Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4247: Please come to the door? If you don't want to die, go away!

   Chapter 4247 Trouble coming? If you don't want to die, go away!

   Although he is no longer Wuxia Amon,

   But of course, it is impossible to compare with a demon like Lin Mianmian. His current realm is only the peak of the Immortal Ancestor 1st Layer, and the actual combat power is similar. However, if these are placed among the powerhouses in front of him, I am afraid that it will be difficult to raise a splash. This is indeed a bit of a blow. .

   As for Chen Fei...

   He didn't feel anything. After all, in terms of his current cultivation realm and strength, as well as his potential talents, there are really not many things that can surprise him.

   But having said that,

Right now he,

   But it still seems to be attracted by something,

"What it is…"

   Staring at the end of the Demon King City, Chen Fei's eyes flickered, and the reincarnation power in his body began to move, as if it was about to break out of the body... This surprised him a little.

   In this case,

   so many years

   He seems to have met for the first time...

"It looks like I have to go to that place!" This is the reincarnation power in his body, and it is the first time he has shown such an impatient emotion, so it also means that he must go and have a look. When he thinks of this, Chen Fei speaks directly. now,

"follow me!"

   But the voice did not fall,

   However, some people not far away came directly towards them,

   The person in the lead even stared at Lin Mianmian with straight eyes and sneered. "It seems that you have just come to the Demon King City, why don't you come with us, I am the direct son of the Wu family of the Soul Moon Gate, Wu Zhidao, it is your honor to know me! This fairy, are you right? ?!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Immediately, Lin Mianmian, Chen Fei, and Yuan Rong Qinghua couldn't help but froze for a while, and then their faces became strange.

   "Is this being targeted?"

   Chen Fei glanced at Lin Mianmian, and then shook his head somewhat dumbfounded. He was already used to it, and he didn't think about what happened to his disciple, but when they met now, he reacted again,

   So he was a disciple,

   is already a very attractive beauty!

   But when I think of Lin Mianmian's character...

   Chen Fei just shook his head and said lightly.

   "If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

   He doesn't have much intention to kill now. After all, he has experienced a lot, and this kind of thing is nothing, it's just a sentence, so what he said now can be regarded as a sincere advice!

  If you don’t want to die, get out!

   But sometimes the reality is like this,

   Obviously he is kind, but the other party just doesn't appreciate it at all!

   "Hahahaha, you said let me go?"

  The young man Wu Zhidao laughed sarcastically, with a deep disdain and sneer in his eyes.

   "It seems that my attitude has made you misunderstand something... Why, you bunch of bastards, do you really think you are a character? Dare to talk to me like Wu Zhidao, do you really want to die?!"

   Hearing the words and seeing this, Fade Chen shook his head directly and stopped talking.

   And seeing this scene, Lin Mianmian also spoke up, looking at Wu Zhidao who was full of sarcasm, and said lightly. "Are you sure, you want to die?!"

   "Looking for something dead!"

   Suddenly, Wu Zhidao's face turned gloomy, Xialai,

   "Things that don't know how to live or die, do you know who I am? To trample you to death is no different from trampling on ants."

   Wu Zhidao's arrogant voice suddenly exploded in the void, and at the same time, an astonishing cultivation realm aura exploded in an instant, causing many people's pupils to shrink, and they were extremely shocked.

   "The Immortal Ancestor First Layer!"

   "What a powerful force, this guy is not simple! He is a genius!"

   Many people looked at Wu Zhidao and their expressions changed. They just wanted to watch a play, but now they found that they had seen a monster. First of all, this Wu Zhidao is definitely not too old!

   In other words,

   Immortal ancestors of the younger generation, the first layer of heaven,

   This itself has a certain gold content!

   What's more, judging from the actual combat power fluctuations that erupted from this guy at this time... it's not even lower than the Third Heaven of Immortal Ancestor! Genius man! It turned out to be a very good genius, and it is no wonder that he is so domineering and confident!

   It's just that they didn't find out, that's all, even if they were already so shocked at this time, Chen Fei, Lin Mianmian, and even Yuan Rong Qinghua still didn't change their expressions at all.

   It's like, don't care, don't care.


   and aware of all this,

   A man in a blue robe in a restaurant not far away laughed thoughtfully and muttered. "It's so light, so there must be something to rely on, Wu Yuanshan, Wu Yuanshan, you **** younger brother is doing things all day long, unscrupulous, and I don't know if this time, will you be kicked on the iron plate?!"

   "The Great War of Reincarnation is approaching, and there will be a meeting of wind and clouds. Countless foreigners will gather in the Demon King City. If they are really those guys... I'm afraid they won't give you half of the face, right? Hahaha, interesting, really interesting!"

   And at the same time,

  Wu Zhidao on the street spoke again, his face full of unruly, and his eyes full of sarcasm staring at Fade Chen, Lin Mianmian and others, even in his eyes, there was still a desire!

"I originally wanted to talk to you well, but I didn't expect you **** to be so ignorant and overestimated. Well, if that's the case, then just grab it back, such a graceful beauty should make me feel better. It's comfortable, hahahaha!"

   "Hahahahaha!" Then Wu Zhidao sneered directly, the flames in his eyes were burning like a beast, wanting to devour everything in his eyes,

   "Give it to me!"

   "Leave the woman, capture it alive, and kill everyone else!"

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble!"

And in the next moment, Wu Zhidao started to do it after shouting loudly, his body flashed, the visions of the heavens erupted, and the terrifying energy was released instantly like a tidal wave, causing the earth to be frozen immediately. Become a blocked void!

   At the same time, the void twisted, the power of the terrifying soul erupted, and the invisible and ignorant divine sense turned into terrifying claws, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, directly attacking and grabbing the naked Lin Mianmian!

   At that moment,

  The wind howled and was torn apart,

   A harsh shock wave erupted from the void,

   A strong concussive sound wave like rags erupted, spreading out, tearing apart the sky,

   And seeing this scene,

  The people behind Wu Zhidao... also started to do it,

   went straight to Fade Chen and others,





   One after another terrifying and powerful thoughts burst out,

   made the powerful vision that blocked the sky even tremble directly,


  The people suddenly rioted,

  Because they realized that the people behind Wu Zhidao actually had super powerhouses of the Immortal Ancestor 4th Heaven level! Thinking of this, a trace of pity and sadness appeared in the bottom of many people's eyes.

   Like a heavy city like the Demon King City,

   The creatures are endless!

   There are many people, there are many right and wrong, and there are more unfair things! Just like now, there is no reason, just staring at the other party, and shooting directly, to arrest people, how domineering, how unfair? !

   But this is the reality!

  It's just a pity for those three little guys...

   That's how I messed with people who shouldn't be messed with!

   But even so, a mutation is born!


  Suddenly, the purple moon blooms, the bright light turns nine times, the light flickers,

One after another, purple rosy clouds spread out, turning into a spectacle that covered the sky and the sun, and then, as if the ice and snow melted, the many powerful forces that had suddenly erupted before were directly shattered by this force. !

   And even more terrifying,

   That Wu Zhidao, the many powerhouses behind Wu Zhidao, and even that Immortal Ancestor Four Heavens,

  They didn't even have time to make a sound,

  's face still maintained that moment when he seemed to be winning and he thought he was invincible,

   Then, under this terrifying purple moonlight, it was completely corroded and melted away,

   turned into nothingness!

   There is no existence left!

   Thoroughly smashed to pieces, there is no place to die!

   (end of this chapter)

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