Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4296: Fight with all your strength, the battle is amazing!

   Chapter 4296 Fight with all your strength, the battle is amazing!

  The true height of the six-path reincarnation power, what is the concept? But those old guys who have already ascended to the throne of the ancient gods, and really set foot on the peak, dare to speak in the field. If Chen Fei can reach that level, what is there to fight under? Why would you just come up and go hand in hand with them.

   Hearing this,

  The King Watanabe also reacted,

  's face froze, his eyes narrowed... but he didn't say anything more. Because he also knows that he really said it, if he really lifts Fade Chen so high, he will only lose face! It is their Jian Emperor Palace.

   And at the same time,

   The collision between Chen Fei and Na Wuningzi,

   is finally about to start!


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   At that moment, the forces between the two collided, but there was no earth-shattering explosion, nor the kind of darkness that engulfed everything in silence and destruction. There was just a stalemate like that rock.

   In other words,

   the power between them,

  Because they were too close and too indistinguishable, they were completely deadlocked there. After the collision, they remained motionless, fighting and confronting with all their might in the void.

   But still no result!

   These two forces,

   Almost everyone can’t help each other,

   And seeing this scene, people were also shocked and in an uproar. There was a lot of discussion.

   "Sure enough, Chen Fei and Chen Void's powers have also reached the peak of the Eighth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor! Otherwise, in the second test, he would not have been able to compete with the sealed beast so indistinguishably..."

   "It's unbelievable, the mere two little guys of the younger generation have such terrifying fighting power. Our old bones are really old, their era is coming!"

"This battle seems to be even more intense than before. It seems that Wu Ningzi and Chen Xukong are closer in combat power. In terms of goods, that Lu Zen Buddha should be able to win the championship of this Samsara war? "

"It's hard to say, if this Wu Ningzi wins Chen Xukong, then naturally there is no suspense, but if he loses, I am afraid that Chen Xukong, who is the winner, and the ruthless Zen Buddha should also fight! "

"Yeah, although Ruchan Buddha beat Wu Ningzi, he is not much stronger. It can be seen that the strength gap between them is really close! As long as Chen Xukong can beat Wu Ningzi, he will definitely be the same as Ruanzi. Some Zen Buddhas beat…”

   "Look, you'll find out when you watch it!"


   In the void, the fighting power between Chen Fei and Wu Ningzi is still confrontation and wrestling. But at this moment, Wu Ningzi took the lead in not wanting to continue, so he made another move, wanting to change the current battle situation.

   The next moment, the sound of violent shouting suddenly resounded.

   "Break me!"

   Wu Ningzi's shout resounded, and the light burst,

   Then, in the void that I saw, there were traces of the power of that ruthless sky light! Madness emerges.

   At that moment, the sound of "clang-" sounded, and the power of the Supreme Four Books, Ruthless Heavenly Books broke out completely. The terrifying light and the terrifying sound waves even made people deaf and blind. At the same time, it also directly broke the power of Fade Chen, the fusion of the Heavenly Sword of Samsara and the True Meaning of Six Paths of Samsara! A loud rumbling rumble erupted, and the sky and the earth split open like a rotten tree,

   Wuningzi's five-colored heavenly sword slashed down,

   Divine Sword came in with a long body,

   Take Chen Fei directly

   That terrifying power,

   That supreme power,

   And the power of that vast and invincible ruthless sky light,

   makes many people terrified.

  The soul trembled.

   And seeing this scene, Fade Chen also narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a huge pressure. At this point, the battle situation has escalated again, and Wu Ningzi has taken out the ruthless heavenly book power that he has pressed at the bottom of the box,

   This is naturally going all out, not the previous temptation.


   He is not like that either,

  His power, and more, stronger!

   "Kill!" With a low drink, Fade Chen started to shoot. In the void behind, the star sea, the power of the sky, suddenly emerged. Among the stars, the reincarnation gates stood endlessly. The power of the two merged into one, and then went straight down the stream. This power descended from the sky and shattered. Heaven and earth, destroy the gods.

   "The fusion of the book of reincarnation and the book of space?!" Seeing this scene, the Yellow Dragon Demon Ancestor in the Crystal Palace couldn't help but stunned, and then looked at Fade Chen with narrowed eyes, somewhat surprised.

  The fusion of the power of reincarnation and the power of space,

   is by no means inferior to the power of the phantom reincarnation and the power of dreams,

   But more importantly, it is equivalent to the magic light's grasp of the power of reincarnation and the power of dreams, all of which Chen Fei showed at this time, completely threw him several floors high! Not at the same level at all. Simply incomparable.

   Whether it is the power of reincarnation,

   is the power of space,

   Chen Fei is obviously very knowledgeable about it! Based on this alone, its potential talent is enough to be comparable to the Seven Gods Ban, not to mention that Chen Fei can actually fuse it and turn it into the power of the two! Natural anomalies.

   In this way, I am afraid that this has surpassed the ordinary seven gods ban, and it is definitely one plus one greater than two.


   At this moment, the power between the two is on the same level again.

   A loud noise of "Boom", Chen Fei's way of reincarnation, the way of space, the natural vision of the integration of the two,

The    hit the Wuningzi Five-colored Heavenly Sword and the ruthless skylight, and the heavens and the earth were torn apart immediately, and the world was shaken.


   "Is this going to smash the world? It's scary!"

   Such an astonishing attack immediately made everyone's scalp tingle and gasped.

   What's more, under the attack again, Wu Ningzi couldn't help but 'dong, dong, dong' backed up several steps, his face was blue and purple, and he almost vomited blood.


   Seeing this scene, people couldn't help being horrified. Unexpectedly, the previous stalemate has now formed a situation where there is no Ningzi disadvantage. This surprised them, and even that Lu Chan Buddha couldn't help but tremble at this time, and then stared at Fade Chen, his eyes flickering, his eyes were inexplicable.


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   But at this moment, Wu Ningzi made another move. In an instant, the power and sword intent within Wu Ningzi began to soar wildly like a destructive storm.

   In the end, an endless terrifying storm surrounded it, and the scattered white hair turned into a sky full of stars, the rays of light shone, swallowing the sky and devouring the earth! Unparalleled horror.

Until the end, Wu Ningzi's momentum soared to the top, his eyes flashed with dazzling rays of light, and shot directly at Chen Fei, and then, his indifferent and cold voice came out slowly: "Chen Xukong, you are indeed very strong, But compared to me, you are still a little bit worse!"

   The voice fell, and he stepped out one step, like a galloping star, turned into an afterimage, and went straight to Fade Chen to kill,

   And what's even more terrifying is that when he rushed to Chen Fei, there was an unimaginable terrifying idea around him, roaring up, accompanied by his fluttering white hair, overwhelming the world,

   instantly makes people feel a suffocating trembling!

   "Relentless sincerity!"

In the    Crystal Palace, King Watanabe was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help but be surprised. The power of the way of reincarnation has the concept of true meaning, and the power of the ruthless book of heaven, as one of the four supreme books, is also the same!

   (end of this chapter)

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