Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4297: Supreme Divine Light vs Three Dao Fellows!

   Chapter 4297 Supreme Divine Light vs Three Fellow Cultivators!

  The Four Supreme Books, once crowned the ancient and the present, each and every book has infinite magic power, which can make all the monks and strong men in the world obsessed and shocked! In particular, the meaning of the true meaning, to put it more simply, is that after its proficiency has reached a relatively core level, an extremely powerful peak power erupts!

without any exaggeration,

   This kind of power is by no means inferior to the full-strength blow when he fought against the Zen Buddha before...

   In other words,

   In the previous fight against Naru Zen Buddha, although he was defeated, he still had some hidden things?

   And after thinking about this, the Mirage, the Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty, the gluttonous **** Yimu and the others couldn't help but glance at Ruchan Buddha... However, the latter didn't seem to have much surprise.

   It's just that his eyes are still slightly squinted,

   stared at Fade Chen,

   staring at the follow-up in that battlefield...

   And seeing this scene, it wasn't just them, even Fade Chen couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly. I have to say that although Wu Ningzi is arrogant, although he is an enemy, but with such strength, it is still really good.

   As long as it is not in the infinite sea,

   This guy's strength can even really fight that Dongjun Shenzi Ling head-on,

And then,

   Then I saw that Wuningzi shot,


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   At the moment when Wu Ningzi burst out with the true meaning of the ruthless celestial scriptures, his heart has actually completely skyrocketed, soaring to the extreme! Then, the void split open, and he appeared in front of Fade Chen in a teleportation. With a punch, an infinite terrifying power burst out on his arm, and a dazzling light burst out.

   The power of this punch,

   Even the space is smashed into countless pieces.


At that moment, Wu Ningzi's fist rapidly enlarged in Fade Chen's pupils, and more importantly, this power was completely integrated with the sword intent, the ruthless heavenly intent, and became an unimaginable perfection. strong blow,

   However, that's it, in the face of such a fierce punch, Chen Fei did not evade at all,

  Because he was looking forward to such a battle, he also wanted to try it out. With a small realm behind and self-sealing of the innate supernatural power of the way of time, Shisu,

   Can he defeat the opponent?


  In the void, the power of space emerges crazily,

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

  The power of the way of reincarnation exploded, turning into a monstrous sea of ​​stars, surging and surging,

   The power of the two continued to converge, and then the terrifying power of the two fellow practitioners' natural visions emerged again. Then, this power was transformed into his fist power.

   let him blast out!


The two punches slammed into each other directly. Suddenly, ripples and fluctuations visible to the naked eye swept away. The void under the two of them, and the dimensional void world around them, were completely shattered at this moment, becoming a Chaos face,

  咻! call out!

   Almost at the same time, Chen Fei and Wu Ningzi were all shocked by their bodies, and then shot backwards. In the broken world in the void, the soles of their feet made tens of thousands of deep marks!

   But relatively speaking,

   This time, it was Chen Fei who fell into a slight disadvantage. But that's it, that Wu Ningzi was not happy at all, instead his face turned gloomy. Staring at Fade Chen, his eyes were sharp, and he said nothing.

   At the same time, Chen Fei glanced at Wu Ningzi, and then glanced at the ruthless heavenly book on that body, and finally seemed to understand, shook his head, nodded again,

   "It seems that you can't fully grasp the power of this ruthless book..."

   Chen Fei said slowly.

"It's true, but it's enough to deal with you!" Wu Ningzi said slowly, his eyes locked on Mu Chen, although Chen Fei's words broke his bottom line, but no matter what, he definitely To win!

   Because of this,

   talking and talking,

   On Wu Ningzi's body, there was a more powerful and dangerous aura that radiated from his body. Feeling the dangerous atmosphere, Chen Fei's eyes narrowed slightly.

  Because he knew that this Wuningzi was probably going to fight with him, and he had to really give his all.

   "Relentless sincerity, supreme divine light!" Wu Ningzi stared at Fade Chen with indifferent eyes, and then saw him suddenly shoot, a terrifying beam of light erupted from the void and blasted straight at Fade Chen,

   And at that moment,

   Even the Zen Buddha couldn't help but his pupils trembled fiercely, because he actually knew very well that this was the real trump card of Wuningzi, which belonged to the core strength of the Four Supreme Books! Supreme light!

   It is said that each of the four supreme books has a unique supreme divine light, and it has the same origin and origins from one body. Once all of them are gathered together, they can evolve into the legendary invincible means.

   The four supreme gods, the light of heaven and hell!

   That means, even enough to kill the ancient **** of Zhan Wan Dao, and Tian Yuan Dao Zun!

   And seeing this scene,

   Chen Fei couldn't help but feel a little scalp numb, because in the power of the supreme divine light, he smelled a trace of the vastness of the real top peak power in this fairy world!

   "This guy's strength is really good..."

   Chen Fei couldn't help sighing.

   But then, looking at the terrifying beam of light that devastated the sky and the earth, he also took a deep breath, and then he was about to start.



   At that moment, the power of the way of reincarnation and the power of space merged with each other, and the next moment, directly behind him, it turned into a treasure map of natural visions, like yin and yang, perfectly blending,

   But what is even more amazing is that this time, the power of the way of reincarnation and the power of space are not all...

The power of time flows quietly and turns into a gray-white lotus flower, which blooms quietly at the center of the power of the way of space and the way of reincarnation, and after seeing this scene and feeling it all, everyone I was completely fried, my scalp was numb, and my eyes were full of horror!


  This, this is actually…

   "Three fellow practitioners?!" The King Watanabe in the Crystal Palace stood up suddenly, stood up, and stared at Fade Chen with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

   Three fellow practitioners of the Way of Transcendence, what is this concept? This is already the category of the eight gods forbidden.

   "This kid, he's actually a Yagami?! How is this possible?!"

   King Watanabe stared at Fade Chen, and he lost his voice. He is a Dao Zun, aloof, and there are really very few things that can make him move with time, but this eight gods ban... is definitely one.

   It is no exaggeration to say,

   Even he has never even seen a few Yagami taboos in his life,

  I didn’t expect that now…

   But apart from him, the carp king, the ancient **** of demon heart, the ancient Buddha of Kasyapa, and even the demon ancestor of the Yellow Dragon were not too shocked by the fact that Chen Fei was forbidden by the Eight Gods!

The reason,

   Naturally because they already knew,

   Chen Fei has already defeated Dongjun Shenzi Ling in the infinite sea. Defeat a pure blood Dongjun in the infinite sea, such a feat, if it is not forbidden by the eight gods, it is impossible to achieve!


   They are all mentally prepared!

   Moreover, even they have already seen through Chen Fei's real cultivation realm,

   The peak of the first layer of heaven,

   Immortal Ancestor's first-level peak, fighting Immortal Ancestor's third-level, can he really win this level of battle? !

   (end of this chapter)

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