Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4251: Demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang!

   Chapter 4251 Demon Buddha Xiaoming King!

   This is not because they suddenly went crazy, but because to them, the name Demon Buddha Xiaoming completely means that it is a legend, a myth, and an absolute taboo that cannot be touched!

   "Who is this guy? It seems to be very big and powerful!"

   Chen Fei's voice came,

   made that tearful thousand feet tremble all over,

   Then, he saw a wry smile on his face, spoke in a low voice, and said slowly. "That's the Demon Buddha Xiaoming King, don't you even know him? A monster from the Demon Buddha Kingdom, a real monster that rivals the pure-blooded Xeon to Gao Immortal Beast, and he is also the descendant of the Demon Demon King Daming. Not only is his own strength beyond imagination, but his background identity is also terrifying!"

   To say the demon Buddha Xiaoming Wang,

   This is definitely a legendary name! In terms of his debut time, he is even far later than the human Dao Jiang Li, the gluttonous god, the little devil king, these contemporary top evildoers in the ancient court of reincarnation! But when it comes to other things, such as skill, record, and strength, this Demon Buddha Xiao Ming is definitely far ahead of them.

   is even ugly,

   is not a level at all,

   In fact, they are the descendants of the younger generation of the ancient court of reincarnation. In this case,

   In fact, it should be regarded as a relatively poor and declining generation.

  For example, Jiang Li of the Human Dao, the God Son of Taotie, the Little Devil King, etc., these are the most outstanding descendants of the contemporary Six Dao, but they are not even Immortal Seven Stars.

   They can't even compare to the immortality of the seven stars,

   Naturally, it is even more impossible to compare with that, the demon Buddha Xiaoming Wang, who can be compared with the dignified pure-blooded Xeon and high immortal beasts.

   There is a huge difference between the two! The gap is huge.

   "Oh?" Upon hearing this, Fade Chen suddenly became interested, and his eyes flickered, and he said softly. "This guy is Seven Star Immortal?!"

   "That's right, but it's not..."

   But that tearful thousand feet actually shook his head,

   "Is it true or not? What do you mean by that?!"

   Yuan Rong Qinghua couldn't help but interjected.

   Some doubts,

"If you want to tell your life, in fact, the body of this Demon Buddha Xiao Mingwang is just an ordinary Thunder Dao Golden Bamboo. Of course, this is not as powerful as Seven Star Immortal, but the Thunder Dao Golden Bamboo of the Demon Buddha Xiao Mingwang is endless. Over the years, the Thunder Road Jinzhu, who has experienced the baptism of the demon Buddha Daming King Foguang, has been baptized! So..."

   Speaking of this, the tearful thousand feet directly shook his head, as if he was very emotional.

   "Who is the Demon Buddha Daming King?"

   Chen Fei couldn't help but asked,

   As soon as these words came out, the tearful eyes suddenly became extremely strange, staring at Fade Chen without speaking for a long time. It seems that he is very puzzled by Chen Fei's question, and it seems that Chen Fei doesn't even know the demon Buddha Daming King.

   was deeply puzzled.

"That Demon Buddha Daming King is the guardian deity of the Demon Buddha Kingdom, a third-level, super-powerful at the level of the ancient gods, his strength is so strong that he is even the first powerhouse in our ancient court of reincarnation. , Lord Bo Xun, the Heavenly Demon King, is inferior, and you should know about Amitabha Sakyamuni, the first strong Buddhist monk? He was a supreme giant at the level of an ancient Buddha of Tianyuan, but even so, many years ago, He was almost swallowed by that demon Buddha, King Daming!"

   "Since then, the name of the Demon Buddha Daming King has become a legend! Because this is an ancient **** who is enough to match the ancient Buddha of Tianyuan! Looking at Zhongzhou, he is definitely a giant who has reached the peak! The fierceness is endless!"

   "And the most important thing is that there is actually an even more outrageous legend about this demon Buddha Daming King..."

