Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4276: One more game, start over!

   Chapter 4276 Another game, start over!

"I lost…"

Li Xuantong lowered his head and his face was ashen. He knew that there was a gap in strength between himself and Chen Fei, but he did not expect that the difference would be so big. This was a huge blow to him, making him doubt himself, and he also felt in his heart. With sadness.

   But he didn't know, even so, even if he had been defeated by Chen Fei now, he had been crushed and crushed by Chen Fei, but in fact, he still did not force Chen Fei's true ability at all!

   Counting back in time,

   This is Fade Chen's true complete body,

   Otherwise, it's just "playing" with you, and it's not worth mentioning.

"It seems that my current strength should be better than that of ordinary Immortal Ancestor Eighth-layer Heavenly Powers. If you count the strength of Suu back then... I don't know if I can fight against that Immortal Ancestor's Nine-layer Heavenly Powerhouse. A fight?"

   Chen Fei muttered.

   Apart from the existence of the ancient gods,

   Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian is basically the strongest person on the bright side of this immortal world. Time flies, countless years have passed, but I didn't expect that he has finally reached this point. Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian, looking at Zhongzhou, he can be regarded as the overlord of one side, the number one person, if it can reach this level,

  He Chen Fei is now,

   should also be regarded as having a place in this fairyland, right?

   I have finally come this far.

   Countless years of pursuit, hard work, hard work, torture... finally paid off today. Thinking of this, even Chen Fei couldn't help but have a slight smile on his face.

   looks a little happy.

   As for Li Xuantong... Laughing, Fade Chen glanced at Li Xuantong again, and said lightly. "Now we can talk about the contest you mentioned earlier!"

   As soon as these words came out, Li Xuantong was stunned for a moment, then his face turned ashen, glaring at Chen Fei, and said coldly. "What do you mean by that? Are you still humiliating me?!"

   "No no no..."

   Chen Fei shook his head and said indifferently. "I just want you to know that opportunism doesn't work for me, words irritate me? What's the point, what I say is what I do, what I want to do, because I'm stronger than you, so what I said That's the truth! And your little cleverness is worthless with me, meaningless!"

   Li Xuantong's face stiffened and his whole body trembled, but he remained silent, unable to speak,

  Because he knew that he was too naive before,

   I thought that Fade Chen, as a monstrous evildoer, would definitely have boundless pride, and he would never reject his challenge with ulterior motives. However, Fade Chen's approach taught him a good lesson!



   That doesn't matter anymore!

  I will beat you first, crush you first, let you know what is strong and what is the gap, and then tell you that you want to learn and compete, and the primary and secondary completely change a position,

   also suppressed him in almost all directions!


   That alone,

   He has already lost completely in front of Fade Chen. But... Li Xuantong gritted his teeth, raised his head, and stared at Fade Chen, his eyes flickering, as if he was a little dissatisfied.

   "Since that's the case, let's play again!"

  Li Xuantong gritted his teeth and said coldly. "We have suppressed our cultivation realm to the first level of the Immortal Ancestor. All the magical powers of the fairy way, the magical powers of blood, and the secret methods of the fairy way that we were good at in the past are all forgotten, only the follow-up chance inheritance in this Liwang Lake shall prevail, after a million years. , Let's fight again, Chen Void, do you dare?!"

   In terms of reality, he has already lost, and he has lost completely,

   But in the heart of the gambler, he still wanted to give it another go.

   In such a way,

   Fight with Chen Fei again!

  Starting from the beginning means that everyone's starting line is equal and equivalent. In this case, he has confidence in himself! I also think that maybe he can win back a city in front of Chen Fei in this environment.

   After all, if you really want to start all over again,

   There are too many factors that can affect the strength, but there are really too many, such as chance, luck, practice, immortal magical power, potential talent, etc., many different. In this case, it is equivalent to letting Chen Fei give up his greatest advantage and fight against him, if he still can't win... Li Xuantong's heart flickered, and he clenched his fists fiercely.

   "Impossible, if this is the case, I will definitely win!"

   he murmured resolutely in his heart.

   is like an oath.


   "Then come!" At this time, Fade Chen smiled and agreed. The reason why he refused and beat the other party was because he didn't want to be passive, he just wanted to be active. He can take the initiative to play with you, but he won't foolishly get into the trap just because you say something and are stimulated by you.

   To put it bluntly, starting all over again, this kind of rule is definitely a disadvantage for him. He is already so strong, why should he give up his own strength and start all over again with you? Isn't that stupid? !


   Anyway, he doesn't have much to do right now. It's okay to play with him like Li Xuantong. Quan should pass the time.

"it is good!"

   Seeing that Chen Fei agreed,

   Then Li Xuantong was also ruthless,

   Prepare to take this opportunity to be ashamed!

   After facing Fade Chen a little bit harder... Li Xuantong turned around and said coldly. "In order to show fairness, you can follow me all the way! You and I are on the same road, and you can also see the scene when the other party gets the chance to inherit, which is more fair!"


The voice of    fell,

   He Li Xuantong just dodged and left,

   And seeing this scene,

   Chen Fei also just smiled, and then followed up without caring. Since he wants to play, let's just play thoroughly. The two are on the same road, this will indeed be 'fairer'... Hahaha!


  Chen Fei and Li Xuantong galloped in the void of the Liwang Lake, overlooking the sky below. After a while, they saw that Li Xuantong suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, and then stopped directly in place.

   "It's there!"

   "There seems to be something..."

   Li Xuantong said, fell quickly, and then glanced at it, and found that it turned out to be a jasper palace hidden deep under the sea. In the palace, a large formation emerged, surrounded by the power of the formation, and the runes exuded terrifying fluctuations, which made people feel very frightened. Outside the palace, several figures appeared there.

   At this moment, they all seemed hesitant to move forward, standing outside the gate of the palace, not daring to enter,

   And in a certain direction farther away from them, the opponent that is closer to the palace area, there are still several corpses lying there quietly, obviously they have died thoroughly, very tragic!

   "What's in here?"

  Li Xuantong couldn't bear it anymore, he stepped forward and looked at those people,

   There are sharp edges in his eyes.

   "Li Xuantong?"

   One of them glanced at Li Xuantong, and his face changed suddenly, but then when he saw Chen Fei again, who was actually in the void, he suddenly smiled bitterly and said without hesitation.

   "Li Xuantong, Chen Xukong, this is a place of inheritance, but we don't know what it is, because we have been beaten out just now, and a few companions have died! But..."


  The man hesitated for a moment, then said through gritted teeth.

   "I felt the Buddha's light inside, as well as the supreme sword power, and I saw a lot of them. It seemed that there were powerful figures left behind by the projection of the void! I know, that's really all..."!

   This man deliberately said so clearly,

   Naturally, I hope Chen Fei and Li Xuantong will let him go! let them live.

   (end of this chapter)

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