Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4246: Demon King City!

   Chapter 4246 The Demon King City!

  The Demon King City, the absolute core of the six immortal realms of the six reincarnation prisons, is also the core city of the most powerful top immortal realm of the six reincarnation prisons - the Tianmo Xianyu! It is conceivable what a terrifying place this is, and it is even more conceivable how vast and boundless it is, what an area with endless life,

   Here, it will definitely be the busiest, most prosperous, most crowded, most powerful, and most powerful place in the entire Six Paths Reincarnation Prison!

   will be the highest stage for those countless top powerhouses and top-notch geniuses, especially when the reincarnation war will be held in the near future, I don’t know how much it will help it.

   I don't know how many powerful characters, powerful monsters, will come here, the City of the Demon King!

   In addition, there is a very important statement, that is, in fact, many Six Paths Reincarnation Prison monks, and even strong figures in other areas, regard this Demon King City as the origin of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Ancient Court!


   can be attached to such a vocabulary,

   is actually enough to explain some things. Although such a statement is indeed a little exaggerated, it is undeniable that today's Demon King City has indeed become the gateway and signboard of the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

  Because here,

  Has the most powerful branch among the six branches of the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation—the existence of Heaven! The power, territory, and even the sect area of ​​the entire 'Tian Dao' are almost completely in the city of the Demon King, and it is still the kind of completely unique, and even the kind of well-deserved master and absolute overlord...

   In other words, although the area in the Demon King City is vast and boundless, there are countless dimensional void worlds! There are almost endless creatures and lives, powerful forces, and naturally there are many, but they can only be attached to the Dao of Heaven.

   Only the way of heaven sits on the cloud alone, high above the nine heavens, overlooking everything,

   All the rest are just vassals of Heaven...

   Because of this,

   Therefore, in a sense, the existence of this Demon King City is more like the private property of the Heavenly Dao. Here, they are the rulers, the strongest, the only true god, and the one who controls everything!


   There is a second and third signboard in the Demon King City,


   That is the Demon King Bo Xun! As the Heavenly Dao, or even the strongest of the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the name of the Heavenly Demon King Bo Xun is undoubtedly far superior to the Dao of Heaven, and even better than that of the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

   And that day, the residence of the Demon King Bosun,

   is in the deepest part of this Demon King Castle,

   A place closest to 'Six Paths of Reincarnation'!

   As for the so-called six realms of reincarnation,

   is the third sign of Demon King Castle that day!

   And in a sense, the existence and value of the Six Paths of Reincarnation may even be better than that of the Demon King Bo Xun that day, and the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation itself!

Why do you say that?

it's actually really easy!

   First of all, the existence history of the Six Paths of Reincarnation has long surpassed the existence time of the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation! The creation of the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation should be in the ancient times, but the history of the Six Paths of Reincarnation can even be traced back to the mysterious and unpredictable ancient times! In other words, this is the oldest and most powerful place that coexists with the sky and lives with the earth!

  The light is so, it is enough to see its value,


   is also the really important point,

  The Six Paths of Reincarnation is the place where the rules of reincarnation and the laws of reincarnation really exist in this fairyland. Here, once you enter it, it means that you will give up everything, start from scratch, reincarnate in reincarnation, and become a new unarmed mortal! This is a manifestation of the power of the rules and the avenues, and even this power has far exceeded the ability of the will of the heavens of the immortal world.

  The will of Heaven is the creator and master of this world,

   But it is difficult to give a person, a life, a strong person lost and new life,

  Because of this, the power of reincarnation has naturally become the power of transcendence! It has become a powerful force at a higher level beyond the ten thousand Taos mastered by the will of the immortal world!

   And these six paths of reincarnation can possess such power, and have even developed into complete and mature rules and systems, which is enough to demonstrate its value, and even this has already proved that the six paths of reincarnation are the treasures of heaven!

   has unlimited potential and hope!

   And the truth is,

At that time, in the ancient times, the reason why Amitabha Buddha Shakyamuni could become such a terrifying ancient Buddha of Tianyuan may be due to his own efforts and potential talents, but it is also inseparable from the most important time in his life. choice and experience,

   That is, take the initiative to enter the six realms of reincarnation, reincarnate in the world, and thus transform yourself, cut off the demons, step out of reincarnation, and become one of the most powerful Buddhists in the Megalopolis today!

