Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4250: Immediately! More horror to come!

   Chapter 4250 Imminent! More horror to come!

"get out!"

   A loud shout resounded throughout the world! This stern shout was like a thunderstorm that originated from the sky above the sky. As soon as it appeared, the world trembled, causing the entire province to tremble.

   "I really came to the door..."

   Tears Qianchi sighed, then looked at Chen Fei and Lin Mianmian, closed his mouth again, and fell silent. Wu Yuanshan came to the door, this was what he expected,

   But I didn't expect it so fast,

   And he didn't expect that the opponent's power had actually broken through,

   Immortal Ancestor Sixth Heaven Peak?

   In terms of strength like this, it’s really not weak…

   So the following words,

   It depends on how Chen Feilin and Mianmian deal with it...

"Exactly... but you can also see their true background." Lei Qianchi murmured, and then slowly backed away, it was about to cross the mountain to watch the tiger fight, and at the same time, Wu Yuanshan in the void , seems to have found something,

   "Tears a thousand feet, is that you?"

   Wu Yuanshan's eyes swept over, and then fell directly on Lei Qianchi, a dignified look filled the depths of his eyes.

   Of course, he is very clear about the identity of that tearful thousand feet. He is a disciple of the dignified ancient god, and he is also the core of the Asura Dao, one of the six ways. This kind of identity is not a joke, and even he will be very taboo!

   "It was you who killed my brother? Why?"

   he asked.

   But Lei Qianchi just shook his head,

   "Wu Yuanshan, your brother's business has nothing to do with me!"

   "It has nothing to do with you? That's fine..." Then Wu Yuanshan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then a trace of brutality spread from the depths of his eyes, and the extremely powerful killing intent also erupted more quickly and violently.

   goes straight to the sky,

   seems to be a sharp sword that tears the sky!

"Why, do you want me to invite you out? If you dare to do it, don't you dare to admit it, where did your previous aura go? Or..." A huge voice echoed in the void, but this time, the voice hadn't even finished speaking. , it just stopped,

   Because I don't know when, in the void, Lin Mianmian's figure has already appeared,

   "Are you looking for me?" Lin Mianmian stared at Wu Yuanshan with no expression on his face, and the bottom of his eyes was flowing with a faint purple haze.

   "It was you... who killed my brother?" For some reason, Wu Yuanshan was not so strong at this time. Instead, his eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Lin Mianmian, and there was even a trace of fear in his voice.

   It seems that after seeing Lin Mianmian,

  In his heart,

   I started to feel a little uneasy for some reason...

   "Is it an illusion... Or is this person in front of you very powerful?!"

   Wu Yuanshan stared at Lin Mianmian,

   The unease in my heart is also getting stronger,

   "Your brother? Is that the pustule from before? If it's him, then he should be damned! Speaking of which, you should thank me, after all, it's useless to keep this kind of waste pustule, it's better to kill it..."

   Compared with his fear,

   That Lin Mianmian's attitude is very domineering and unscrupulous, even if the righteous master comes to the door in person, there are still only two words for her, that is pustule!

   is enough to show that she didn't put this so-called Wu Yuanshan at all,

   in the eyes,

   "What a big breath!"

   And her attitude made that Wu Yuanshan furious! Regarding Lin Mianmian, although he was indeed a little uneasy in his heart, it was nothing more than that, and it was far from the level of fear and fear.

Who is he?

   He is Wu Yuanshan!

   The first descendant of Soul Moon Gate! The direct disciple of the dignified half-step ancient god-level super powerhouse! This kind of status makes him absolutely qualified to be conceited and proud no matter where he is...

   After thinking about this,

   Then Wu Yuanshan simply restrained himself,

   Then he went crazy,

   "Boom!" The killing intent was reversed, and it erupted like a stormy sea. Then, a wave of terror broke out in Wu Yuanshan's body, spreading out, instantly killing intent, crushing the entire scene, making people breathless in an instant.

   "If that's the case, then you should kill and pay for your life!" Wu Yuanshan's eyes froze, revealing murderous intent, and then he directly stepped towards Lin Mianmian's void.

  Suddenly, the war is about to start, and it is about to start!

   These scenes also made many people in all directions,

   all trembled in my heart,

   They didn't know the details of Lin Mianmian, but they knew that Wu Yuanshan was so powerful, especially the formidable power that Wu Yuanshan showed at the sixth level of the Immortal Ancestor, which made their hearts tremble even more.

   Immortal Ancestor Sixth Heaven Peak,

   Such powers are to them whatever it is,

   is definitely a top powerhouse,

   Once you start, I'm afraid it will really destroy the world, and the consequences will be unimaginable...

   But no one thought of it,

   Just when this war seems to be about to break out,

   On the ground, in the void, Lin Mianmian and Chen Fei seemed to have noticed something at the same time, then looked away, and looked straight towards the sky somewhere higher above!

And then…

   Chen Fei frowned slightly.

"That is…"


At the same time, the void actually split open in an instant, and the demonic energy of the black pressure rose into the sky, as if it was enough to tear the sky, and then the left and right sides directly retreated, and the endless astral wind permeated the sky. A terrifying black hole appeared in the void, space cracks appeared one after another, and the black Buddha light of hundreds of millions of feet, the **** came down, and the sky was crowded!

   "Buddha Light? But why is this black?!"

   Chen Fei murmured in surprise. It is definitely the power of Buddhism. He should not admit it wrong, but the problem is that he has seen the golden Buddha light, and this is the first time he has seen this black Buddha light.

   And look at this battle,

   That person who came here doesn't seem to be easy... He's a great guy!

   Even he is like this,

  Others were even more shocked,

   "The terrifying Buddha light is still black, wait, no, isn't it..."

"This is really the light of the demon Buddha, this is the handwriting of the demon Buddha country, how did they come? I don't know who came, this battle is a bit scary, could it be that the old guy from the demon Buddha country came in person ?!"

   "Impossible, right now, at this juncture, what are the people of the Demon Buddha Country doing here in the Demon King City? If something goes wrong, the implication will be too great!"

"Look at it again, I don't think it's possible. In this situation, I'm afraid that the existence of the ancestors of the Six Paths of Reincarnation has already stared at the Demon King City. Even those guys in the Demon Buddha Kingdom should be Don't even dare to come here! Wait...you look at what that is, someone came out, oh...that guy is not..."

   "My God, how is he?!"

   "Demon Buddha Little King Ming!?"


  In the void, surrounded by Buddha light, space cracks,

One by one monks and monks slowly appeared, and a statue of Buddha also began to appear in the void. The vast scene seemed to be the arrival of a Buddhist kingdom, but it was extremely dark, and the darkness was overwhelming, giving people a huge pressure, very asphyxia. At the end, when the last figure completely walked out of the void crack, many people suddenly shrank their pupils and completely changed their color!


   Buddha's sound echoes in the void,

The black Buddha light of hundreds of millions of feet looks like a real Buddha, and it also seems to be an unparalleled demon king. It holds the nine heavens high and dominates the Buddhist kingdom. There are endless Buddhist scriptures and illusory dharma images. There are monks bowing down and worshipping, saint monks bowing their heads, bodhisattvas and vajra protectors...

   This scene shocked countless people,

   But more importantly, that person...

   "Demon, Demon Buddha Little King Ming!?"

   "Why did he appear here!?" At this moment, the man who stared at the Buddhist man in the void with tears of a thousand feet shuddered, his eyes filled with disbelief.

   And Wu Yuanshan in the void,

   At this time, his face was already full of horror, and even his hands began to tremble.

   (end of this chapter)

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