actually rank in the top 20, and among this Jianzhou, there is also the number one in the world. Jianmen, Yunzhai Jianmen, and countless kendo experts, countless top-level fairy swords!

   One can imagine the power of this Jianzhou,

   How scary!

   However, this terrifying top fairyland, Jianzhou,

   But it was only cast by relying on a sword?

   This is truly amazing.

"Yeah, the effect of the Heavenly Sword on this Sword Continent is extremely far-reaching, not to mention that the Heavenly Sword is still here, even if it is no longer there, it is enough. Over the countless years, the Heavenly Sword's kendo will has been implicated all the time. Raising the vast mountains and rivers of Jianzhou has experienced several, even dozens, hundreds of epochs, and this land is already covered with sword soil..."

   South Shirakawa said with emotion.

   "Is that so?"

  Lin Mianmian nodded, also thoughtful.

   "If this Heavenly Sword can forge the top immortal realm, wouldn't it be stronger than the ordinary Dao Zun!"

"of course!"

   Bai Chuannan shook his head and said without hesitation. "Under the Heavenly Sword, those who are stronger than Dao Zun will be wiped out. Of course, it only refers to the soul of Dao Zun!"

"Furthermore, there was another incident in Jianzhou that year. A force named 'Crazy Sword Gate' rose like a comet and developed extremely terrifying in a short period of time, and even became a five-path deity, four A Guihun Daoist, a Tianyuan Daoist, how powerful is that! They swallowed thousands of miles like a tiger, and later, they even paid attention to Yunzhai Jianmen! Want to replace it and become the world's number one Jianmen, Dominate Jianzhou! But unfortunately... they chose the wrong target, and they were too naive!"

   As soon as these words came out, whether it was Chen Fei, Lin Mianmian, or even Yuan Rong Qinghua and Wen Wen in the distance, they were all immediately attracted and listened carefully, wanting to know the follow-up.

   One Door and Five Paths

   Four return souls, one Tianyuan,

   This is more than powerful,

   is simply horrible!

"One sect of the Five Paths, although the strength of the Yunzhai Sword Sect was not weak at that time, if they really fought together, I am afraid that only the jade and stone would be burned, and both would suffer. Therefore, in order to avoid the jade and stone burning, they finally chose Pay a great price, urge the sword of Yun Mingtian to fight against the enemy, and then..."

   "Then what happened?!"

   Seeing Bai Chuannan stop, Lin Mianmian couldn't hold it anymore and asked.

"Then, under the blade of this Yun Mingjian, the four Dao Venerable Guild Spiritualists of Kuangjianmen were beheaded almost as quickly as chopping melons and vegetables. It seems that it is said that the four together were not able to survive. Over ten swords!"


   As soon as these words came out, a burst of cold air sounded, and even Lin Mianmian was frightened. His face was trembling, a little pale.

  Forty-four, four Taoist deities together,

   Haven't been able to withstand ten swords? !

   That is Dao Zun...

   "Where's the remaining Taoist Tianyuan?"

   But at this time, Fade Chen suddenly opened his mouth and asked curiously.

   Guishun Daozun can't resist,

   Yuan Daozun head office today, right?

   After all, a powerhouse of that level shouldn’t be killed instantly, right? !

"do not know…"

   However, this time, Bai Chuannan shook his head, his eyes flickering.

"Four of the five Dao Venerables from the Kuangjian Sect have already been identified and are indeed dead, but only the strongest Tianyuan Dao Venerable from the Kuangjian Sect has disappeared in the end... Maybe he lost, Maybe he died, or maybe he was suppressed by that Yun Mingming Sword, or he was suppressed by that Yunzhai Sword Sect, it's all possible!"

   "But what is the specific result, I don't know!"

   hear this,

  Everyone was silent,

   It is related to the existence of Dao Zun and strong people. I have to say that this impact is really really big for them! But it also shows from the side that this so-called Jianzhou Tianjian is indeed really terrifying!

   Something that can suppress Tianyuan Daozun,

  Looking at the fairy world, there should be only a handful of them, and a few hands can count.

   "Then what is the relationship between this Yun Mingming sword and that Yun Mingming sword? Why are they able to use this Jianzhou Tianjian?!" Lin Mianmian thought of another question. If the Yunming Tianjian is really so powerful, why can Yunzhai Jianmen be able to use it? !

   Is it because this Yunzhai Sword Sect is strong?


   If so,

   And why can he be targeted by that mad sword gate of the Five Dao Zun?

   "That's because this Yunzhai Jianmen is the lineage of Yunming Jianzun!"

   Bai Chuannan opened his mouth, his eyes darkened.

   "Jianzun Yunming? Who is that?!"

  Lin Mianmian asked.

   Before that Bai Chuannan could speak this time, Wen Wen couldn't help but take the initiative to speak. "Senior Lin, Jianzun Yunming is the strongest person in the history of swordsmanship, and it is said that he was in the same era as the strongest person of the Feng family in that day, and he is also a rival! The goal in my heart, and the monument!"

   As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent,

   Chen Fei, Lin Mianmian, and Yuan Rong Qinghua looked at each other,

   is a bit shocking,

   The strongest person in the history of kendo?

   This title is a bit exaggerated!

   (end of this chapter)

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