   Moreover, even the Demon King Bo Xun himself that day should actually be grateful to the Six Paths of Samsara,

  Because in the essential sense, the birth of the demon king Bo Xun, one is relying on the magical thoughts of Amitabha Buddha Sakyamuni, and the other is because of the promotion of the power of the six paths of reincarnation!

   So it is no exaggeration to say that the existence of these six reincarnations can even be said to be the role of the mother of the Demon King Bo Xun that day, and one can imagine what this concept is.

   And more importantly, the existence of the Six Paths of Reincarnation can also be well known and complemented by the Book of Reincarnation, one of the nine forbidden books! Anyone who cultivates with the book of reincarnation can get many benefits from the six realms of reincarnation.

   Even if it is just an ordinary monk of the way of reincarnation,

   Once you can enter the six realms of reincarnation,

   will also become an opportunity,

   Transform and become stronger!

   So after a while,

   The existence of these six paths of reincarnation can even be said to have become the foundation of the ancient court of six paths of reincarnation! Relying on the six paths of reincarnation, the ancient court of the six paths of reincarnation has become stronger and stronger, and has gradually reached the stage it is today.

   Up to now, everyone who comes to the Demon King City will have two places they want to go. One of them is the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

one more…

   is the thirteen provinces in the Demon King City that day,

  What is Buzhou, to put it bluntly, it is actually the world,

   In fact, let alone the scale of Tenma King Castle,

   Even the nameless city in Zhongzhou, which is many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, its interiors, it is not just a city only. But there is a country, there are countless dimensional worlds, and there are worlds!

   And in these worlds, there are mountains, seas, peaks, and the sky…

   Above these places, you will often see some towering and lifelike sculptures, and these sculptures represent the existence of ancient gods or Taoists who have walked out of the Demon King City!

   Every day, the powerful forces in the Demon King City are not only valued by the Heavenly Dao family, but all, all the powerful forces in the Demon King City, after the successful birth of an ancient god, and even a strong Taoist,

   will create a state out of thin air,

   This is tradition,

   also means the glory and heritage of the Demon King City!

   Up to now, there are as many as thirteen provinces in the city of the Demon King. It is conceivable that behind this, there are more than 13 super-powerful ancient gods!

   Although it doesn’t mean that in the Demon King’s Castle today,

   There are really thirteen superpowers of that level,

  Because for countless years, even ancient gods, even Dao Zun, may die, or leave, or even betray, change identities, etc.,

   But anyway,

   The existence of these thirteen ministries,

   has almost become the history and benchmark of this Demon King City,

   also makes it truly unfathomable,

   It can be said that no one knows how many ancient gods and above are hidden in the Demon King City, but even if there are only half of them, this number is still very scary.

One of the seven ancient gods, or one of the six ancient gods, looking at Zhongzhou, should be the top. Besides, this is only the way of heaven, just the city of the Demon King. In addition, there are the Asura, the human way, and the Animals, evil spirits, **** realms!

   Today, with the approaching of the Great War of Reincarnation, or in other words, with the border battlefield, the competition between the Four Buddha Temples and the Ancient Court of Reincarnation Six Paths, after the curtain was opened,

   This entire city of the Demon King,

   has also been completely turbulent and has become the center of the storm!

   At the same time, Fade Chen and the others finally came here,


   "That's it... But it's finally here, God! Demon! King! City!"

   Staring at the vast and boundless huge city building complex in front of him,

   Chen Fei couldn't help but let out a sigh,

   busy for so long,

   It's finally here,

"As expected of the center of the Six Paths Reincarnation Prison, it's really lively here! There are also a lot of strong people..." Lin Mianmian walked beside Fade Chen, staring around, muttering to himself, his eyes kept flickering, and he seemed to be a little distracted by the scenery in front of him Surprised. To know that she is now, even if she doesn't mention the actual combat power, she only talks about the realm of cultivation, the second heaven of the immortal ancestors, it should be considered very good.

   Apart from the ancient Shinto Venerable who is high in the Nine Heavens,

   Immortal Ancestor Realm is already considered the pinnacle of Immortal Realm, but what about now? Looking around, in all directions, among ten thousand individuals, one can find a strong immortal ancestor!

one in ten thousand?

   When was this immortal ancestor so worthless? It's really exaggerated.

   Even he is like this,

   That Yuan Rong Qinghua is now a bit autistic,

   (end of this chapter)

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