   Tears Qianchi couldn't help but stop, his eyes kept flickering, as if in awe.

   "What legend?"

   Chen Fei asked.

"It is said that the origin of this demon Buddha Daming King can even be traced back to the ancient times. Many, many years ago, when the heavens and the earth first opened, everything was chaotic and chaotic. At that time, in the land of Zhongzhou, there was a statue of The Supreme Buddha Kingdom reigns over the world. It is one of the most terrifying existences in the boundless world of the nine heavens and ten places. There have been many rumors that the demon Buddha Daming King has the shadow of the Supreme Buddha Kingdom of that era on his body. , although I don't know if it's true or not, but even today, few people dare to deny it..."

   Tears paused for a thousand feet, and his eyes flickered.

   "So, even if it's not true, I'm afraid it's not too far..."

   As soon as these words came out, Fade Chen was silent,

  Somewhat shocking!

   After all, for him, the history of the ancient times in the land of Zhongzhou was actually scary enough, at least hundreds of epochs ago, and there was even a piece of history that was taboo and sealed!

  The people who can live from that era to today are almost all old monsters, unfathomable and outrageous,

   However, the so-called Demon Buddha Daming King is actually even more exaggerated, and it can even be traced back to the more cutting-edge of the ancient times, which is terrifying! I'm afraid anyone who hears this will be shocked!

   At the same time, the tearful thousand feet spoke again, and his eyes flickered. "There is a forbidden area in the Demon Buddha Country called Mingwang Huachi. It is said that it was the birthplace of the demon Buddha Daming, and it later became his cave until now. In the Mingwang Huachi, there is a piece of golden bamboo called Chengxiao. The bamboo sea is said to have been planted by the Demon Buddha Daming King himself, and it has continued to this day!"

"The Demon Buddha Daming King recites the scriptures every day, practices the Buddha Dharma every day, sings the Buddha's name, the Buddha's song, the blessings shine everywhere, and all things are reborn, day after day, year after year, until the era turns chaotically, the Dao changes, and finally, there is no I thought that such a demon Buddha Xiaoming Wang really came out! This name was chosen by the demon Buddha Daming Wang himself, and everyone understands..."

   "It is said that it is a disciple, but in fact it is no different from the heir of his old man, a child!"

   Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but nodded and said.

   "It turns out to be so, if that's the case, then this guy is really unusual!"

  In a sense, time is the most terrifying thing, and efforts under endless years can make any miracles and legends take for granted! From the ancient times to today, from an ordinary golden bamboo of Thunder Road to the famous so-called Demon Buddha Xiaoming Wang, this is the power of time, infinite, beyond imagination, without limit!

"The demon Buddha Xiaoming is certainly not ordinary, and his legend is far more than just one or two..." Lei Qianchi smiled bitterly, then raised his head and stared at the supreme figure in the void, he couldn't help it. murmured.

   "Why did he come to Tianmowangcheng in person this time? Why did he come? It's impossible, it's because of the Four Buddha Temples and..."

   It wasn’t just him who had this question in his heart, but everyone else, too,

At this moment, in the void, in the Demon King City that day, the thirteen prefectures, the endless beings, and even the top powerhouses of the major forces are silent, silently staring at the demon Buddha country in the void Everyone, staring at the supreme figure in the void - the demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang! They understand that today's events, I am afraid that there must be a major event.


  It was also at this time that a sudden change occurred. At the end of the Demon King City that day, in a vast and huge province, a terrifying aura suddenly erupted, descending like a god, and an astonishing and chaotic voice came out.

   "Your honored guest came to the door, and I have missed a distance to welcome you. Please forgive me, but...I don't know why Xiaoming Wang came?"

   Hearing this voice, the tears of Qianchi suddenly flashed and murmured softly.

   "This is the devil's way that day, inherit the voice of the king!"

   (end of this chapter)

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