Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4275: Crush Li Xuantong!

   Chapter 4275 Crush Li Xuantong!

"Speaking of potential talent and strength, I admit that you are indeed stronger than me, but you have the confidence to compete with me again. If we are all the same as the other contestants, start over and start all over again. Can you beat me, Li Xuantong?! Chen Xukong, do you dare to take this contest?!"

   Li Xuantong's cold voice came out,

   echoed in this void,

   But when he heard this, Fade Chen couldn't help laughing directly, hehe... He laughed a little mockingly and sarcastically, and the eyes and expressions looking at each other were even more abusive and disdainful.

   "You're pretty smart, but do you think I'm stupid?"

   Chen Fei sneered.

To put it bluntly, Li Xuantong’s words meant that everyone should start over and start all over again, but in fact, it was actually just asking him to voluntarily give up his advantages and his invincible strength, so as to draw closer, or even draw with Li Xuantong. The strength gap, and then do the comparison, and then, another battle!

   You already have a completely invincible strength advantage, but you don’t want it? Have to start over with you, start all over again? Isn't that stupid? It's simply treating people as fools, inexplicably stupid!

   But Li Xuantong only frowned slightly when he heard the words, and then a trace of sarcasm appeared on his face, glanced at Chen Fei, and said indifferently. "This is not stupid, but fair and just! It can also convince me of losing, Chen Xukong, if you are really so powerful, so confident, why dare you not make such a small request?!"

   "Or if that's the case, you've already lost your self-confidence and feel that you can't beat me? Hehe, that's fine. After all, if that's the case, don't do this competition!"

   "It's such an inferior method..."

   However, when Chen Fei heard this, he just shook his head and smiled, his face full of disdain and sarcasm. "Do you think this kind of meaningless nonsense can irritate me? It's really ridiculous. I have strength, stronger than you, and naturally I can crush you under my feet and trample you wanton. You don't accept it? How? Boom…”

The voice of    fell,

   Chen Fei actually shot directly,

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

In that instant, the void around Chen Fei burst into a dazzling galaxy-like divine light, empty space runes, empty space spells, and even the empty space power weapons. Appearing one by one, it turned into a galaxy full of stars, and also formed countless levels of dimensional space worlds, as if bursting out with infinite power,

   rushed towards Li Xuantong, whose complexion had changed drastically at this moment,

   At that moment, it seemed like the sky was falling apart,

  Boom! Boom! thump…

  In that void, every attack in every direction contains astonishing destructive power,

   is almost suffocating, and almost swallowing up this world,

At the same time, Li Xuantong, whose face changed drastically, finally moved... Weird and profound fluctuations of powerful power suddenly erupted in his body like a stormy sea. , One after another, the phantoms of terrifying beasts that destroyed the sky and the earth appeared, and they surrounded Li Xuantong. Make an earth-shattering sound of vibration.

   "The Four Supreme Books!"

   "Heartless, thoughtless, heartless, cut off, cut off, cut off the sky!"

   "Relentless immortal thoughts, fighting the heavens and chaos!"

   Li Xuantong roared wildly, and even took out his method of pressing the bottom of the box—one of the four supreme books, the relentless heavenly book, Wuxinshu, thirty-three volumes.

   And this also makes his actual combat effectiveness,

   completely soared to an extremely amazing height!

   The Eighth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor!

   That's right, at this moment, with the power of one of the Four Supreme Books, the Heartless Book of Heaven, Li Xuantong's actual combat power has already reached the height of the Eighth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor!

   And these heights,

   Even the previous Prince Kongja did his best!

   is also half a chip behind.

   What is this concept? This can only show that this Li Xuantong's potential talent aptitude, even if it has not yet reached the "seven gods forbidden category exclusive to the pure-blooded Xeon and high immortal beasts", but it should not be far behind.

   So, if you really want to compare, this Li Xuantong should be more powerful than those ordinary seven-star immortal evildoers, and also a bit more evildoer genius. But that's about it.

   The fighting power of Xianzu Bazhongtian in the district is only, what difference can it make to Chen Fei? There is no difference at all.


   glanced at Li Xuantong who was almost doing his best, Fade Chen just smiled, and then stepped forward,

   Immediately, the space station bloomed, and the space that was torn apart in the sky turned into countless terrifying black hole waves, boundless coercion spread from it, and infinite terrifying power swept out from it,

   Suddenly the sky and the earth were torn apart,

   shattered the ruthless Heavenly Book in front of Li Xuantong,

   "I don't agree!"

   Li Xuantong's eyes were split, and he burst out with all his strength, and the void in front of him suddenly split open,

  The ruthless thought came out of the body, as if it was a god, turned into a supreme rune, an ancient word, an infinite heaven... The power is infinite, and the power between this world has been completely suppressed in an instant,

   Even Chen Fei's attack,

   was also forced to retreat a little,

   "It's okay, it's a bit interesting..."

   Chen Fei smiled,

   also found that Li Xuantong was not as weak as he thought,

The    side is the enchanting potential talent second only to the Seven Gods Ban,

The    side is one of the four supreme books of the epicenter state,

   The power of these two, the combination of the two, is definitely to make Li Xuantong's actual combat power have a firm foothold in the level of the Eighth Heaven of the Immortal Ancestor. And at the same time, if he himself didn't use 'Time Recall'... in fact, I'm afraid it would be similar to this. Probably has the combat power of the Eighth Heaven of the Immortal Ancestor,

   Even stronger than this Li Xuantong!


   Then, Fade Chen shot again, the power of space power erupted, and rounds of gigantic black holes like the sun, moon and stars appeared again between the heavens and the earth.

   These attacks directly suffocated Li Xuantong.

   keep retreating,

   is constantly being suppressed,

"Boom, boom, boom..." At the end, it seemed that Li Xuantong finally couldn't bear it anymore. He was constantly attacked by Fade Chen's powerful force, and he had no room to fight back. He finally lost his defense and was attacked by Fade Chen. beaten back,

   shook him and vomited blood.

"噔, 噔, 噔..." Li Xuantong retreated continuously, his face pale, but Fade Chen's attack did not stop. Above the heavens, the void world of all dimensions turned into supreme divine might and fell down. Those attacks were completely infinite. In an endless manner, Li Xuantong's body exploded, and even his body began to shatter, and he was severely injured!

   Looking at him again, at this time, his face was pale and covered in blood, and he was crushed by Chen Fei.


   "This is your strength?" Fade Chen shot again, grabbed from the void, and immediately detained the almost disastrous Li Xuantong on the big palm print, which could easily be killed.

   That rout gesture,

   that mocking words,

   directly made Li Xuantong's face pale and humiliated to the extreme.

   (end of this chapter)

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